"Gun control is the idea that it's better to see a woman dead in an alley, strangled
with her own pantyhose, than to see her with a gun in her hand."—T.D. Melrose
L. Neil Smith
Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law
L. Neil Smith‘s
The Libertarian Enterprise

— An International Journal of Opinion —

Number 878, June 26, 2016

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The Works (So Far) of L. Neil Smith

This Way To The Egress
(The Feature Article)

Take That!
Take That!
by unknown

No king! No queen! No lord! No master!
We will not be fooled again!


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 7 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from Jim Woosley, Jeff Fullerton, Dennis Lee Wilson, and Sean Gabb

This Way To The Egress
by L. Neil Smith
When I was a kid in the late 1950s, European governments, suffering from the usual stultifying effects of fat-cat socialist taxation and regulation, were already doing their best to congeal. An early forerunner to the European Union was the European Common Market. When I first heard of it, I said, "Oh, the people of Europe are pooling their incompetence."

A Cultural Height
by Jim Davidson
Recently, my good friend Gator Greenwill and I were discussing American culture. In some ways, we were also discussing Western civilisation, such as it is. We talked about the pinnacle of American culture, as a culture.

Update: The Establishment's Trump Card
by J. Neil Schulman
I watched the CNN Libertarian Presidential Town Hall tonight. It's clear my article was prescient. I don't know that Johnson/Weld have been promised big PAC money from the NeverTrump/pro-Hillary contingent but everything they said suggests it. Weld intimated his fund-raising experience would yield fruit soon. Weld declared Trump unfit for office and "a huckster" then praised Hillary as a good public servant and qualified. Johnson refused to prefer Hillary to Trump explicitly but praised Hillary's character and attacked Trump's positions.

Election 2016
by A.X. Perez
Apparently Ballot boxes were stuffed in Hillary Clinton's favor in the primaries to make sure she beat Bernie Sanders for the nomination. Combine this with the Superdelegates (Democratic Party bosses and apartchiki owing their genitalia and souls to the Party Establishment) bound to Ms. Clinton against the will of their Party members. We get a Democratic Party that does not represent its members. (Note: it is one thing to rig the general election as much as possible against the other party. It is another to do so in the primaries as a step in blowing off the will of you membership.).

Blade of p'Na—a preview of A New Novel
by L. Neil Smith
In just a few weeks, my 30-somethingth book (I can never come to the same total twice in a row) will be released, electronically, and in dead-tree form, by my esteemed publisher Shahid Mahmud at Arc Manor/Phoenix Pick. I've really been looking forward to this event, because this novel is very important to me. Following my stroke in 2014, it means that I've climbed back on the horse.


If you haven't read/voted go read What Shall I Write Next? by L. Neil Smith.

I heard some loudmouth on the radio proclaim that "gun control" was a National Security matter.

Well, yes. People who advocate "gun control" (better called "victim disarmament") are a threat to National Security. Your security. My security. Everybody's security.

Dennis Lee Wilson has suggested that next issue, July 3 be devoted to celebrating Independence Day with articles on The Covenant of Unanimous Consent. Therefore, if you have something to say about that, please send it along and we'll have a special issue.

I find no need to comment on this:

CNN Journalist 'Governments Pay Us To Fake Stories'

I recently read all of the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels. A life-changing experience. Not just the rest of my life, but all of my previous life, and probably all of my previous lives and future ones too. Anyway, I'm reminded of the Motto and Battle Cry of the Nac Mac Feegle:

Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae master!
We willna' befooled again!'

Or, as we would say in English:

No king! No queen! No lord! No master!
We will not be fooled again!

Pretty good motto don't you think?

A Message From The Publisher

Dear Readers and friends,

What folllows is a slightly edited press release from the Libertarian Futurisr Society:

The Libertarian Futurist Society has decided to present a Special Prometheus Award for lifetime achievement to L. Neil Smith.

Smith is only the fourth author in LFS history to receive a Special Prometheus Award for lifetime achievement. The previous Lifetime Achievement winners were Poul Anderson (2001), Vernor Vinge (2014) and F. Paul Wilson (2015). Smith has received four previous Prometheus Awards—including the first Prometheus award given by the newly-constituted Libertarian Futurist Society in 1982 to Smith's The Probability Broach.

Sometimes considered one of the definitive libertarian science fiction novels, The Probability Broach tells the story of Denver homicide detective Win Bear, a Native American, who accidentally goes sideways in time, to the North American Confederacy, an alternative future in which the federal government has grown less powerful over time. Likely still Smith's most famous novel, it's part of his multi-book North American Confederacy series.

Smith won his second Prometheus in 1994 for Pallas, set on the asteroid of the same name. The novel dramatizes the struggle for freedom of its hero, Emerson Ngu.

His third Prometheus, in 2001, came for Forge of the Elders, set on the fictional asteroid 5023 Eris (one of many nods in Smith's work to the Illuminatus! trilogy of Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson). It featured alien-like Elders, although they actually originated from Earth. The Baen paperback featured a memorable cover of one of the book's characters hoisting a beer with an Elder. (Smith wrote in a 2007 blog post that the book was his "favorite" and featured one of his best cover paintings.)

Smith's fourth Prometheus was a 2005 Special Award given to him and illustrator Scott Bieser for The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel.

Smith created the Prometheus Award, presenting it in 1979 to Wheels Within Wheels by F. Paul Wilson. In order to transform the one-time award into an annual program, the Libertarian Futurist Society was organized by other fans in 1982 to take over and sustain the awards program. Since the initial award to Wilson, Smith has not played a role in the LFS. The awards were later expanded from Best Novel to include an annual Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (for best classic fiction published or broadcast at least five years ago) and occasional Special Awards.

Smith has attracted attention beyond his immediate core fandom of American libertarian science fiction fans. In all, Smith has written 34 books, correcting an official tally published in May 2012 on his blog. Star Wars fans, for instance, know him for his three Lando Calrissian novels.

The Science Fiction Encyclopedia has hailed Smith for writing "fast-moving and often amusing adventures" and describes The Probability Broach and its two immediate sequels as "comedy thrillers."

British novelist and critic Sean Gabb, who also writes as Richard Blake, included two essays about Smith in his book, Literary Essays. Gabb wrote that in 1985, when he was traveling by train from London to York and suffering from depression, he found a copy of The Probability Broach in one of the luggage racks. Gabb concluded immediately that it was a "great novel," and writes admiringly about Smith's ability to seamlessly integrate opinions into his books without interrupting the flow of the plot with long speeches.

"What I got from The Probability Broach was my clearest perception yet of what libertarianism should be about," Gabb wrote. "Yes, we believe in free markets, and in enterprise, and, so long as there must be a government, in certain constitutional safeguards. But this is all supportive of the true argument for liberty—which is that it allows us to have a really good time for a very long time."

Including their Lifetime Achievement awards, Anderson, Vinge, Wilson and now Smith have all been recognized five times with various Prometheus Awards. (The only author to receive more awards from the LFS was Robert Heinlein (1907-1988), with a grand total of six.) Visit lfs.org to see a comprehensive list of Prometheus Award recipients and for more information about the Libertarian Futurist Society.

The special awards ceremony will take place in Denver, Colorado, in October of 2016 at a time and place to be announced. Check the LFS website (www.lfs.org) for updates.

For more information, contact LFS Board Chair Bill Stoddard.

End of Message from the Publisher

Trigger Warning: This issue of this magazine (like all the others) may contain:

Humor, Snark, Truth, Thoughts That Might Be Different Than Yours, Ideas You Never Thought Of, Things You Never Heard Of, and so on.

There are NO "Safe Spaces!"

YOU have been WARNED! :-)

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Products used and recommended by L. Neil Smith (read more):

Handy-Racker (small, medium, large) Buy at Amazon.com

Handy-Racker (Beretta 92, 94, 96 and M9, and clones) Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Green laser Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Red laser Buy at Amazon.com

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as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

Down With Power Audiobook!
The Down With Power audiobook read by Brian Wilson
Get it here!

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law
A cyberpamphlet by L. Neil Smith

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Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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