Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 931, July 16, 2017

“A man has got to know his limitations.”

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Letter from A.X. Perez with Reply from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Ted Ball

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez with Reply from L. Neil Smith

Re: “The Curious Nature of This Revolution” by L. Neil Smith (in this issue)

It is my observation that revolution follows the following steps:

A. Change in mores and values, perhaps but not necessarily accompanied by change in how wealth is produced a la Marx.

B. Shift of power from old ruling elite to new elite or population in general.

C. Resistance to shift in power by old elite, sometimes leading to violent struggle.

Donald Trump’s election reflects the rejection of the old elite combined with the discomfort change causes.

I withhold prescriptive comments at this time.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

To which L. Neil Smith replied:

We are clearly at C.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

To which A.X. Perez replied:


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Letter from Ted Ball

Re: “Letter from A.X. Perez” (last issue)

I’m pleased with how Trump has the leftists and much of the legacy media foaming at the mouth with their knickers in a twist.

That being said, I hear you about voter lists. I am extremely distrustful of public sector folks having a long lists of people stored. Seems another use for those lists can always be found. We don’t want them to maintain lists of who checked out this or that from a library or who filled out a 4473 for a roscoe.

For this voter-validation-thing, the stated scope of the data is for information that is already publically available. Sure, this commission could send some people around to county registrars and dig it up that way—if so, it might take until the heat-death of the universe to collect the desired info. Hell, it might take two weeks past the heat-death of the universe. Getting that data in large chunks from county registrars is probably the only way to get the information in a timely fashion to do something with it.

So what?

I stand with you and say to list-gatherers in general, “go ‘futate’ yourselves,” assuming I’m picking out the correct word from your Latin sentence to mean what I think it means.

If folks are concerned about voter fraud—not a crazy idea by the way—picture ID as you show up to vote early/vote absentee or on voting day at the poll would buff out most of those problems, if and where they exist. However, that’s just curing a symptom, not the problem.

The real cure, IMO, is to take 95% of the money out of the federal budget. That’ll fix any issues one has with lobbyists, money in politics, term limits, yada, yada, yada. When there’s no payoff for lobbying or being a lifetime legislator, nobody’ll have a reason to engage in voter fraud. They can’t vote themselves largess from someone else’s pocketbook.

[email protected]
Resume Speed, Louisiana.

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez


Donald Trump was sworn in as president 6 months ago. The GOP establishment has still not seemed to get that he got the Republican nomination because that party’s members were fed up with the Establishment’s vision for America. The Democrats have been so busy blaming racism, misogyny, xenophobia Russian interference, and anything else but the failure of their vision of America they have yet to come up with a workable strategy to re-emerge as a political force.

Primary elections for the 2018 midterm elections begin in 6 months. Both parties have failed to show the least sign they have learned anything since the last election. It is about time for them to start showing some vision if they want to survive. Normally, it would be fun to see them crash and burn. However, I have also watched the two parties double down on their worst ideas instead of creating new platforms that show some respect for the American people’s new agenda. I can see the next great fascist leader plugging into this. Fascist meaning a belief that people exist to serve the state and the will of their ruler.

Then people will remember what a great bunch every president we’ve had this century were. Of course, those of us who love freedom could begin promoting our agenda. We’ve got six months to make sure our ideas, not those of authoritarians, shape the debate in 2018.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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