Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 955, January 7, 2018

The productive class is expected to show
up at work, keep its mouth shut, accept
what it’s told, and tolerate being
herded, milked and slaughtered by a parasitic
overclass and its freelance symbiotes.

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

An Inconvenient Truth for the Church of Gore

Ray sent me this today. He should have written my article! This week certainly has been as he says “an inconvenient truth for the church of Gore”. Especially in the Southland. These predictions get kind of embarrassing when it’s snowing on the beach in Corpus Christi!

Begin forwarded message:

> Subject: red and blue states by weather
> Forget politics—weather is now dividing America into red and blue
> states
by Oliver Staley
> Sort of misleading, but I found this part interesting:
> This meteorological divide has already been with us for a few
> weeks. More than 700 records for daily low temperatures have been
> recorded across the midwest and northeast since Dec. 24, while more
> than 600 record highs have been set in western states, according to
> the Washington Post.
> Hmmm. 700 vs. 600 cold versus hot records. But cold is globull
> warming. Even though there are more cold records than hot. Shouldn’t
> a hotter every month and hotter every year mean cold records should
> be impossible? Shouldn’t it make hot records really common?
> I read the source story at the Washington COMPost so you didn’t
> have to. Don’t bother. Its like a page out of the globull warmer
> bible. The comments, all nine of them are as well. What do you expect
> from the last nine people to actually read the COMPost. It also
> includes lots of scary maps that with warm shades and cool shades
> tries to make the cold area smaller that it is. Why do that? If North
> America is not part of the globe, and the cold records beat the warm
> — shouldn’t it be okay to show the true extent of the cold? Oh right,
> they have to be very careful.
> This has been An Inconvenient Truth for the Church of Gore.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez


Apparently Attorney General Sessions has threatened to begin enforcing Federal marijuana statutes in states that have legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal purposes. This has led to great wailing and gnashing of teeth. I keep commenting on people’s Facebook posts, “Maybe it’s time for Congress to repeal Cannabis prohibition.”

Maybe it’s time for Congress to repeal Cannabis prohibition. Maybe it’s time for Congress to start legislating and stop empowering executive agencies to make regulations instead. Maybe it’s time for Congress to start overturning every regulation that exceeded the intent of the law that it is based on. Not just on pot but one everything form defining armor piercing pistol ammo to when you can say fuck on local and network TV without getting bleeped or fined.

Maybe it’s time for all the Congresscriters, such as Beto O’Rourke (My Representative ) who’ve indicated they oppose prohibition to introduce and pass Legislation ending it. It’s time and past time that the law on marijuana be changed to reflect the will of the American people. It’s time that laws on marijuana become a states rights instead of a Federal issue.

Finally, when Cannabis is legalized it is important that possession or using marijuana stop being a reason to be denied their Second Amendment rights, that people who were put on NICS over using marijuana get their 2nd Amendment rights recognized again.

One more maybe. Whether or not pot is ever legalized, maybe it’s time the American people start acting like the Constitution means something and require our government to meet its responsibilities and stay within its limitations as spelled out in that document.

For the record, I don’t use marijuana. In another 15-20 years if “the rheumatis’ gits to me too bad” or I’m on chemo for cancer (God Forbid) and I don’t want to starve or die constipated and hooked on morphine I’ll change my song. I want to live in world where I’m calling the tune, not the state.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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