Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 894, October 16, 2016

The Libertarian Party seriously needs
to find better candidates than the
rejects from the Republican Party.

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Letter from Ted Ball

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Ted Ball

Re: “Potpourri: Letter from A.X. Perez”

I hope you’re right about Tejas and constitutional carry, in a year or so. Yes, plenty of folk might chide you for getting permission to do something you’ve a natural right to do in the first place. Fine. It’s your life, your city, and ultimately they’d be—from a distance—second-guessing the man on the pointy end. You’re just avoiding some possible future trouble having that card.

By the way, I’ll see your constitutional carry and raise you El Neil’s Atlanta Declaration!

Kudos to Al for working in a great movie line: “,I’m your huckleberry.” Well, the line, IIRC, was used several times by Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer) in the early 90s movie Tombstone. That link takes you toward the final conflict between Doc Holliday and Johnny Ringo (Michael Biehn). Great flick. Kurt Russell movie, but it seemed like an ensemble cast, to me. Kilmer damn near stole the movie as the tubercular Doc.

Ted Ball
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: “Stamp Out Degreeism” by L. Neil Smith

I must add my 2c to the recommendation by Neil of Gulik's “Judge Dee” series. It is well worth a read, and much better to western eyes than standard Chinese novels such as Outlaws of the Marsh.

As to degrees, Neil might be interested in my take on these things.

I notice Gary North often whacks higher ejoocashun. Gatto also has little good to say about it. It's all a big scam, just like so much else in human affairs.

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]
Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

So let me get this straight.

Sounding exactly like the John Birch Society talking about Kremlin-led plots, the Obama "security" team is accusing the current Kremlin resident Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin of ordering the hacking of American voting sites while the Hillary Clinton campaign claims the Russians and the Trump campaign are behind the Wikileaks of Hillary digital records.

No proof of these conspiracies have been offered to the American people.

The Obama administration is now threatening reprisals against Russia for these alleged hacks, which could lead to war between the nuclear-armed United States and nuclear-armed Russia.

Never mind Trump's claims about a conspiracy among the Obama/Lynch Justice Department, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the major media. Trump is not yet president and he commands no national security apparatus nor military forces.

It's President Barack Obama who's threatening acts of war against nuclear-armed Russia to make sure Hillary is his White House successor.

Never mind the Clinton campaign comparing Wikileaks to the 1972 Watergate burglary that led to Nixon's resignation. This is more like Lyndon Johnson's fabricated 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident—revealed in Daniel Ellsberg's Pentagon Papers—that led to the Vietnam War.

This White House threat of going to war should frighten the hell out of Democrats, particularly the former supporters of Bernie Sanders; and supporters of both Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein.

Is Donald Trump's sex life more important than Bill Clinton's—and worth going to actual war over?

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]


The World According to J. Neil Schulman:


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Letter from A.X. Perez


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be the two most thoroughly despised candidates to ever run for President. It is possible that even Abraham Lincoln was hated less. Arguably this is a major failure of the American two party system. In 2008 our banking system failed, in 2016 it’s our electoral system failed, though perhaps not as thoroughly.

The Democrats made up their hive mind as far back as 2012 that Hillary Clinton would be their candidate unless she rejected the job (sounds of rocks in Hell cracking because of sudden fall in temperature). Yet the Socialist Bernie Sanders gave her a run for her money, a testimony to people’s rejection of the Democratic Establishment and the failure of high school and college intro to economics teachers to communicate how horribly socialism fails (the only reason socialism kinda sorta works sometimes is because the Capitalist portion of the nation in question’s economy is strong enough to support it).

The Republican Establishment has totally blown off its Party’s core membership. The result is that someone talking like a refugee from WWE got the nomination.

The fact is any Party that had the endocrine balance to stick to its principles and the moxie to get heard could probably push out one of the Parties in time to win the 2024 Presidential Election. Of course there may be no USA by 2024. But I have a strong suspicion that if this hypothetical Third Party doesn’t assert itself there will be no US by 2032.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

On the Road to Hamburg—the return home

This turned out to be the best show I’ve ever been to. Not since the 1990s have I seen anything like this and I must say that the Hamburg Reptile Show has surpassed what I remember of the one in Columbus Ohio and may have even be on par with the Mid Atlantic and Orlando shows. It was an exemplar of both private enterprise and conservation where many rarely seen and in some cases even critically endangered species are being produced by breeders lending hope that many of them may become common again in my lifetime.

It is certainly worthy of a story but it has been a long day on the road and there is not much time left to write a decent let alone excellent article in time for Sunday’s edition. So maybe this and some of the messages sent earlier as a prelude for after the election.

You might need something fun, interesting and positive to cheer you up depending on how that goes.

It was pretty much Trump signs both coming and going. The only place I saw anything with Hillary on it were the Hillary’s side necks at the show—

—and the sign in the window of her HQ in Altoona which I got a good photograph of while making another unsuccessful attempt at Fairview Cemetery & H. Beam Piper on the way home.

That place is a nightmare to navigate if you are not from there. If only Mr Piper had been buried in the one that is just off Rt 22 as you enter the town and not on the far side through a maze of confusing streets- many of them one way!

As for the Clinton campaign headquarters: that one is easy being on that blighted strip along the main drag. I was able to double back and pull into an empty parking lot and dash down for a few good photos. It looks a little fresher this time around. Surprisingly there were still staff present inside and if they saw me taking pics they might think I’m crazy or else a terrorist casing the joint!

Hopefully I won’t be investigated in the coming days! God help us all if she wins.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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