Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 876, June 12, 2016

There is no such thing as a "fair" tax.
Is there a "fair" form of theft?
Is there a "fair" form of slavery?

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The Race Card Used as a Trump Card
by J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

Donald Trump is not a racist.

Mexicans are a nationality, not a race—despite "The Race" used in Spanish as "La Raza" being an organizing meme used by Hispanics and Latinos.

And let's define those terms: "Hispanic" is a person whose primary language is Spanish. "Latino" is a person whose primary language derives from Latin—and properly used without political exclusion would include not only speakers of Spanish but also Portuguese, Italian, and French.

Muslims are not a race. It's a religion spanning many nationalities, ethnic groups, and cultures. There are Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims, Arab Muslims, Persian Muslims, African Muslims, Polynesian Muslims, European Muslims.

Donald Trump has a problem with a judge he thinks should have dismissed a civil law suit against him when the primary plaintiff was dropped. The judge who declined to do so, Gonzales Curiel—an American whose parents emigrated to the U.S. from Mexico—is a member of a pro-Hispanic bar association that has boycotted Trump businesses—clear grounds for recusal due to prejudice.

Donald Trump also concludes that the set of Islamic-motivated terrorists exists within the set of adherents to Islam. That is a tautology.

I disagree with Donald Trump on immigration policy, economic policy, and 4th Amendment policy.

I am not a Donald Trump supporter because I'm a libertarian and reject his embrace of statism.

Donald J. Trump

But Donald Trump is nowhere near as racist as the people accusing him of racism and if they keep this up I just might have to vote for him in the hopes these lying hypocrites are eliminated from political power and media attention.

© 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved. Web and email links with attribution permitted and encouraged. Other reprints permitted only with prior permission of the author. Source:

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