Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 907, January 22, 2017

We must think big and dream even bigger.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from L.Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Civics Lesson

About two days ago the computer some of my students were working on pulled an automatic update that shut off the program they were using. Everyone was scared they were going to lose everything. When the update was done and the computer was rebooted all their work was restored the words “Jesus loves you.” slipped from my mouth. I say that every time everyone gets a break and only changing person (me/us, you, him/her/them) as the circumstances demand. It's become a reflex.

A Thought Police SWAT team did not descend on us, nor do I expect a knock at the door (home or at school). I don’t have to worry that non believers will be offended by this spontaneous comment, nor that people who know how relaxed my faith is will take offense at me calling on the Name of the Lord casually. I don’t remember if my kids or I cussed when the computer did its thing and we thought they had lost everything.

Given that I live in a southern state this is fairly predictable. Most importantly, I can joke and make wise ass remarks about the above and not have to worry about being busted for it. Freedom of religion and speech demonstrated all in thirty seconds.

Now how do I avoid getting in trouble for giving a civics lesson during Economics class?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from L.Neil Smith

Medical Freedom!

PROJECT MEDICAL FREEDOM: pass this on to everyone you know and post it somewhere every day until it’s no longer necessary. Tell your Senators and Congressmen and anybody else who’ll listen. that America doesn’t need to “replace” Obamacare, once it’s repealed. What America needs (to be great again) is TOTAL SEPARATION OF MEDICINE AND STATE.

L.Neil Smith
[email protected]

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