Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 915, March 26, 2017

When Fascism comes to America,
it will be called anti-Fascism!

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from bossel

Another Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jim Woosley

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Re: “Letter from Laird Minor” [last issue]

Laird Minor’s letter in response to my article “The Fake Court” is wrong. Judicial appointments are not general or fungible. A judge appointed by the President and approved by the Senate to sit on a district court or court of appeals is not an appointment to any other bench, and the Chief Justice appointing such a judge to any other bench is without effect. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a “secret” court under American constitutional jurisprudence, nor a court whose records are not public record; nor a court wherein parties affected do not have standing to argue; nor a court not subject to the standard appeals process.

Fake court I wrote and fake court FISA is.

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Letter from bossel


Last weekend LNS wrote to his “friends in France” & I must conclude that he either has no clue of what he’s talking about or he finally lost it completely. It’s bad enough that he essentially endorsed the new joker in chief, but Marine Le Pen from the Front National?

Under Marine Le Pen the Front has admittedly toned down a bit the basic nazi crap (like antisemitism), but it is still an essentially national socialist platform. The party wants—inter alia—the nationalization of banks, weapons industry & other major industries & the introduction of tariffs to "protect" French agriculture & industry. They want re-introduction of capital punishment & general stronger punishments for a number of offenses—probably also victim-less crimes. They plan a child- raising allowance paid by the state & seem to be in favor of pretty much anything related to a strong state, e.g. public health care. & that’s only the beginning & only the stuff they publicly admit of planning. There is virtually nothing that is Libertarian in that party, nothing that would allow a Libertarian to support them. If LNS does support these idiots & assholes, he has lost all Libertarian credibility.

BTW, the FN, just like the nazis of old, wants to abolish or maybe prohibit “abnormal” modern art. There is only a short way from there to burning books. & I suppose, LNS’ own books could very quickly end up on the index, because Libertarian style personal freedom is definitely not what the FN stands for.

Another BTW: Personal gun ownership doesn’t really help against terrorism. It may be effective against everyday crime, but terrorists will find targets & will employ methods which render your private gun virtually useless. After the act, guns may help to bring down the perpetrators, but that’s what they calculate with, anyway.

Email address is not for publication, thanks.

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Another Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Brand new Kindle ebook for $1.99!

J. Neil Schulman's The Book of Words

Recently a book made it to #1 on the Best-Sellers list.

That book had 266 blank pages.

It was not a book of words.

This is a book of words, but not only words.

It’s a book of ideas.

It’s a book of arguments.

It’s a book written by an anarchist who also believes in law and order.

It’s a book by an American patriot.

It’s a book by a science-fiction and fantasy writer.

It’s a book of libertarian sentiments.

It’s a book by a guy who has not only written other books but has also made movies.

It’s a book by a writer who has been on, and may still be on, black lists.

It’s a book by an old fat guy.

I think this book has more to offer you than blank pages.

—From the Preface by J. Neil Schulman

The Words:

Quotations from EasyChairman Neil
Being an Anarchist
Jews and Israel
Law and Order
State Secrets
Weaponized Grief
Non-Conspiracy Theory
Crystal Balling
Getting Personal

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

“No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe…

…while the legislature is in session.”—Attributed to Mark Twain, actually written by Gideon J. Tucker

Oh, those wacky Texas State Senators! The State Affairs Committee has changed SB 16. The introduced version, which I’ve been flogging, completely eliminated the fee to apply for, replace, or renew a Handgun Carry License. The version reported out of committee lowers the application fee to $40.00. This bill is a slam dunk to pass and be sent to the Texas House of Representatives, where HB 300 and HB 1024 are waiting, both of which call for eliminating the fee. Let’s see what finally passes. Cutting the fee by a hundred dollars is good, not having to pay a fee to carry out a fundamental right is much better, not just because of the money but the principal.

Of course, having to get a license to exercise a fundamental right might strike you as wrong. Not to worry, Texas has two competing bills to eliminate the need to get a license to carry a handgun in Public, HB 375 and HB1911. The bills are both scheduled for public hearing on the 28th of March. As mentioned earlier 375 really does eliminate the requirement to get a license to carry heat. 1911 "authorizes" most Texans (gives permission) to carry a handgun without a license. There are some complaints that HB 1911 is more restrictive than HB 375, conversely HB1911 corrects some issues HB 375 missed. The big difference is HB375 admits the right to go heeled should not require a license, HB 1911 gives state permission to go heavy. Currently there are no versions of either bill are before the State Senate. It should be mentioned that HB 1911 has more co-authors in the relevant (Homeland Security and Public Safety) committee than 375.

If a bill more resembling 1911 more than 375 comes out of next Tuesday’s hearing, I will support it on the principal of taking what you can get. And to be honest either bill is better than what we have now in Texas. HB 16 a reported out of Committee isn’t as good as what we were originally promised. Again, it’s still better than what we have. Hopefully we’ll get the best versions of unlicensed carry and low (no) fee license possible, but this time it’s a case of “The better being the enemy of the good enough” where not settling for good enough means you get nothing. We can get better bills later if we need to.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Woosley

Wishful Thinking

“Astronaut who walked on the moon: ‘why I know aliens haven’t visited Earth’” by Megan Palin

Wishful thinking, or Alan Bean has been sipping from the same spring that Carl Sagan drank from.

Fiction has provided many reasons why aliens wouldn't necessarily interact with us (not to mention that a cancer cure suited for alien biology may be of no use to humans), including a desire not to meddle in our culture, a non-interference clause (the same thing), and concern that we're still too warlike for polite society. Not to mention the possibility that, due to the latter, few if any species survive their racial adolescence when they develop energies or mechanisms that could destroy advances life on their planet. (Or, being adolescents, it could be a racial version of "Hey! Watch this...")

The only thing we can say unequivocally is that advanced aliens who are either interested in eating us wholesale or stealing our resources without regard to what happens to us have not visited the world during human history, or likely since the dinosaurs went extinct. (Not that I'm claiming this is what happened to them...)

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

From Their Leader’s Mouth

We often speak of the American left as being the last heirs of the Soviet Union, the old Communist revolution in Russia. So, I thought I’d haul out some of the greatest leader of that Revolution’s own words.

It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.
—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

By me, if it’s rationed ’tain’t liberty. or if you insist, if it’s rationed it isn’t liberty.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

There are reasons why people who love freedom have to stay as teachers in the state school system. It is the battleground to resist the murder of freedom by bureaucrats.

Now a slew of quotes:

One of the basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming of the workers and the disarming of the bourgeoisie (the middle class).
—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

One man with a gun can control 100 without one.
—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.
—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Have ya (okay, you) ever wondered why the left is so enamored of disarming honest citizens? Or why so many of us who love freedom support gun rights, even though we can only afford to own one gun at a time and barely get enough practice time to be more dangerous to our enemies than to ourselves?

Problem isn’t that Vlad baby was an evil man. The problem is that Vlad and his followers are good people who are so convinced of the righteousness of their cause that not only do they believe the end justifies the means, but that the end is so good (as in “the good”) that failure to use even the foulest of means to obtain it is wrong and even sinful.

The left is made of the self righteous, and it is their duty to force us to act in a righteous manner.

To them the ZAP is evil. To them we are evil. Our deaths are not only acceptable, they are necessary. The fact that we disagree with them on this is proof of how evil we are.

All of the above quotes are from

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Norseman’s Diaries: March the Manic Month of Madness—Post Script

Thanks Ken for doing a magnificent job with the article I submitted last weekend. Despite the problems with the photos in some parts of it—you made it work out in the end and I was very pleased to see it come Sunday morning and hoping the readership also find it uplifting.

I think that has got to be the greatest utility of my writings and the photographs that accompany them. We all need a little sunshine and waterfalls and flowers and entertaining antics of animate creatures to brighten our existence—especially after a week of news that also fits the Manic Madness category aside from the weather that has actually taken a turn for the better.

Spring is back and the flora has recovered remarkably. The Crocuses that were imprisoned under a blanket of snow were finally set free again at the pond site and the newer planting by the outside furnace are up and running. And the daffodils survived and have bounced back from what was for a while looking like certain devastation.

Let that and these sights soothe your soul in a troubled world.

And good riddens at last to winter!

pretty picture!

pretty picture!

pretty picture!

pretty picture!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

Thanks, Jeff. I live in a fookin’ desert, so pretty pictures of green and growing things are needed!—Editor

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