Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 882, July 24, 2016

The governments and elites profit
mightily from all the wars, strife,
crime, and divisions in our societies.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Another Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from A.X. Perez

Yet Another Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

I wish to express my gratitude to both publisher L. Neil Smith and editor Ken Holder for adding to THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE home page Amazon buy links to all my Pulpless.Com books, to the Alongside Night Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack, to Brad Linaweaver's two Pulpless.Com books—Clownface and The Land Beyond Summer—and to both volumes of Robert LeFevre's autobiography, A Way to Be Free.

One of my books, Stopping Power: Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns, carries this dedication: "To L. Neil Smith Who Made Me Ashamed to Be Unarmed."

Chapter Five of my 2002 novel, Escape from Heaven, includes this: "The science-fiction novelist and folksinger, L. Neil Smith, once asked in a lyric, 'Can you get laid, up in Heaven?' Believe it or not, even though the opportunity presented itself to me, my first choice wasn‘t to spend the rest of my first night in Heaven doing a ménage à trois with a couple of angelic Playmates. I could fly."


J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Woosley

Thoughtless For the Day

Would the wing muscles of a flying pig make bacon tougher? Or would the delicious pork buffalo wings compensate for the loss?

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: Letter from Somebody (Patty Myers)

Not to defend Alan Simpson or any other politician, but he's closer to the truth than Patty Myers is. No, your SS "contribution" was never tucked away safely in an interest bearing account. It always was a wealth transfer from one group of people to another. Ida May Fuller, the very first SS recipient, received $20,944 from Socialist Security after having contributed $24.75 into the system.

It's also clear that the money going out to recipients today is just money coming in from hapless contributors (hapless because most of them will never see any money from the system themselves).

It is an entitlement just like all the other SOCIALIST programs adopted by the government. As such, they certainly can change the parameters such as the date the entitlement starts. Nobody ever signed a contract with the Socialist Security administration, so nothing binds them to certain performance standards.

It's unfortunate that people have bought the Socialist Security narrative, thus neglecting to set aside for themselves. Such is understandable since the money they would have used to do so, was stolen by the government. But it serves no purpose to lie about what it really is—a form of welfare, part of socialism. Take the blinders off.

The proper thing to do, if you can swing it, is to refrain from accepting it. Definitely helps one's self-respect, to not be on the dole…

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]

[ But wasn't it funny? Isn't that what life's all about?—Editor ]

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Another Letter from Jim Woosley

History in 2:10


This is worth the two minutes. A quick lesson in History!

Seventeen year old Joe Bush got a high school assignment to make a video reproduction. He chose history as a theme and tucked it all into two minutes.

Joe took pictures from the internet; added the sound track "Mind Heist" by Zack Hemsey and came up with this. Incredible work for a 17-year old. Just finding the pictures was a formidable task.

Hold on to your seat. This moves fast. Don't blink—not even for a second—& sound on!

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Caretaker: Why did you shoot me?
Police officer: I don't know.

This bit of dialogue really happened. An autistic young man playing with a toy truck was being asked to rejoin the group he was with by his caretaker when someone called the police saying there was an incident going down involving a man with a handgun. Police showed up, including a SWAT team member. The caretaker lay on his back with his hands up yelling out that his charge had a toy truck in his hands. In spite of this the officer tried to shoot the autistic man three times and missed all three shots, hitting the caretaker instead, leading to the dialogue above. Only the fact that the officer in question's marksmanship appears to be worse than his judgement prevented a total tragedy. His union rep tried to defend his actions, but to be honest his comments just made the hole deeper. Come on, trying to kill an autistic man playing with a toy truck and eating an ice cream cone? I guess they were afraid he was going to inflict terminal brainfreeze on the caretaker or something.

"Why did you shoot me?" "I don't know." Reads like an exchange out of an action comedy with Will Farrell and Mark Wahlberg, or Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson. But it wasn't a line in a movie. It is an expression of the indifference to human life that seems to inform so many of our police. Don't got nothin' better to do, how's about I shoot somebody.

"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."—from Firefly cribbed from Wikiquotes.

For some reason I keep hearing Mal Reynolds saying, "and you'll know the reason why." He didn't, but somehow that's implied. I don't want to get shot by anybody. Somehow if I do ever manage to get shot by a cop I hope he'll know why he's doing it and not simply acting out of sheer unthinking brutality.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Yet Another Letter from Jim Woosley

Did you hear what the talking heads said about this?

Open Carry at the RNC: Exactly as Expected. No Problems

Didn't think you did!

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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