Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 962, February 25, 2018

We must punish those who didn’t do it!

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Matt Bailey

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Outward Bound: Colonizing Alpha Centauri

Issac Arthur's latest which I've been waiting rather impatiently for some time! His videos are very awesome and give a really great picture how mankind can expand into space within the realm of real science.

Alpha Centauri has long been my favorite star ever since I heard it mentioned as the destination of the Jupiter 2 in Lost in Space—but it was an article in Astronomy Magazine and an essay by Isaac Asimov that really opened my eyes to to actual physical makeup of that three star stellar system and the possibilities of earth like planets and maybe even human colonization some day. Isaac Arthur builds on that with a realistic scenario of how we might one day go there and establish ourselves under even far less than the optimum conditions envisioned in our most wishful thinking.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Matt Bailey

Mass Shootings

“Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency.”

This is not fiction. This is a thing whose existence the government admits, though doubtless they don't tell us the whole story. Mark my words: Before Donald Trump leaves office the public will learn that every single non-Islamic mass shootings for decades has been directly engineered by Deep State controllers for the obvious agenda reasons. Every. Single. One. And heads will literally roll over it, as they need to. Until that time, don't let them convince you that xerox copies of the same exact crime are the product of random insanity. Insanity tends to be original. Nor do these crimes have any upside whatsoever for those who supposedly carefully planned them, not even the culturally-affirmed promise of a good Afterlife that motivates the Jihadis. Ordinary people simply don't do this sort of thing naturally: Deliberate unnatural forces with something to gain by the events are required.

Many of those who claim they want to protect in are as we speak signing off on brainwashing some more children to murder other children in the hopes the United States will give up the Second Amendment. And if they are willing to clandestinely murder children in order to advance their goals, what will they do openly once the people are disarmed?

Matt Bailey
[email protected]

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

REMASTEREDl Mars Pirate Rsadio Podcast with J, Neil Schulman Part I and II—Heinlein Interview

Episode CXXXVII Remastered
Mars Pirate Radio #137
Mars Pirate Radio #137



In this episode, first published o1-13-2018, the audio was extremely poor. I have re-worked the recording and believe it to be much improved, except for the first five minutes of the interview, which was conducted via Skype. After 8 minutes, the remainder was by cell phone, and while not perfect, it is much clearer than the previously published version, introduced below.

Tonight, in a Special Edition of Mars Pirate Radio, Episode 137 will feature the first segment of my interview with SF author, playwright, screenwriter, and film producer, J. Neil Schulman. In 1973 as a 20 year-old reporter for the New York Daily News, he interviewed science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein (Stanger in a Strange Land and many other works). We discuss his interview with excerpts, at length, in a wide ranging conversation via cell-phone and Skype. There are some spots where due to the connection, the sound quality is less than perfect, so please bear with us on that. Below is a link to Mr. Schulman's recording of the original Heinlein interview.

Heinlein Hnterview

Mars Pirate Radio #138
Mars Pirate Radio #138
Episode CXXXVIII Remastered


When first boadcast on January 20, 2018, the audio of this episode was very poor. I have since prepared this one with much better audio. Since the interview was conducted via a cell phone, occasionally the sound wanders a bit, but is always quite undeerstandable.

Tonight a special edition of Mars Pirate Radio will feature the second part of our interview with SF author, screenwriter, and film producer, J. Neil Schulman. In 1973, as a 20 year old reporter for the New York Daily News, he interviewed famed science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land and many other works). We discuss that interview, with excerpts, in a wide ranging conversation about the many topics brought up during that exchange. Below are links to the original interview as well as to my book page. Note: Due to a poor phone connection, some of the audio is less than perfect, so please bear with us on that.

Music was composed by Bernard Herrmann for Fahrenheit 451, Copyright 1966 by Universal Pictures.

Link to 1973 Heinlein interview

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Young People Speaking Their Minds

There is good news and bad news.

The youth of America is shaking off the apathy I have seen them displaying since the 1980's and speaking up for themselves. I was afraid American liberty was going to choke to death from this indifference.

The bad news is they are on the wrong side, at least those who are being touted by the media. Fed up with being thrown to the wolves, at least in their minds, they are calling for the government act to make its schools safe from mass shooting. Unfortunately they are doing so by calling for "better regulation of firearm sales." *

This needs to be corrected. Somehow the young people who oppose gun control must be given a voice as loud as that the mainstream media is giving those calling for "better regulation." Kids and young adults must be educated about the meaning of the Second Amendment. The incredible misinformation about how modern sporters and other firearms work must be corrected.

I think we are in revolutionary times. Events as disparate as the election of Donald Trump and the # Me Too movement indicate this. Young people should speak up and be heard at this time. However, if the same old voices of fear and ignorance continue to control the dialogue the revolution fails.

Supporters of gun control mean to ban everything they can. They keep saying they want better regulation, they dissimulate that the regulation they ultimately want is a ban.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

A Case of Mistaken Identity on the Left Coast

Flag of Norway

Just when you thought those infernal Johnny Rebs and their Confederate flags were a thing of the past; they’re back again. And one was just spotted in the most unlikely place imaginable: Seattle?

You got to be kidding! Right?
But not so fast.
Like many instances in the agenda driven world of our times there are apt to be false alarms. Especially when someone is spoiling for a fight.

[See this link]

This interesting article found on the Red State site reminded me a lot of a story I heard in a Social Actions lecture during my Air Force days. It was about a guy who ran a Navaho Indian off the road because he had a swastika bumper sticker. It was a Native American symbol. Swastikas are actually common mystic symbols from many cultures around the world. The Nazis borrowed it from India along with their obsession with Indo-European Aryan roots that becam rampant in early 20th Century Germany—probably thanks to the novelist Herman Hesse's popularization of eastern mysticism in his novel Siddhartha.

For those who are astronomically inclined ; it has been suggested that swastikas were originally inspired by comets with multiple tails tumbling through the heavens in ancient times. It does not take too great a stretch of the imagination to see how people in primitive times lacking scientific explanations might interpret such a seemingly apparition in the heavens as something supernatural.

As for the case of mistaking a Norwegian flag for the Confederate flag?—it looks like the politically correct McCarthyists are at least as paranoid as the original Cold War garden variety who obsessed over the likelihood of communist spies lurking under their beds! Or the fundamentalists who thought the Proctor & Gamble logo of the Man in the Moon was the symbol of the devil. Human beings certainly excel in the manufacturing of devils. And it’s almost a certain bet someone out here there is convinced and making the case that Donald Trump is the antichrist.

Actually I did bother to take a look and these people are legion.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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