Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 921, May 7, 2017

My point, rather, is that you want to
live through the experience of being in
jail. So, do what I do. Be pleasant.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Dennis Wilson

Letter from Kevin L. O'Brien

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Donald Trump was right, the Civil War would not have happened if Andrew Jackson had been President when it occurred. There are actually two reasons for this.

The first is undoubtedly what Trump was thinking of when he spoke, the leaders of secession would not have dared to try it as they knew he would fight and fight to win, and probably have hanged them afterwards. In the modern parlance, that’s the way he rolled.

Like Kirk, Jackson may have been a “tin plated dictator with delusions of grandeur, but he’s not soft.” (apologies for tense confusion.). The Secessionists knew this, minus the Star Trek Original Series reference. On the other hand, they were convinced that the Yankees lacked the will to follow Lincoln into quelling their rebellion. In fact, there was a healthy anti-war movement in the North throughout the war. *

Secondly, Old Hickory did in fact quash one attempt to challenge Federal Power by a Southern State. The Nullification Crisis, created by John C. Calhoun, author of the Tariff of Abominations, which led to the Tariff of 1832 and The South Carolina Exposition and Protest which protested the consequences of his handiwork was suppressed by Jackson believably threatening to send troops. Afterwards a more reasonable tariff was passed as a compromise, but only after South Carolina backed down. (see: Wikipedia)

South Carolina Exposition and Protest — Wikipedia
The South Carolina Exposition and Protest, also known as Calhoun’s Exposition, was written in December 1828 by John C. Calhoun, then Vice President of the United….

Not only would a fantasy league Andrew Jackson have prevented the Civil War, the real one in fact did so. It is true that Donald Trump was speaking ahistorically. However, his critics on this occasion show their ignorance of American history and its players. Of course, I would like it if President Trump had expanded his comments in a way that demonstrated a reasonable knowledge of Jacksonian era history.

Enjoy the video clip.


A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Dennis Wilson

Regarding: “War with the North” by J. Neil Schulman

Mr. Schulman ends his article with the “"No True Scotsman” Fallacy, which is a lame attempt to justify calling all who disagree with him (and Brad) as "either lying or stupid".

Being of Scottish descent, I respectfully (with mock disdain) ignore his misguided attempt.

According to Austrian economics, any foreign product that is subsidized by that foreign government will lead to impoverishment of that government's taxpayers and benefit those who purchase the product.

In the case of subsidized Canadian lumber, USA customers benefit AS WELL AS producers in the USA! If Canadian lumber sells at or below the cost of USA producers, those producers (if they are smart) can be the biggest customers and distributers of Canadian lumber, saving their own resources for future use.

Of course, these benefits to USA consumers AND producers will be denied by the misguided tariffs as described in Mr. Schulman's article. Furthermore, Canadian taxpayers will have less incentive to call their government to account for the misuse of tax money.

Dennis Wilson
[email protected]

[ I thought he was just being funny.—Editor]

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Letter from Kevin L. O'Brien

Re: Clinton Quote: "The average democrat is stupid" [main page funny cartoon or picture, last issue]

This is the second time I’ve caught you people printing a lie about Hillary Clinton:

“Hillary Clinton did not say that Democratic voters are stupid and easily manipulated.”

“7 Hillary Clinton quotes on the Internet that are complete fakes”

The first time, you buried my email in the “Letters to the Editor” section and did not remove the lie, print a retraction, or apologize for the error.

This time I hope you'll do the right thing. Otherwise these two examples will prove that you guys have no respect for or interest in the truth.

Kevin L. O'Brien
[email protected]

[ I have a copy of that book now and will read through it to see what I can see. The author of this letter seems to think I should immediately do what he tells me without hesitation. No.

Note that O'Brien has a web site fulled with hate speech about Mr. Smith. I’m probably on there now for disagreeing with his opinions.—Editor ]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Excercising Rights

Voted in local mayoral election today. Turn-out was low. Afterwards went to product demo day at local gun dealer/indoor range. More people there.

Fired pistols in several different calibers. Had never shot FN 5.7 x28 mm before. No new products, but fun. Also fired a couple of AR-15 platform rifles, one in .223 Rem. and the other in .300 Blackout. Never fired .300 Blk before. Feels like it kicks less than .223 Rem. Other than that it's a case of if you've shot one AR-15 you've shot them all (not a true statement, but again a case of nothing new.).

About half way through allotted ammo realized I was not in mood to shoot. That's okay, who ever said you would ever be in the mood to shoot when you have to do so in earnest? ( Shades of Paul Atreides and Gurney Halleck.) Got refreshed on .45 ACP, learned what to expect from FN 5.7 and .300 Blackout. Improved my chances of handling trouble some measurable percentage.

So today I exercised 2 sovereign rights/duties. Ain't life grand?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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