Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,000, December 16, 2018

A little “hate speech” (whatever that is)
now and again is vastly more desirable than
socialist—or any other kind of—thought control.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from Alex Grant

Letter from Andrew Torba

Letter from Carl Bussjaeger

Letter from Ted Ball

Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Paul Koning

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Harald Mischnick

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Alex Grant

Digital Rights Resource List?


I'm Alex and I run, a site dedicated to all things related to VPNs and internet privacy.

I'm writing because I thought you'd be interested in my roundup of digital rights resources

News about digital rights and online privacy issues comes out at a rapid clip, with policy decisions and governmental regulation ever changing in the face of evolving threats and technology.

In order to educate internet users and point would-be activists in the right direction, I’ve compiled this list of organizations dedicated to advocating for digital rights and policy in the United States and around the world.

I hope it's something you'll check out and share.

Alex Grant
[email protected]

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Letter from Andrew Torba


Gab Community, is the fastest-growing, and most controversial, social media company in the world. The cause of the growth and the controversy is the same: Gab's moderation policy, which mirrors the First Amendment. Gab now has over 840,000 users and is growing very quickly.

Gab's vision is to provide a global utility that uses American law to protect free expression everywhere, including in places like Iran, China and Russia. As official censorship is enabled by mainstream Silicon Valley companies, such as Google (e.g. Project Dragonfly), increases, users around the world are becoming increasingly annoyed with platforms that sell them out to their governments or enforce local content and publishing restrictions, such as blasphemy and hate speech laws.

In the long-term, the existence of Gab will promote liberal democracy and openness in closed societies, as the expansion of free speech rights has always done. The interesting and controversial conversations that bring users back to a website for more interaction, the absence of which are causing Facebook and Twitter's growth numbers to atrophy, will continue to bring users to Gab in the years to come.

Today, December 15th, is Bill of Rights day. On this day in 1791 the First Amendment was ratified for a reason. Gab feels it's important for at least one major social networking platform in the U.S. to be the home of the First Amendment and free speech online. We refuse to waver on this mission.

How can you support Gab?

Gab has been no-platformed by every major payment processor online. We have been blacklisted and rejected by multiple banks on our journey to bring back payment processing to Gab. We are hopeful that we will find support from one liberty-minded bank in the future, but for now there are a few other ways you can support our mission.

GabPro/ Donations Payment Option

Mail check/money order to:
PO Box 441
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Make checks out to: Gab AI Inc
Please include a note with your Gab username or we will not be able to give you GabPro.
3 Months: $15
6 Months: $30
12 Months: $60
5 years: $200

Thank you, and remember to speak freely.

Andrew Torba

CEO of

Thanks and remember to speak freely!

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Letter from Carl Bussjaeger

Hi, Neil,

RE: There Is No Such Thing As “Socialism”:

"The Madison Avenue catch-phrase “democratic socialism” was whipped up as even more palatable to Americans...”

Back in September, some Twithead was defending Che-quita Occasionally-Cortical against claims she’s a socialist. Oh no, she’s a "social democrat.” I responded.

"Marxist-Leninist socialists go for a top down system of government control of markets and society. Democratic socialists want a bottom up system of government control of markets and society. Bottom up conveniently positions the people for what comes next.”

Socialists Defined

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger
[email protected]

Author: Net Assets, Bargaining Position, The Anarchy Belt, and more
NRA delenda est

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Letter from Ted Ball

Re: Bisht and Jambiya by L. Neil Smith

Took me a while .... bisht & jambiya for “cloak & dagger.”

I admit my first jump was to that Star Trek Next Gen episode (“Darmok”) where the alien captain interacting with Picard only spoke in metaphor, referring back to names & places from his own planet’s history. Paul Winfield played the alien captain, and we heard things like “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra,” and “Shaka, his arms open wide.”

I thought, well, maybe bisht and jambiya was another of Winfield’s metaphors. Nope. Just Neil being Neil. I’ll show myself to the door.

Ted Ball
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Woosley

High-Speed Photography

see: Bullet Impacts at 1-million frames per second

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

I am convinced that most of this country's problems could be corrected if we stopped attempting to educate people beyond their intelligence.

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Stirring the Pot

Someone is trying to keep me pissed off. I used to get E-mail and FaceBook posts from some leftist group aimed at making me aware of every bit of racism, Trumpian evil, gun violence, capitalist oppression, and other evil the left hates. They are not bothering me any more and I’ve forgotten their name.

Now I get Messages from The Conservative Tribune. And I mean I get messages. Posts on Facebook and my E-Mail. Messages on my desk background screen. I get them as text messages. I have actually been interrupted dialing phone calls and writing messages. All of them in the most incendiary language against the left possible, similar to that the left uses in tone.

It’s like these guys want me to be angry and full of hate. Not rationally considering the issues and evidence for each group’s point of view. They want me to be ruled by my feelings not my reason. “Let us sit down and reason together,” is advice from the Bible to the lips of Michael Corleone. Yet political leaders on both left and right are not calling for reason, they are calling for anger.

And I keep thinking that a nation of people acting on anger and its fruit hatred are more likely to surrender their freedom than people who come together to reason.

If my greatest desire is to be free, maybe both left and right are my enemies.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Koning

Human Action

Re: The Editor’s Notes last issue.

Speaking of books entitled Human Actions—there is also the brilliant work by Ludwig von Mises. I read that a few years ago, it's very good indeed. Haven't gotten to Aristotle yet.

Human Action, and many other books by von Mises and his peers, is available free for the download at the von Mises institute:

Paul Koning
[email protected]

[ Alas, reading economics makes my brain itch (except for Adam Smith who writes readably and engagingly)—Editor ]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Red Planet (Complete - Versions 1 & 2 & 3 Combined) - YouTube

Not a bad anime adaptation of a Heinlein novel that came out in the 1990s. Was worth staying up late to watch it:

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

A later email:

I'm glad I took the trouble to listen to the original version. It's a far cry from the anime in not only plot and character development but also very important philosophical fundamentals. It's quite a departure to go from a right to keep and bear arms theme that is more like the Moon is a Harsh Mistress to a typical Hollywood PC propaganda piece about environmental pollution and a greedy mining company exposing workers to toxins from an ancient alien waste dump.

I was impressed by the anime back in the early 90s in part because the animation was good and because it was based on a classic Heinlein novel which sort of beguiled me. Comparing the original was quite an awakening for me. Obviously the Mars colonists clinging to their guns was too controversial and might send the wrong message to impressionable youth when it's the objective of Hollywood to indoctrinate a future generation of David Hoggs. AKA the Captain Planet Generation.

Jeff Fullerton

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Letter from Harald Mischnick

Issue 1000 of TLE

(My Personal Enemy is German Auto-correcting function)

As TLE started in 1996, I was without Internet. But I had read the NAC Series of our L. Neil Smith more than a Dozen Times in German Translation (nowadays more than three Dozen times). In the year 2015 (after Merkel opened German Frontiers for all Immigrants), I began to look up for more from LNS in english Language. At First I found his webley page and Then TLE.

Some months later TLE was (and is) my favourite Political Site in english Language. Since 1970, when I was 16, I am member of the Party of Liberalism in german Version, FDP. Leaders Changed but it is the Party representing my opinion. My late father Wolfgang Mischnick was Nearly 23 years chairman of the liberals in German Bundestag. So I learned very much about Great German politics and became able to comparize. I was good in english, but in those times one could at School not learn BE or AE, only so called Queens english. Later I forgot much of it because I did not know english speaking persons. So I very later had to re-learn.

At first I only read the articles of LNS and later others. I enjoyed Most of them because I am libertarian. Maybe I am the only one in the local Party Organization of FDP.

Disappointed by German MSM during the Last US Presidental election campaign because they preferred Hillary Clinton (some of them only because she is a leftist Woman, Program Never mind, but a Woman had to be elected), I Looked up for neutral or pro-Trump Pages. This year I found Four in German Language.

TLE tells me facts about USA, MAGA etc I Never read in German Language. Many Problems in USA and Germany are Nearly the Same. But President-45 does not obey the (so-called but not real conservative) Federal German Angie (why should he do so?) and her Green Party cheerleaders. Former the fatal German Imperialist speech was “Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen”, nowadays the Green German imperial speech, als fatal as the Old , seems to be “Am neuen Grünen deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen”. This includes Immigration politics , global warming, climate change, enormous wind Mills higher than 220 Meters inmidst forests and other (as I think) Nonsense and more State and higher Taxes. German yearly Tax payers day is in july or August.

Most German MSM dislike Trump till today propaganding the opinion of NYT, CNN etc. Independant medias are accused to be Right-Wing or Even nazi. As I think, These are (Look it up) so-called “Totschlagargumente”.

Maybe I digress. TLE and the Four German Sites I read Daily are pro israel, pro jews as I and pro Trump. I have to confess that he seems to be a very good President-45. As I Wrote, Without TLE I would not Know much about real USA politics, Second amendment and some versions of libertarianism. Thank you and chapeau to all the authors, especially L. Neil Smith and Ken Holder! I Hope to read issue 1111 some years later.

EIn herzliches Dankeschön!

Harald Mischnick
[email protected]
German genealogist and libertarian

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Bill of Rights Day Cheers

So did you go to Mass or skip Mass this fine Sunday morning? You're Baptist, your Sunday service isn’t called Mass. Thing is, you didn’t have to dodge the cops to get into Church (Assuming there’s no paper on you.),you won’t get a ticket if you don’t go. You won’t be banned from running for office if you attend shul on Saturday or service in a Mosque on Friday instead.

I can write this article for you to read today without fear of going to jail. You can join the NRA to be part of a group supporting gun rights or just to get a discount at the shooting range. Speaking of shooting ranges, in most of this country you can own a gun and take it to the appropriate range to shoot. You can buy a gun for self defense, hunting, target shooting, as a collector, or to be ready to participate in the revolution on either side. If “the Mana thinks you are plotting illegal acts for politics or profits he has to show that there is enough publicly available evidence to justify getting a warrant to search your property, snoop your private communication, or detain you.

There are more, but this is all part of the Bill of Rights. It is widely accepted that adding a bill of rights was the price of passing the Constitution. This Bill of Rights was intended to pledge that essential rights people enjoyed would not be violated by the government they were creating. That these rights were inherent to the human condition and not merely created by government is reflected in the Ninth Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

It has not been adopted as a day off from mail delivery or work for members of the Bureaucracy, but December 15th was the day the first ten amendments, AKA, Bill of Rights, was adopted. It has, not very creatively, been declared Bill of Rights Day. Bill Of Rights Day fell yesterday. In case you did not do so then, take time to celebrate the Bill of Rights today.

Perhaps you believe the BoR is more celebrated by this country in the breach than the honoring. Well, a beautiful dream rates an extra toast and a just cause halloweth any toast.


A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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