Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 925, June 4, 2017


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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Paul Koning

Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: Follow the Money by L. Neil Smith (in this issue)

You left out the not so minor detail that illegal immigrants in the US are vulnerable to bullying (take it or get deported), can be run out at leisure if and when they start showing conservative or libertarian tendencies, and provide cheap labor in a market that isn't quite free (boss negotiates one deal, rips off workers, threatens to turn over to ICE if they kick.).

Meanwhile immigrants in Europe are on the dole and it looks like socialists there are enjoying an Upton Sinclair ploy where immigrants pay VAT to raise the money to pay for the dole so they can spend it paying VAT.

This never ends well.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Koning

Re: “The Cold Civil War”, by Angelo M. Codevilla, referred to in “The Editor’s Notes” last issue.


Thanks for the pointer to Angelo Codevilla's article.

It’s interesting. But it’s rather a muddle. Some of it seems to be based on the premise we’re suffering from an overheated difference of opinion, and that the solution is some calming voices. The last sentence of the section “Lincoln’s example” is one.

In other places he suggests that more federalism is the answer, by letting states do what they want even in areas where, constitutionally, they have no authority. That’s a plausible argument some of the time, given that federal pre-emption wouldn’t amount to so much if the federal government were correctly limited. Still, for example, having states violate the Constitutional restrictions on who has the right to vote is not exactly a good example of federalism in action.

One significant problem with the article is that it doesn’t sufficiently take into account the difference between a difference of opinion, and the attempt mostly by the left to force everyone else to live—and even to think—the way they do. A conflict between liberty and oppression isn’t a difference of opinion, and “questioning and moderating that tendency” is not likely to be an adequate answer.

For a different take on the same general topic, I would point to Daniel Greenfield’s “The war of two Americas” which you can find at [This Link].

Paul Koning
[email protected]

[ Yes, indeed. I meant that the article did good at stating most of the problem, but not so good with solutions. And you are right about the important distinction between a difference of opinion and the “Me Master, You Slave!” that we so often end up with. Of course most of our readers are smart enough to figure this out for themselves. Those that do not, well, they Troll me, I swear at them, and they feel better about themselves thereafter on account of I am obviously crude and low-rent and stuff and they are superior, oh so superior, yes my precious, yeeessssssss….—Editor :-) ]

[ That reference starts out: ]

“The War of Two Americas”
by Daniel Greenfield
America is in the middle of a civil war. It’s not just a struggle between political parties. It’s a clash of political civilizations. The totalitarian left has rejected the outcome of two presidential elections and our entire system of government. It doesn’t believe that sanctuary states and cities have to obey the law.

But it demands that we obey its will. And if we don’t, its thugs will audit us, boycott us and beat us.

It has spied on President Trump and lied about him. It has used every agency of the government, from the IRS to the EPA, to punish its enemies and enforce its radical agenda.

The left rules as a shadow government of judges and reporters, bureaucrats and activists. Its tactics range from riots in the streets to subversion in government agencies.
[This Link]

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