Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 902, December 11, 2016

Letting damn fools come up with PC and
enforcing it is one of the things the
American people repudiated with the
election of Donald Trump

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Movies v. Realities

Torches & Pitchforks!

If you ever saw the movie 9 to 5 you will remember the different fantasies the secretaries tell of doing in their boss. One involves Mr. Hart running from a peasant mob.

Donald Trump’s election as president was the peasants coming out to toss out the bosses who had been cheating and robbing them. Sadly, the leaders of both he Democratic and Republican Parties do not seem to be addressing this revolution by at least starting to come up with new platforms. Even more sadly, the Democrats still think they are the peasants, not the corrupt elite the peasants are rebelling against.

Let’s see if by 2018 if either party acts as if they have a clue as to what happened last November.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

This headline is freaking hilarious!

Will grieving Hillary Clinton supporters spend more this holiday season?Chicago Tribune

They can’t seem to form a concrete conclusion on that one. Other than people might go on a spending spree to drown their sorrows like indulging in comfort foods. Was surprised there was no mention of “Climate Change” though they did manage to bring the LGBT issue into it. Mr Trump surely has people from that community working for him and I doubt he gives a rats ass who they love and live with and how they do it and is probably going to disappoint a lot of social conservatives by focusing on real existential problems facing the nation rather than their pet issues.

I guess this means most of the Hillary Clinton supporters are for the most part accepting the results from Tuesday night. It seems the Prog media are too; by the way they are engaging in a frenzy of sensational coverage of The Donald as he aggressively goes about his business a President Elect—and the media having at least as much fun as they did back in the day with Theodore Roosevelt; or the fun that talk radio would have had with Hillary had she won—playing sound bites with clips of ELO’s “Evil Woman”! Meanwhile poor little liberals are either being terrorized or are sulking in deep dark depression and excessive misery.

If it bleeds it leads regardless who does the bleeding!

But there is a time and a season for everything—as it is reflected in the Bible and a familiar 60s song ; as well as Strauss & Howe’s Generational Theory. A time to build up and a time to break down and a time to move in and to move on. As reflected in the dismantling of the big sign I saw for the past several months on the way to work in Latrobe.

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Even the “Heroes Died” Benghazi sign on nearby Buckeye Tram Road is gone. Probably forever. I noticed in passing that way Saturday afternoon on the way home from shopping. Time moves on.

Now that big question may be whether or not the big H with the arrow through it will still be there on the rundown strip along the Boulevard of Broken Dreams next time I go back to Altoona—probably in the coming year when I finally get my chance to go again to find H. Beam Piper?

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I can only speculate what Mr Piper would think of what the political class have done to his home town and America as a whole. In his future history timeline he was banking on the destruction of civilization in the 1970s by a nuclear holocaust which would have spared us the last 40 years of actual history!

As for this timeline going forward (the Progs’ favorite term) I guess it’s too much to hope for that we can just get a President who will do his job and uphold the oath of his office while making an honest effort to unwind after the tangled mess we are in ; in a way that does the least amount of harm while returning us to the path of greater Liberty and Independence that the Founders knew to be the best course for the nation.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

“The shit that used to work, it don’t work now.”
—Warren Zevon, “My Shit’s Fucked up”

Warren Zevon—My Shit’s Fucked Up

The late and badly missed Warren Zevon and a great performance.

If I reckon correctly, Warren Zevon wrote this song about the time he found out he had lung cancer.

This refrain should be on the lips of the DNC and RNC. In “The Radical’s Obligation&rdqou; our publisher point’s out that the Libertarian Party should stop watering down its platform to meet the demands of the Conservative establishment. The betrayed success of the T.E.A. Party movement was the first warning. Donald Trump’s victory is the Krakatoa explosion. The ideas of the last century no longer meet the needs of the American people, it’s time for something new.

Donald Trump got elected on Make America Great Again. Perhaps it wouldn’t be out of line for him to actually carry out his predecessor’s claim of bringing Change You Can Believe In. America needs a government that is restrained by the Constitution. that get’s out of the way of people finding their way to prosperity, that keeps us out of unnecessary wars, and gives a man, woman, or intersex room to move around and control his/her own destiny (and no, I won’t try to figure out the PC pronoun. Letting damn fools come up with PC and enforcing it is one of the things the American people repudiated with the election of Donald Trump.)

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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