Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 893, October 9, 2016

There needs to be a new civil rights movement
of those who have allowed themselves to be
educated by life, but who have been unjustly
barred by inferior intellects from rewarding
themselves for their efforts.

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Tor Chantara

Letter from A.X. Perez


I have sinned. I let myself get “double dog dared” into getting a Texas Handgun Carry License. The person who dared me pretty much suggested that I was not fit to get an HCL. Passing the course wasn't enough, they claimed I could not pass the background check.

Texas’ license fees are low for seniors (I’m 62, and it’s $70.00 for first license and $35.00 to renew). The coursework was cheap, range fees nominal. I don’t have any convictions or paper out on me, and I don’t owe anyone child support. Anyone smart enough to tell the good guys from the bad guys and who can shoot well enough to be more dangerous to the bad guys than themselves or bystanders should pass the test. So last Thursday my Texas HCL arrived in the mail. So did a check from my insurance company reimbursing me for some dental work I paid out of pocket.

I expect that by this time next year Texas will be on Constitutional Carry. Meanwhile, I’m another statistic, another person who has a piece of paper (actually plastic) saying they accept the responsibility of defending themselves. Some will say I have been tricked into asking permission to exercise a fundamental right. I claim I have issued a challenge to those who threaten all my rights, I’m here, I’m armed, and if you want a fight I’m your huckleberry. At least I can use it for ID to vote against Hillary.

Meanwhile, I noticed during the vice presidential debates the candidates finished in a disagreement over right to choose/right to life. Works for me, if either Clinton or Trump get elected they will create a mess so as to cause a spike in abortions.

I also noticed that Governor Pence failed to defend claim that Black America is living in Hell. Considering that most of the people murdered in America die in Black on Black killings, the higher poverty rate suffered by Black Americans, the percentage of Black men in prison, and about a four year shorter life expectancy for Black Americans, it is pretty easy to support this argument and point out the failure of Democratic policies over the last twenty some years.

So much for the hope that at least the Republican VP candidate is smarter than his boss.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Tor Chantara

Re: “Gun Control Is Treason” by L. Neil Smith

It occurs to me that in light of the circular reasoning by which “they” claim that the sovereign power, from whom politicians are supposedly delegated their power, is really the people. Thus, since those threatened most by gun control are the people as a whole, gun control very much tangibly threatens the Sovereign, at least in this country.

Tor Chantara
[email protected]

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