Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,000, December 16, 2018

A little “hate speech” (whatever that is)
now and again is vastly more desirable than
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Heroics and Hypocrisy
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

In one of his voluminous introductions (always a high point of any of his collections of incredible yarns and essays) Harlan Ellison introduced me to the concept of Heroification. This concept, as I understand it, is the act of looking up to a person so much as to see in them nothing short of a demigod, a luminary creature more shining example of perfect humanity than actual human. In his case, he was referring to Gene Roddenberry. He may as well have been talking about how modern Communists look at their still recently deposed godhead, Saint Barry.

Every time the various news services post a new piece about the former Commander In Chief, they may as well insist that their readers or viewers shield their eyes so as to not gaze directly upon the holy visage. While the man (term loosely used) is actively undermining the role of the Presidency, they cheer him on, chanting his name, waiting for that long-prophesied (two years is a long time to those who would destroy history) day when he will walk across the water to take his rightful place upon the Throne of Earth (where he belongs anyway, right?).

We shouldn’t be at all surprised by this deviant behavior, though. I mean, we’re talking about the beastly person who went out of his way to stoke racial strife, undermine public faith is police, and systematically rape the Bill of Rights for eight long years, accompanied by the cheering, condoning chorus of the world media. It didn’t matter what he did wrong, he did nothing wrong. He could have burned the flag, and sprayed waste across the ashes, and those subhumans that present the “news” to us every day would have not only shouted their approval, but would have brought the marshmallows to roast over the accompanying fires lit by the fascist and kindled with the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and anything else that may come to hand, just so long as it was something of worth, something that had helped us become Americans, By God!

Which is not to say that Saint Barry is the first one that they’ve cannonized. I remember them doing the same thing to Bill Clinton back in the nineties. I was twelve when Saint Willy took office, and through him I experienced my first instances of Presidential hate. I hated Bill Clinton. No other word for it. I hated him as much as the excusing media loved him. I saw nothing good in his every action, and lies in his every word. I felt toward Clinton the same way that the modern media filth mongers hate The Donald, and with as much fanaticism.

Difference? I was a child, and I got over it. I still don’t like Saint Willy, but I far from hate him. All it takes is a look at history (see how that keeps coming up to understand the world? Are you listening CNN and your propagandaic ilk) to see how many ill-suited folks have held high office. Contemporary talking heads will tell us that Washington, Jefferson, Reagan, anyone right-leaning, were nothing but racists, homophobes, and baby-killers. Though they continue to put others, less worthy, up on pedestals. Woodrow Wilson? Drove us into a war after promising us that he wouldn’t do so as part of his platform? FDR? Don’t get me started. He couldn’t have done more to keep the Depression going if he’d gone out and taken folk’s money himself. LBJ? Just another SOB, and far from the savior riding in on a white horse that movies and documentaries seem dead set on presenting his as.

I guess it’s the same for everybody, though. That first president that you remember actively disliking is the one that becomes the burning example of everything that’s wrong with those who lust for power. But, jeez, aren’t I lucky to live in a time when the Democratic Party is going out of their way to give us candidates of such raw, low caliber. Rapists, racists, and hate-mongers. Exactly what they call their opponents.

The media while covering the funeral of George H. W. Bush took many an opportunity to turn a time of mourning into a hack job, wherein they attempted to discredit The Donald for the (shocking!) act of ignoring his former opponent, Hillary Clinton. After their constant, endless, cries of his supposed interactions with Russians and criminals, you’d think that they would be happy to see him ignoring one for a change, but there’s just no making some folks happy.

But understand why I bring up the funeral in the first place. Their hatred of Trump is every bit as morbid as their love of Saints Willy and Barry. During his four years in office, those same talking heads that were praising the goodness and kindness and presidential stature of George H. W. Bush after his passing were the same ones who demonized him when he was the Commander in Chief! He wasn’t Jimmy Carter, or LBJ, or (after the fact) Clinton, so he was obviously a blip in history, not worth really noticing, unless it was to cast criticism at him.

It could be a case of The Grass Is Always Greener, but I don’t think so. I feel, truly and in my heart, that the idea behind these constant attacks on Republican presidents is nothing less than an attempt by the Left Wing powers that be to destroy the party, thereby paving a smooth way for a perpetual Democratic presence in the Oval Office. They would gladly stand back and grin while a permanent Democratic (here see: Communist, as they are hiding their true selfs less and less as the days go on, up to and including the election of self-proclaimed Democratic Socialists) dictatorship in Washington.

They mourned the passing of the Soviet Union, so is it any wonder that they would want to reinstall the fragile foundations of that failed experiment in Evil here?

A relative of mine, a smarter person than I’m ever likely to be, postulated a theory to me that I cannot completely shake off. He said in passing to me the other day that he believed that Saint Barry and Holy Mother Michelle had opted to remain in DC so as to make it easier to move back into the White House once the Democratic coup took place. Paranoid, right? Or is it?

Try as I might, I just can’t shake the feeling that should such a coup take place, there’d be countless millions waiting in the streets to throw down palm fronds in front of them, while others took the time to destroy the Washington and Jefferson Memorials, and burn the Smithsonian to the ground. They’d throw out the Spirit of ’76, in favor of the Memory of 1917. Not because it’s some new kind of idea, but because it’s always what they’ve done. For decades they rolled over for the Soviets. In more recent times, they stood behind them. At this point, they stand beside them. And the figurehead of this psychotic embrace of a constantly failed, dangerous, murderous political ideology is that devious snake, that grinning, hate filled monster, Saint Barry Obama.

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