Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 922, May 14, 2017

R.I.P. France

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Tor Chantara

Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)

Letter from Jim Woosley

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Latest Texas Update

This is the latest update to handgun and knife legislation beforethe 85th Texas Legislature Senate Bill 16: Passed both houses of Texas Legislature. Governor is prettymuch committed to ratify. This bill reduces the price of getting a carry license from $140.00 to $40.00.

House Bill 375: Dead in Committee. Killed by Phil King. Permitless carry and touted as Constitutional Carry.

HB 790: Placed on General State Calendar. Removes daggers (double edged knives) from list of illegal weapons. However they must be less than five and one half inches long. Redundant with part of HB 1935 (more on HB 1935 in a bit).

HB 1911: This bill appears to have been killed by the Calendars Committee. Tod Hunter is the Chairman. This was the Establishment's No Permit required to pack heat bill. According to Dates of Interest, if it wasn't placed on a Calendar by today the bill is dead.

Remember Phil King and Tod Hunter if they run for reelection and help them lose.

HB1935: Passed the House and is now before the Texas State Senate. It is currently in Committee (Criminal justice.). This bill gets rid of the ban on "illegal" knives, thus obviating HB 790. However, it was amended to ban carrying "location restricted knives" in bars, liquor stores, hospitals, schools etc., in other words, in gun free zones. Location restricted knives are defined as knives over 5.5 inches long. Originally this restriction was not part of the bill. It was added after a campus killing nearly killed support for the Bill. As a result of this amendment the Bill survived (see this link).

More to follow as soon as soon as there is information.

The following groups opposed Texas House Bill: the League of Women Voters, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, the Children’s Defense Fund and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. (see this link).

Remember to express your displeasure by politely but firmly refusing to help them with time and money.

I am conflicted as my Representative voted against Senate Bill 16, however he helped get HB 1935 pass as a co-author and the chairman of Criminal Justice Committee.

Assuming no miracle revives HB 1911 it is time for supporters of Constitutional Carry in Texas to:

A: Write a Bill that is as close to perfect as possible.

B: Make up their minds that they are going to have to amend it

C: Remember that many people are of the opinion licensed carry meets the requirements of the Second Amendment. Be polite and respectful when you debate the issue with them, calling someone a POS or asshat just gets them angry and will not change their minds. Especially if they are a legislator sitting on a bill you want passed.

D. Steal a page from the TEA Party. Every Republican seeking nomination (Let alone election) in 2018 must sign a pledge to support Constitutional Carry as a condition of seeking and holding office as a Republican. Same same Libertarians.

If you are not a Texican, what's happening in your state?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Tor Chantara

Re: JNeilCare by J. Neil Schulman

Aloha Neil,

I’d just like to thank you for writing this. Whether or not it has any chance of passing, I believe this is the best means of fixing the system in a way that can get to something that will really work. At the same time, it provides for those who now have pre- existing conditions, but who might have otherwise had insurance under even the old system. To say nothing of those who didn’t have insurance then, but might have under a proper free market. I’ve already passed it on to others.

Tor Chantara
[email protected]
Stop spying:

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Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)

Letter to The Calgary Herald

“Democracy: The worship of jackals by jackasses.” — H.L. Mencken
“We have liberty, not because of government, but in spite of their best efforts to take it from us.” — “Difster”

Never, EVER try to tell me that the “caring” NDP are any different from any other statist trash:

Braid: Another appalling NDP lapse in Serenity case
By Don Braid, Calgary Herald

The Serenity case rises again, literally from the grave, to catch the NDP in twisted bureaucratic logic that see…

Your confiscated tax dollars paid for this—and God alone knows how many other, similar—atrocities. Without the gubmint, though, there would be no roads, right? Even were that idiotic belief true, it hardly justifies the price in human lives and money that we pay to let fiends and ghouls like the Notley bitch run amok.

I am MORE than disgusted with this.

Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

“The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.” — Hannah Arendt

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Letter from Jim Woosley

Fwd: Squirrels and Feminist Associate Professor

Oh look. A social justice warrior.

Someone forwarded:

If this isn't satire, you are correct!
< This is truly an example of people educated beyond their intelligence:
< [LINK]

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Gun-Phobic Professor Leaves a University Because of Campus Carry

“Recruiting the best trained professors necessarily means recruiting from coastal areas and progressive college towns.”

A. Professors should be learned men, not trained.

B. Professors should Be dedicated to communicating knowledge and “wisdom” to others, including those who disagree with them. Medical missionaries do not require “heathens” to convert to receive medical treatment, professors who feel they have knowledge to impart should be willing to share it with those who disagree with them ideologically.

C. Re: Best trained professors coming from coastal areas and progressive college town, sez who? Oh yeah, they themselves, and then they say if you’re not like them your opinion is by definition wrong.

Nuts to them.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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