Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 916, April 2, 2017

What is it worth to save what it took
our ancestors a thousand years to build?

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Dear Ken,

In the last issue of TLE, some creature saw fit to disagree with me about French politics. He accused me of a good many things—including not being worth taking seriously—but he used a phony name and withheld his e-mail address. How can anyone take such a coward seriously?

I know little about the National Front, but I assume (and this loon’s scribblings confirm it) that it is subject to the same counterfeit journalism that Donald Trump is. They lied blatantly about him from his first public pronouncement (which I heard), and assumed all kinds of things about him, without evidence, that have been generated falsely about Republicans for forty years.

I will be writing about this weird phenomenon shortly. In the meantime, I suggest that “bossel” turn his obsolete brain in for a better working organ.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Michael Moore says Trump will cause extinction of humans

Some of the comments are real gut busters!
Don't eat or drink anything while reading or you might choke!

And if they ever decide to go after cow flatulence someday; Mr Moore might find himself in the crosshairs of the EPA. I'll bet he is a big league greenhouse gas emitter on par with Jurassic sauropods!


Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Last week I mentioned that Vladimir Lenin was not an evil man, but rather what made him dangerous was that he was a good man. This is often the case with many politicians who are a threat to liberty. Heinlein warned us about this in his comments about reform politicians in Time Enough for Love. To advance their goal they are willing to make deals, then they start making deals to gain the power to be able to achieve their goals, then one day they simply seek power, promising themselves and others it's to achieve some nebulous and ill defined greater good.

In The Screwtape Letters [Kindle, or in hardback, or in paperback from]

C.S. Lewis pointed out that true believers in political causes will start out explaining how their beliefs as Christians inspire them to accept certain political ideals. They evolve to claiming that one must share those ideals to be a true Christian (or Jew, or Muslim, or Wiccan). Eventually they reach a point where they claim Christianity is only good insofar as it promotes their political ideals. Liberation theology anyone?

The self righteously good hate freedom. It means that others can not be forced to be good. same as they are. The First Amendment is anathema to them, it says they can not tell others how to pray, that opinions other than theirs are legitimate, that those who disagree with them must be allowed to speak up.

Sooner or later reform politicians must reject the Zero Aggression Principal as an obstacle to spreading virtue, the rights of others as a hurdle to saving the World, the restraints of morality to be rejected as restraints against achieving the good thing(s) they believe.

A simple crook such as Edwin Edwards is preferable to many reformers. He only wants your money. The reformer wants your soul.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez


There are some people that have expressed concern about whether Latino immigrants will assimilate into American culture. Of course there is the three generation rule. The first generation of immigrants are still Mexicans, the second Americanized Mexicans, the third are Americans who are still connected to Mexican Culture, the fourth on are Americans who may have some ethnic pride, but are thoroughly assimilated. It is easy to concentrate on the first and second generations and miss the fourth, or to appreciate how Americanized even first generation immigrants are.

Living on the Border one gets used to being around people who mix their cultures. So for a long time I didn’t think about the following. A couple of years ago I was paying for some washing machine repairs and the owner of the shop kept shoving papers at me to sign. I finally said “I don’t care how many papers you hand me to sign, you can’t trick me to signing my soul to the devil, it belongs to Jesus.” The guy answered, “Pagado con Su Sangre,” (Paid for with His Blood.) with a grin.

The answer was a very Fundamentalist Christian answer, being able to say it in answer to a joke the sign of someone who is casual and comfortable with his faith. This is a very American kind of Christianity. This was an American comment made in Spanish.

I’m sure back in the Gilded Age conversations like this happened involving Irish, German, Italian, etc. immigrants. Latinos are getting absorbed. Some of them just think American thoughts in Spanish.

Normally I wouldn’t waste TLE’s space with this story. However, With liberals aggressively seeking Latino support with promises of not having to assimilate and welfare bennies it is easy to think Latinos will become Left wing Democrats and get a little bigoted against them. I want to reassure y’all that Latinos assimilated in the past, are assimilating now, and will assimilate in the future, and faster than the Left would like (accept maybe in California, but last I heard California is forgetting how to be American.). And those who are a little slow learning how to think Like Americans in English are doing so in Spanish.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

[ Certainly the “Mexican” kids I grew up with and went to elementary, Jr. High, High school, and College with were as American as I was…. Of course we were all also Texans, which is another (and better!) thing entirely!—Editor ]

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