Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 906, January 15, 2017

Wouldn’t a much better, more accurate name
for this vile criminaloid conspiracy be
“Brady Campaign to Promote Gun Violence”?

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Matt Bailey

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Medical Freedom!

PROJECT MEDICAL FREEDOM: pass this on to everyone you know and post it somewhere every day until it’s no longer necessary. Tell your Senators and Congressmen and anybody else who’ll listen. that America doesn’t need to “replace” Obamacare, once it’s repealed. What America needs (to be great again) is TOTAL SEPARATION OF MEDICINE AND STATE.

L.Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Matt Bailey

Re: “Life and Death in Today’s Chicago” by L. Neil Smith

San Francisco is for all intents and purposes as bad as Chicago in ignoring the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

However, whereas Chicago had 796 homicides in 2016, San Francisco has had 675 homicides in the last 10 years. That’s an average of only 65.7 per year.

Now of course, Chicago is a much more populous city than SF. At 2.719 million, Chicago’s population is 3.24 times that of SF’s 837,442.

But even multiplying the average homicide rate of SF by 3.24 only brings us to 213.41, still not anywhere near Chicago’s butcher bill.

Hmmm… two major cities. Two major offenders when it comes to infringing upon the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Yet only one has a homicide rate that is a national disgrace. Whatever can the difference be?

Ethnic makeup of Chicago:
“The racial makeup of the city in 2010 was 32% black, 45.3% white (31.7% non-Hispanic white), 5% Asian, and 3% from two or more races. The ethnic makeup of the population is 28% Hispanic and 72% belong to non Hispanic background.[3] In 2000, 21.7% of the population was foreign born; of this, 56.3% came from Latin America, 23.1% from Europe, 18.0% from Asia and 2.6% from other parts of the world.[4] The 2007 community survey for the U.S. Census showed little variation.[5] Chicago has the fifth highest foreign-born population in the United States.”

Ethnic makeup of San Francisco:
“White: 390,387 (48.5%); Black: 48,870 (6.1%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 4,024 (0.5%); Asian: 267,915 (33.3%); Other race: 53,021 (6.6%); Two or more races: 37,659 (4.7%); Hispanic/Latino: 121,774 (15.1%).”

National homicide rates for the various races per 100,000 in 2014: Asian 1.00, White 1.84, Hispanic 5.55, Black 17.21.

In the representative year 2011 in Chicago 71% of homicide offenders were Black, and 24.6% were Hispanic. Only 3.5% were white, and only .6% Asian.

It is worth noting that the two states with the highest murder rates are consistently Louisiana and Mississippi. Neither state has excessively strict laws against citizens carrying guns (thank God, my wife and I have to work and shop in Shreveport).

Live not by lies, or even incomplete truths. Discussing the Chicago murder epidemic in terms of only one variable, gun laws, is as disingenuous as discussing the Civil War and only mentioning slavery as causation.

Matt Bailey
[email protected]

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Julius Schulman Violin Hero: Dead White European Music

Gun Defender,
Julius Schulman Violin Hero:
Dead White European Music
YouTube Link Including Full Video Play List

Julius Schulman

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Rosie O'Donnell wants Martial Law to stop Trump

They're getting nuttier by the day!
And scarier too. They are making the case themselves why they and their ilk should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power and the case for not giving the government power over us in the first place. On the grounds that fools and crazy people like them exist and can rise to power.

[Link to article]

Can you imagine their reaction if the shoe was on the other foot and Michel Savage called for the military to remove Hillary?

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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