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Number 1,001, December 30, 2018


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Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Kaptain Kanada a.k.a. Manuel Miles

Letter from Sean Gabb


Dear All,

I trust you have had, or are having, a Happy Christmas—or at least a holiday break. I have done very little. For 2019, I have another set of Latin texts to publish with commentaries and vocabulary lists. I will also write a new novel. And I suppose I should write another book about politics. Search me what this will be. It depends on whether we leave in any meaningful sense. It seems at the moment that, if we do leave properly at the end of March, it will be wholly by accident. The big money is on leaving in name only, or on finding some excuse not to leave at all. There nothing any of us can do about this other than to watch.

Something I can do, however, is to give away more copies of my various books. Today, I am offering free Kindle copies of my 2011 novel The Churchill Memorandum. It will be free between the 28th December and the 1st January. Don't ask what time of day the offer begins and ends—I find that Amazon is variable in what time zones it uses. But it will be available between these dates.

Here is a selection of the reviews. It is a novel of which I am reasonably proud. It only took a month to write. It has a light-hearted tone, being a parody of Ian Fleming, John Buchan and Sapper. It also owes something to the Carry On films—Runpottee, for example, as the name of an Indian town. Beyond this, it tries to provide a consistent and serious vision of a world in which there had been no Second World War. It is a vision of a utopia that is radically imperfect. I will add that it drove several people to the verge of insane rage, and caused a long-term rupture in the British libertarian movement. This was an unintended and undesirable consequence, but says something about its nature as a serious novel of ideas masquerading as farce.

If you take up my offer, please consider leaving a review on Amazon—just a few sentences would do. I have 23 reviews on the UK Amazon site, and only ten on the American site. I am told that Amazon will start to pay more attention to promoting the book once the reviews go past thirty. So asking for reviews is not just a matter of stroking my vanity. It may get more sales and general attention.

Whatever the case, please accept my best wishes for 2019. It will undoubtedly be an interesting year in England and elsewhere.

[email protected]

The Churchill Memorandum,
by Sean Gabb
Free download From December 28 to January 1
(Click on cover image)

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Letter from Jim Woosley

Jim Woosley forwards:

Shooting with the liberal gun club
by Stephen Gutowski

They may not like Trump & McConnell but they love Smith & Wesson.

That's what I took away from the time I spent in the sweltering fall heat of Orlando, Fla., shooting guns and discussing politics with members of the Liberal Gun Club. Over the course of three days the group of 25 or so dues-paying members (of the more than 3,000 spread around the country not to mention the 5,000 registered forum members) traveled around central Florida shooting sporting clays, steel challenge matches, and even a few machineguns while planning how they'll expand the club and use it to lobby against new gun bans and for what they view as more effective means of addressing gun violence.

Between driving around the sporting clays course, trying to figure out the best way to approach some truly fascinating USPCA-style shooting courses, and trying to choke down the pain that comes when you're shooting a fully-automatic M14 when your shoulder is bruised from 8 hours with a 12-gauge the day before, I was able to chat with a number of members and try to get a glimpse into what motivates somebody to join a club many people on both sides of the aisle might think sounds like an oxymoron. What I found was a group of people who enjoy and value their gun rights as much as any other gun owners I've ever met. They were welcoming and friendly. They're definitely liberals and they're definitely gun lovers.

[Read More]

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Guns and Stuff

Bought new handgun, FNS .40 Liberty (AKA S&W) Compact. Not the exact gun I wanted, but honestly it's the gun I need for EDC. Really wanted a 10 mm. AP, but woke up with hands and wrists letting me know arthritis runs in my family. I can shoot .40 and 9mm. para all day, and I want something more emphatic than 9mm. if, God forfend, I'm ever called on to shoot in anger.

When I picked up the gun it only took me about 15 minutes to close the deal. The gun was prepaid and I have a Texas HCL so I didn't have to go through NICS. All I had to do was examine the gun to make sure it was what I ordered and fill out the 4473.

Which gets to what matters, The 86th Texas Legislature which meets from 8 January through 27 May 2019 has several bills before it of interest to supporters of gun rights. The first is HB 419 which eliminates the fee to get or replace an HCL. This matters because you shouldn't have to pay to exercise a right. A Texas carry license is valid ID to vote, something you shouldn't have to pay for. And, as I mentioned in describing my recent purchase, a Texas HCL takes the place of a NICS.

The second bill is HB 357. This is basically Constitutional Carry. We wants this, my precious, we does. Okay, Gollum jokes aside, CC is the one of the Holy Grails of the fight for Gun Rights, the admission that an honest person needs no license to carry the tools of self-defense.

Remember to check what other pro gun law are in the hopper in your State's legislature and express your support. I don't want to depress you all listing anti-gun legislation is out there, feel free to research what they are and speak out against them.

BTW, there is also a bill prefiled to legalize brass knuckles, HB 446. By all means support this if you choose.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Kaptain Kanada a.k.a. Manuel Miles


[View on YouTube]
What Did Anna Kendrick Say To Make Obama Laugh?
While her favorite celebrity experience involves Beyoncé and Blu, the star of 'A Simple Favor' tells Colbert she...

P.S. If you haven't seen the movie, The Accountant, you're missing one of the best flicks ever made, in my opinion.

Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

“To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child.” — Cicero, 46 BC

“Western civilisation is over; it's dead and gone. "Celebrating" insanity is a sign of cultural extinction.” — Kaptain Kanada

“Asking the government to police itself is like asking the Mafia to police itself.” — Doug Newman


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