"Gun control is the idea that it’s better to see a woman dead in an alley, strangled
with her own pantyhose, than to see her with a gun in her hand."—T.D. Melrose
L. Neil Smith
Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law

The Works (So Far) of L. Neil Smith

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
—An International Journal of Opinion —
916, April 2, 2017

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The Deadly Price of Collectivism
(The Feature Article)

Astonishing stupidity
There is an astonishing amount
of stupidity in the world!
An astonishing amount!

What is it worth to save what it took
our ancestors a thousand years to build?


The Editor Speaks (types?)
by Ken Holder, Editor
Here is a clear-eyed look at Current Events: The Civil War is Here, The left doesn’t want to secede. It wants to rule. by Daniel Greenfield; A civil war has begun.

Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Jeff Fullerton, and A.X. Perez

The Deadly Price of Collectivism
by L. Neil Smith
When my parents were kids, almost a hundred years ago, a highly popular preoccupation of what is now the tinfoil hat brigade was “white slavery” in which young Caucasian women were supposedly being kidnapped all the time by mustachioed villains or wily Chinamen and pressed into the fate worse than death. Young girls were supposed to look, every night, for evildoers lurking under their beds. You can get a feel for the phenomenon by watching the comedy Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Another Message for the Left
by Sean Gangol
You know what, guys? I was really hoping that you would be smart enough to take the high road, but I clearly misjudged your ability to act like rational human beings. It was bad enough when you guys had to throw hissy fits and Molotov Cocktails in several major cities when Donald Trump managed to get elected. Then there was the rioting during his inauguration, which I thought was disgraceful enough. More recently at Berkeley, you guys took it upon yourselves to start fights, set fires, destroy university property and even manage to break windows of a few businesses that were just trying to make a living, just so you could keep a gay conservative from speaking at your precious campus. Just what exactly are you guys hoping to accomplish?

The Prime Minister’s Niece
by L. Neil Smith
I once had a political argument with a British Prime Minister’s niece. She was my then-wife’s best friend and they had gone to college together. At that time, the mid-70s, the Irish Republican Army was up to its old tricks, blowing things up and killing innocent people. They had been fighting for independence for over 800 years, since being invaded by Henry II, and they were through forever playing Mr. Nice Guy. They had taken the war to the enemy.

TOP KEK: The Best of the Internet, 24 March-01 April 2017
by Giovanni Martelli
Hello and welcome back to Top Kek, your one-stop shop for the best and dumbest of the internet this week! Last week, my boyfriend and I found ourselves on a cross-country roadtrip; a whole lot of stupid happened while we was gone, but on a personal note, I was very pleased to discover that the violent hatred lobbed at supporters of the president is not nearly as widespread as I had been led to believe. Here are a couple of photos taken in the heart of the Washington, DC swamp, where only a few people gave me the side-eye.


If you haven’t read/voted go read What Shall I Write Next? by L. Neil Smith.

Our Mr. Smith has a new novel out, Blade of p’Na You can get it right now Amazon.com:
Blade of p'Na cover
Nominated for the Prometheus Award of
the Libertarian Futurist Society

Trigger Warning: This issue of this magazine (like all the others) may contain:

Humor, Snark, Truth, Thoughts That Might Be Different Than Yours, Ideas You Never Thought Of, Things You Never Heard Of, and so on.

There are NO “Safe Spaces!”

YOU have been WARNED! :-)

To submit articles, letters-of-comment, cartoons, pictures, etc., email: [email protected]

Products used and recommended by L. Neil Smith (read more):

Handy-Racker (small, medium, large) Buy at Amazon.com

Handy-Racker (Beretta 92, 94, 96 and M9, and clones) Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Green laser Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Red laser Buy at Amazon.com

Nullification Act

List of WikiLeaks mirrors:
Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime!
Free Bradley Manning
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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

Down With Power Audiobook!
The Down With Power audiobook read by Brian Wilson
Get it here!

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law
A cyberpamphlet by L. Neil Smith

Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems
Double mag rig  Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at: survivalsheath.com

Member of The Internet Defense League

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
Download .pdf
View publication

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive

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Permission is further granted to reprint articles from L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, provided that the article is printed in full and is not altered in any way, that full recognition is given to the author, and that TLE is fully identified (include TLE’s URL plus the issue number and/or the specific URL of the article). NOTE: articles are owned by the authors and you must have their permission for any other use.

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L. Neil Smith’s
The Libertarian Enterprise

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