Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 915, March 26, 2017

When Fascism comes to America,
it will be called anti-Fascism!

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Regime Change
by L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

It makes me sick to keep hearing the mostly Democratic assertion that Donald J. Trump is a candidate foisted on us poor, gullible Americans by the Russian government. This is largely a matter of psychological projection by the left, and of mind-boggling hypocrisy. Previous American governments (mostly Democratic) have a long, shameful history of removing foreign leaders they dislike, for one reason or another, and replacing them with more agreeable figures.

It’s hard to know quite where to begin, and absolutely impossible to be exhaustive. General Smedley Darlington Butler(1881- 1940), twice winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, tells a long, bloody tale in his little book War Is A Racket, in which he demonstrates that the United States Marines were sent on gunboats to various places across our sad, scarred, and war-weary planet—notably to South and Central America—to protect the interests (with rifles and bayonets, if necessary) of corporations like the United Fruit Company. Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatamala have all suffered from this kind of interference. That’s why they’re called “banana republics”.

In 1953, the people of Iran had thrown the Shah off the throne and replaced him with an elected official by the name of Mosaddegh. British and American “intelligence” were alarmed. If the guy was a communist (he was not) he might cut off the supply of oil on which they had become dependent to enforce their will on the world, So they deposed him and set the Shah back on the throne, setting the scene for today’s unholy (and extremely dangerous) mess.

Rafael LeĆ³nidas Trujillo Molina was the dictator of the Dominican Republic (which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti) for many decades. He was thoroughly brutal and corrupt, but a time came when his government began to break up, threatening the “stability” of the Caribbean region. In 1961. he was assassinated spectacularly by riflemen in ambush. (Oddly, I recall his car body being blown off the frame by a bazooka.) Wikipedia teeters between blaming his dozens of political rivals and the CIA. At the time it happened, everybody I knew (I was growing up in the military—counter insurgency branch) took the latter theory for granted.

And in 1963, in the middle of the War in Vietnam, when a dictator named Diem failed to do America’s bidding, the kindly, humane, genteel, and oh-so-Democratic President John F. Kennedy had him assassinated and replaced.

Little Panama, itself a creature of regime change (it had belonged to Colombia until the Marines showed up) saw the forcible imprisonment of its own head-of-state, Manuel Noriega, in 1989.

The Bushes had no legitimate reason to invade Iraq. There were no “weapons of mass destruction” there, and what if there were? Are we the only country allowed to have them? Not one Iraqi had anything to do with 9/11. Yet, using that as an excuse, we crashed in and murdered their leader, starting a hideous war that Americans are now suffering for at home.

Lately, Egypt, tossed over by England and France for two hundred years, its previous governments toppled by the whim of the West, now has a military government barely holding the vile Muslim Brotherhood at bay, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama, while, thanks to the good offices of NATO, and the UN, the legitimate (and fairly stable) government of Moammar Gaddafi (admittedly not a nice guy, but no Jihadist) was dashed to pieces and the General hideously murdered—for which Hillary Clinton bears chief moral responsibility.

Now look: calling this situation “a dog’s breakfast” is a colossal understatement. It is massive global mismanagement at its worst, the same psychology and politics which, at the end of World War One made World War Two inevitable. I have left out dozens, maybe hundreds more examples. But alarmingly. a recent election of class president at a Texas university was set aside because the administration didn’t think the result was “diverse” enough.

Regime change. Hey, Texas, don’t you know that lamp-poles are a dual-use device?

But as usual. I have digressed. The point is that the same creatures who made a train-wreck of the world are at it again, now trying to deprive the people of America of their choice, calling for Donald Trump’s impeachment before he hardly sat behind the Resolution desk in the Oval Office. Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Al Franken … the list of scum is too long for this newsletter. They are the “insane barbers” that shaved the world in Treasure of the Sierra Madre and we must rid ourselves of their repulsive presence. The place to begin is with a national effort to recall one or two of them and the rest will crawl back under their rocks.

It worked okay in Colorado.

L. Neil Smith

Publisher and Senior Columnist L. Neil Smith is the author of over thirty books, mostly science fiction novels, L. Neil Smith has been a libertarian activist since 1962. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essays were originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use them to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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