Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 900, November 27, 2016

Either we are a nation of lawful
behavior or we are not.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Brad Linaweaver

Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Brad Linaweaver


The following has nothing to do with politics, but thought you'd like to know I'm an executive producer on a commercially viable horror film.

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Brad Linaweaver
[email protected]

[ I must mention that LNS'sTLE is not just about politics, but about all aspects of Culture—Editor ]

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Letter from Jim Woosley

The value of contributing during brainstoming sessions


Jim Woosley
[email protected]

[ Ah… Er… Um…—Editor ]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

May a Latrine Be Built Over Fidel Castro’s Grave.

American sugar importers, fruit importers, and canal builders messed around in Latin America and the rest of the world for decades. We supported punk dictators as long as they were anti-communist and shook down United Fruit for less in bribes than they should have been paying in legal wages and taxes.

Haiti, Nicaragua, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, and the Dominican Republic all were blessed with American interference in their affairs, In Indochina we supported Vichy remnants over nationalists, in the Philippines we created a love hate relationship that sets the standard for complicated. Our relations in the Mid East are beyond complicated, and too often involve supporting tyrants and even our own enemies.

So when a two bit punk sticks his thumb in our eye for fifty years the rest of the world celebrated him and made him a hero. And when he reduced his armies to sepoys for the old Soviet Union he got a pass. When his people were put on a four ounces of meat a week per family ration he got a pass. When he committed Human rights abuses to match any fascist dictator in the world he got a pass. All because he stuck his thumb in America’s eye.

I love America. I love the ideals on which it was created. But the truth is we have not lived up to these ideals. Sometimes we failed because we didn’t even try. So I am not surprised that so many people made Fidel Castro a hero, it was a big Fuck You! to the United States. And as a person who loves America and its ideal I hope that never again make our enemies look like the god guys simply because they are our enemies.

May a latrine be built over Fidel Castro’s grave.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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