Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 888, September 4, 2016

True to form, the president spoke more
words about the scourge of guns than
about the threat of terror….

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from T.J. Mason

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Empathy, If Not Sympathy, For a Devil

You used to call yourself a liberal, now you call yourself a progressive. High on your priorities is the creation of government policies to guarantee people’s civil rights. You especially are comitted to the use of the power of the state to bust the chops of state agents who abuse their power to deny the rights of others.

You are a progressive professor in a public university in Texas who believes in gun control. You claim that you never know when someone is going to snap so you don’t want kids in your room with guns, you might upset them as you engage in the free exchange of ideas and they might throw down. So, no guns in your room, even if a person has a handgun carry license.

Never mind that 21and older isn’t a kid. Never mind that the people who you are talking about have spent about $200.00 to $300.00 to get their license, thus demonstrating their respect for the law and authority, including that of jerk professors. Never mind that HCL holders in Texas, and indeed nationwide, statistically have a lower violent crime rate than even law enforcement officers. Nobody brings a concealed handgun to your class even if they have a license.

And then the state of Texas passes a law and enacts a series of policies that assert that carrying a pistol with a license most places is a civil right that its agents, including liberal professors, can not deny, and your classroom is part of the list of most places.

And you lack the sense of humor to see you just got exactly what you wanted from the very beginning.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Doug, Ken, and Gator,

Just a quick note that I am hopeful Ken would include in the letters column of the next issue of L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. I am enjoying a great new book, a first novel from an excellent author of many great non-fiction works, and the first in what I believe to be a tremendous series.

The book is Speculator: High Ground, by Doug Casey and John Hunt. The copy I’m reading was lent me by my good friend and fellow capitalist Gator Greenwill. The book starts fast, and keeps ripping along. I am enjoying it thoroughly.

The beginning is a cliffhanger that is written exactly as I would have recommended, and, in fact, did. -smile- It is a great beginning to a really great book, fun, informative, everything one wants in fiction. It has science, it has adventure, it has guns and jungle, and a really great attitude.

It may be classed in other genres, but it seems like scientific fiction, to me, and very well conceived. Some of the ideas presented are way out on the leading edge of current human experience. And if the hero Charles Knight follows his career in terrestrial mining out to the asteroid belt, the series would be accepted as science fiction by nearly everyone.

Doug, you have done something wonderful. My thanks to you and to your co-author John Hunt. All my very best wishes to you both.


Jim Davidson

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Letter from T.J. Mason

A friend observed in response to an email chain today that there are four types of people:

1. People with power;
2. People who aspire to power;
3. People who just want to be left alone (“to fish and hunt buffalo”, my friend continued)
4. People who aspire to power, but lack the skills and talent necessary to achieve it or use it.

The fourth group is, for obvious reasons, the most dangerous.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: “Letter from Paul Bonneau”

To use semi mathematical terms, those who subscribe to the ideals of liberty and those who fail to eschew the “benefits” of public education are not mutually exclusive sets. Also, there may be readers of TLE who are of such an age that they are required to attend public school and/or who are in colleges or universities where the flaws of public education arise. Finally there may be some people employed by public schools or above described “institutions of higher learning” who subscribe to libertarian ideals to varying degrees (In the words of the song we’ve “got bills to pay, and mouths to feed,” and often became committed to libertarianism after getting involved in the education system, often too deeply involved money wise to get out). All of the above need to be reminded that beating the system/resisting its brainwashing efforts is possible, possibly successful, and their obligation to themselves.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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