ISSUE 1,000!

“Gun control is the idea that it’s better to see a woman dead in an alley, strangled
with her own pantyhose, than to see her with a gun in her hand.”—T.D. Melrose
L. Neil Smith
Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law

The Works (So Far) of L. Neil Smith

A New Covenant a.k.a. The Covenant of Unanimous Consent

libertarian shirts

Why we can't have nice things

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
—An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,000, December 16, 2018

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The Elephant In The Parlor
(The Feature Article)

Wolf Borders
Wolf Borders
Source: Voyageurs Wolf Project
Tracers on Seven Wolf packs, respecting each others borders

A little “hate speech” (whatever that is)
now and again is vastly more desirable than
socialist—or any other kind of—thought control.


Letters to the Editor
from Alex Grant, Andrew Torba, Carl Bussjaeger, Ted Ball, J im Woosley, A.X. Perez, Paul Koning, Jeff Fullerton, and Harald Mischnick

The Elephant In The Parlor
by L. Neil Smith
My interest in guns and shooting began with a competitive program co-sponsored by the National Rifle Association and the Boy Scouts of America, when I was eleven years old, sixty-one years ago, in 1957, the same year the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, astonished the world. I point this out because I want readers to understand how long I’ve been thinking about this subject.

The Tragedy of the Squid Farms on Mars
by Sarah A. Hoyt
We’ve all heard about the tragedy of the commons. The left apparently takes it as a reason for strong regulation, while the rest of us are out here waving our arms, screaming and going “no, no, no. Regulation has a cost. The tragedy of the commons is not having well defined rights, like the right to property.”

Thoughts On The Passing Scene
by T.J. Mason
I apologize that I haven’t had time to write more often for our internet home-town paper. I can only apologize that, in the words of Harry Chapin, “The new job’s a hassle,” even after 18 months. At least I can honestly say that I am doing good work—though I also must honestly say that if you knew the details (which I unfortunately can’t share) you might have a differing opinion. But anyway… Our Esteemed Publisher has asked me to undertake an exposition to celebrate the 1000th outing of The Libertarian Enterprise, so forthwith…

Why It Matters
by Harding McFadden
L. Neil Smith brought me here. I’m undoubtedly not the first person to have said those words, nor will I be the last. Because this magazine has been instrumental in saving the minds of countless people over the years. It has been responsible for letting those of us who fit neither into the square-peg Right, nor the Hammer and Sickle Left, that we are not alone. There are many of us out there, lovers of freedom as more than an abstract concept, who have looked to this modest enough tome and smiled knowingly.

On the Occasion of the 1,000th Issue of “The Libertarian Enterprise”
by John Taylor
In October of 1995, a feisty little newsletter first appeared on a shoestring and a prayer, the brain-child of the inestimable L. Neil Smith, noted author, gun guy, and general all-around mensch. Twenty-three years later, “The Libertarian Enterprise” (TLE) is celebrating her 1,000th issue. I wonder what her first naysayer, who labeled her “redundant” in a letter to the editor in Issue #2, would say of her now.

A Thousand Miles
by Jim Davidson
My very great kudos and appreciation today go to L. Neil Smith, Yiing Boardman, and all the others who participated in the very first issue of The Libertarian Enterprise (TLE). It was a long, long time ago. The year 1995 seems like a dream time, to me, looking back.

Heroics and Hypocrisy
Harding McFadden
In one of his voluminous introductions (always a high point of any of his collections of incredible yarns and essays) Harlan Ellison introduced me to the concept of Heroification. This concept, as I understand it, is the act of looking up to a person so much as to see in them nothing short of a demigod, a luminary creature more shining example of perfect humanity than actual human. In his case, he was referring to Gene Roddenberry. He may as well have been talking about how modern Communists look at their still recently deposed godhead, Saint Barry.

Some Things to Think About, Perhaps
by Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
“Whoever is out of power in the universities and the MSM is for free speech. The leftists of the 60s and 70s deliberately infiltrated those institutions and now they are imposing what once they were opposing.”

And Salt Sown On The Ruins
by L. Neil Smith
Well, I see that my Facebook page has once again been edited for me by the pencil-necked morons who think they are better than I am, or know more than I do. I happen to be 72 years old at this writing, and have spent every hour of it learning. I am and have always been a social egalitarian. More than anything, I am an advocate and lifelong warrior for free speech. I have now pulled my metaphorical sword out of storage and am polishing and oiling it as we speak.



Our Mr. Smith has a new novel out, Blade of p’Na You can get it right now
Blade of p'Na cover
Nominated for the Prometheus Award of the Libertarian Futurist Society
Another book just recently issued in Kindle format:
Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May, Illustrated by Scott Bieser, Colored by Jen Zach

Trigger Warning: This issue of this magazine (like all the others) may contain:

Humor, Snark, Truth, Thoughts That Might Be Different Than Yours, Ideas You Never Thought Of, Things You Never Heard Of, and so on.

There are NO “Safe Spaces!”

YOU have been WARNED! :-)

To submit articles, letters-of-comment, cartoons, pictures, etc., email: [email protected]

Products used and recommended by L. Neil Smith (read more):

Handy-Racker (small, medium, large) Buy at

Handy-Racker (Beretta 92, 94, 96 and M9, and clones) Buy at

LED Weapon light with Green laser Buy at

LED Weapon light with Red laser Buy at

Nullification Act

List of WikiLeaks mirrors:
Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime!
Free Bradley Manning
Join us on Facebook
Join TLE on Facebook

L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

Down With Power Audiobook!
The Down With Power audiobook read by Brian Wilson
Get it here!

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law
A cyberpamphlet by L. Neil Smith

Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems
Double mag rig  Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at:

Member of The Internet Defense League

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
Download .pdf
View publication

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive


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L. Neil Smith’s
The Libertarian Enterprise

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