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Wendy McElroy Claims Her Writing As Her Property
by J. Neil Schulman, et al
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Wendy McElroy Claims Her Writing As Her Property
Submitted to The Libertarian Enterprise as an article
From J. Neil Schulman's Facebook Page

J Neil Schulman

· June 13 at 7:34am·

Now published as another $0.99 Amazon Kindle from Steve Heller Publishing.

Origitent: Why Original Content Is Property

J. Neil Schulman, with contributions from Wendy McElroy, Samuel Edward Konkin II, Stephan Kinsella, and a foreword by Steve Heller.

Chris McGraw I hope you stole something by Kinsella without his consent to use as the introduction.

Wendy McElroy Rest assured that Neil didn't give me the courtesy of telling me he was using my work for his own profit. The book is news to me. I guess it seems funny to those who believe that taking a position on IP means you do not deserve courtesy, civility, or common decency. Ah, well.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy Of course you don't thank me for doing what you chided me in email for not doing enough: promoting you. I just put you on Amazon best-sellers lists. You're welcome.
And I thought when you released your piece with a Creative Commons license it meant something—that I already had your permission.

Wendy McElroy No. You are profiting from my work without giving the courtesy of a "thank you." And, please, consider...the fact you are on the best sellers list may be because you have included my work. You yourself are a piece of work. I do not wish you to "promote" for your own profit, without so much as telling me you are selling my material. I hope no one buys this book.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy You're such a hypocrite. You spend your life opposing copyright then complain that someone else profits from your work " without your permission."
Well, which is it? It can't be both.

Wendy McElroy Without my knowledge. I am NOT threatening legal action. That would be hypocrisy. I am saying that you display utter disregard for the most basic rules of civility and decency in not even mentioning that you will be selling my writing for your own profit. I repeat, you are a piece of work. And what about living up to your own principles of absolute IP? Clearly, you are willing to wave "bye bye" to them when there is $ in it for you.

Steve Heller It certainly looks as though J Neil Schulman, or anyone else, has the right to use your "Contra Copyright " article under the Creative Commons License that is listed in the PDF version of your article (

Here's what that license says:
"You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits."
Since he gives you credit, what exactly is he doing wrong that deserves legal action, not linking to the license? That is certainly remediable.

Wendy McElroy Is the J.Neil's book copyrighted? If so, he is claiming a copyright over my material. Also, I am not aware of a .pdf of the essay, nor of any creative commons agreement into which I entered concerning it. Perhaps someone else has taken extreme liberties. I am very flexible about the circulation of my work. Again, however, I am not talking about a legal matter. I am talking about civility, courtesy, and common decency. Please wrap your mind around that distinction.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy If you follow the link I gave to the PDF, you will see that if you have a problem, it is with "Libertarian Papers", not with J Neil Schulman. Whoever put that PDF on the web is claiming that your article is under a Creative Commons License.

Steve Heller Also, Stephan Kinsella posted about publication of Wendy's article:

McElroy’s “Contra Copyright, Again”

Wendy McElroy I don't think I've heard of Libertarian Papers. My problem is with J. Neil. Is the book under copyright? If not, then I will be republishing it and sell it myself. If so...I'll think of my options. The question remains for you and for J.Neil...WHY DID YOU NOT GIVE ME THE COURTESY OF TELLING ME YOU WERE SELLING MY WORK FOR YOUR OWN PROFIT? Again, not a legal matter but one of common decency. Please show some.

J Neil Schulman

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy So these people stole your article?


Wendy Mcelroy, Author at Libertarian Papers

Steve Heller Here's a link from the Mises Institute:

. Did they steal your article too?Manage

Contra Copyright, Again | Wendy McElroy

Steve Heller Note that the PDFs at both of the above links have the Creative Commons License in them.

J Neil Schulman *Wendy McElroy ([email protected]) is author of several books and maintains two active websites:


This article contains a new introduction and a revised version of McElroy’s “Contra Copyright,” The Voluntaryist 3, no. 4 (June 1985),

Cite this article as: Wendy McElroy, “Contra Copyright, Again,” Libertarian Papers 3, 12 (2011). Online at:

This article is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (

). Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute.Manage

News -

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy A Creative Commons license means: I don't need any more stinking permission. Courtesy? You don't know the meaning of the word.

· Reply · 5h

Wendy McElroy THIS IS NOT A LEGAL MATTER. IT IS A MATTER OF COMMON DECENCY AND BASIC RESPECT. You and J.Neil seem of offering an apology for extraordinary discourtesy and disrespect shown by SELLING my work for your own profit. You do not believe in the principles you espouse on IP, or else you would live up to them. As for my name at Libertarian Papers...I honestly don't remember that publication, but I have no problem with them reprinting anything I write. People put my name and my material on a lot of sites. I would have tipped my hat in your direction if you had had the common decency to inform me of your plans. As it is, I must oppose the book, and ask anyone who believes in common decency not to buy it. Be decent human beings, gentlemen.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy Please answer. Did the Mises Institute pirate your article and add a Creative Commons License without your knowledge?

Contra Copyright, Again | Wendy McElroy

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy Did the Mises Institute rip off your articles "Contra Copyright" and "Contra Copyright Again" and release them under a Creative Commons License without your knowledge or permission? Yes or no?

Wendy McElroy Steve Heller You please answer. Why did you not inform me that you were reprinting my work for your own profit? Don't avoid the question.

· Reply · 5h

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy Because your work didn't need further notification or permission because it was released under a Creative Commons License—so the only remaining question is whether your article was ripped off and published without your knowledge or permission by the Mises Institute. Did that happen or not?

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy Let me break this down as simply as possible.
1. If your article is under a Creative Commons License, then we need no permission, nor do we need to notify you.
2. If your article is NOT under a Creative Commons License, then you will need to deal with the Mises Institute. We will join your lawsuit against them.
Which is it?

Wendy McElroy This is between you and me, not the Mises Institute , whom I admire. The only intersection with Libertarian Papers would be a legal one, which I have dismissed. So stop raising distractions. You have no respect for writers, for decency. Is the book on IP copyrighted? If so, how do you justify arbitrarily and at your sole discretion slapping a copyright on a book with my material in it? And, no, you are quite right. Under law, you probably don't need to notify me. I KEEP SAYING THIS IS NOT A LEGAL MATTER. It is an ethical one, and you are the wrong side of the line.

J Neil Schulman No, Steve Heller. I do not intend to remove Wendy's licensed content unless she is willing to sue the Mises Institute for publishing her copyrighted origitent without her permission. If she does sue the Mises institute for pirating her work then you and I are also victims and we should, indeed, be co-plaintiffs with her against Mises Institute.

J Neil Schulman Pay attention, Wendy McElroy. The "Publishing Information Page" in Origitent defines precisely what is copyrighted and what is released under a Creative Commons License. I had Amazon send you a complimentary author's copy which I have never received notification that you accepted. If you're too lazy to look at the Publisher's Information Page—which is deliberately NOT called a "Copyright " page—then you can not raise this false and distracting complaint.

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman Oh for the love of God. You are making a profit off my work. And doing so without the decency of informing me of its publication. I am not claiming a legal position against anyone, which you seem unable to comprehend, although it is a simple concept. I am saying that, as a point of common decency, I hope no one buys this book. Do not try to be intellectually coy and clever in trying to draw the Mises Institute into this mess you have created.

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman I have received nothing from you or anyone. And, even if I had, published my material for your profit and informing me of it after the fact is hardly a mitigating circumstance in what absolute assholes you two have been.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy The reason why the Mises Institute's publication of your work is relevant is that the PDF they published STATES THAT IT IS UNDER THE CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE, as you would see if you took 30 seconds to look at the bottom of the first page of the PDF, which again is linked from
For this reason, UNLESS the Mises Institute did this WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION, in which case your beef is WITH THEM, then we are following the terms of that license, which SPECIFICALLY ALLOWS USE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES and you don't have a moral leg to stand on.Manage

Contra Copyright, Again | Wendy McElroy

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy I sent you an author's copy. That is notification. Prior permission would ONLY be required if you were claiming ownership of the content and further denied the Mises' Creative Commons License. You are either a believer in ownership of your content or you are not. Since our 1983 debate you have been denying you believe in ownership in creative content. So your complaint now is either false or a reversal of your opposition to ownership in your content. Either way, we observed and complied with the demand of attribution under Creative Commons attribution for your content.
Amazon sent me the following receipt for your author's copy:
Order Confirmation
Order #D01-0100699-9136239
Hello J. Neil Schulman,
Thank you for shopping with us. We'll e-mail [email protected] a gift announcement on Friday, June 15, 2018 explaining how to get their gift. You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your gift is claimed, or you can check the status of your gift and send a reminder e-mail at any time by visiting Your Orders.
Order Details
Order #D01-0100699-9136239
Placed on Friday, June 15, 2018
Orgitent: Why Original Content Is Property
Kindle Edition
Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC
Review this item
To: [email protected]
From: J. Neil Schulman
Gift Message: Author's copy

Wendy McElroy Again, please open your blocked mind enough to grasp a simple concept...this is not about "legal permission." You can't seem to get over that point and on to the "asshole" part of what you've done. As a human being from whom you are profiting, I deserved a nod as to how you intended to market my work for your own profit. As for the "after the fact" book, I've received nothing from you. Perhaps that is due to Brad blocking all communications from you because you are such a negative, destructive force in our lives, while we have done you no harm, and many favors. I must ask again: Is the book copyrighted? Yes or no.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy Did Brad block all email from Amazon? Because I did not send you your author's copy directly. It came from an Amazon email address:

<[email protected]> Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel,…

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy Our content is copyrighted. Yours is not. It is listed as being published under a Creative Commons License, as you would see if you looked at the screen shot of the publishing information page J Neil Schulman posted above.

Wendy McElroy I did not receive it. Call me a liar, as well as a hypocrite, if you wish. Brad may have blocked everything with your name on it, and your name may have been in the message line. Take as an assurance of my non-receipt that this FB exchange would have happened sooner than it has, if I had been aware of your incredible disrespect and contempt for me. And, I cannot stress enough, how notifying me AFTER THE FACT is an insult. I truly hope people do not buy this book. I truly hope you do not profit from being so unprincipled. You are the one who is supposed to stand up for authors. Only when it is convenient and a dime is not on the line, clearly.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy Gee whiz. When you spent 35 years saying that you didn't believe in ownership of original creative content, you convinced me that you believed that. What a fool I was to take you at your word.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy I've answered your question about copyright.

Wendy McElroy Steve Heller Gentlemen...I am pleased that you do not claim a copyright in my work. That, at least, is as it should be. I will consider my options. As you seem incapable of rendering so much as an acknowledgement of the disrespect with which you treat authors from whom you profit, then there is little reason to continue this discussion. It will have to move elsewhere. PLEASE, I ask people not to buy this book.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy I will be happy to buy the first 100 people who ask a copy of the book.

J Neil Schulman And Origitent: Why Original Content is Property has just been proved correct, inasmuch as Wendy McElroy now agrees she has rights in her original content that she demands be respected.

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman I have agreed to no such thing, and you know it. I am talking about courtesy, respect and common decency. I know these are foreign terms to you. I am NOT talking about "rights," and you know it. This is massive intellectual dishonesty on your part. If I were talking rights, I would be talking about legality. And I am not. I demand to be respected as a human being. And you are incapable.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy
You're the second name in the book's Acknowledgements:
The author wishes to express gratitude to publisher Steve Heller for inspiring this book; to Wendy McElroy for the original debate; to Brad Linaweaver for always requiring intellectual precision; to L. Neil Smith for being a comrade in arms; to J. Kent Hastings for being a moderate anarchist; to Stephan Kinsella and transcriber Rosemary Denshaw for the transcript of Kinsella on Liberty; to Samuel Edward Konkin III and Robert LeFevre for being intellectually alive despite their passing; to Ayn Rand for arguing with me; to Paul Levinson for finding an academic journal to publish my original Logorights monograph; and in general for libertarians willing to take my ideas seriously even when they’re convinced I’m batshit crazy.
--J. Neil Schulman, June 15, 2018

Origitent: Why Original Content Is Property

Chris McGraw How is it intellectual dishonesty if he credited you? Why exactly do you expect a 'thanks'? You're the opposition. You say Neil has no rights to his own work. He doesn't owe you anything.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy Your name is on the cover, whereas mine is not, even though I am the first author in the book and define the terms of the debate. How exactly are you being disrespected?

Wendy McElroy No. Respect for authors and common decency would be to inform an author that you are publishing his/her work and charging for it, keeping all profits for yourself. That's not illegal, at least, not in my world. But that's also not how I live my life, nor does any other decent human being: HEY! It's legal, so let's do it whether or not it is decent. Again, I ask anyone who respects authors, to not buy this book.

Wendy McElroy Steve Heller Well, for one thing, I don't want my name on the cover. You are using my name to sell books, and doing so without doing me the bottom line courtesy of even telling me I am featured on the cover of a book. I really have to protest to Amazon...because you guys can't even understand that you've done something badly wrong here.

Steve Heller Wendy McElroy What payment exactly would you expect for an article published under a Creative Commons License, which you refuse to state was applied to your original content without your permission?
Convince me how much I owe you under these circumstances and I'll pay you.

J Neil Schulman No, Wendy McElroy, we've demonstrated the contradiction in your demanding that your creative content not be used without your consent while you attack the underlying natural law/natural rights basis for such a demand. You are proved to be a hypocrite, a liar, and devoid of any respect for logic.

Wendy McElroy Steve Heller I have never mentioned your paying me. I have hit over and over again on the extreme discourtesy and disrespect of not even telling me I was being advertised and used for your profit. I am not seeking money. I want common decency to be extended to authors.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy You block me then complain that I didn't communicate with you. Whose fault is that?????????

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman You are unable to understand that this is not a legal issue of consent. It is a simply concept that I have stated about a dozen ways, but you cannot wrap your mind around it. Authors should be treated with respect. In the absence of government-enforced copyright, this practice is more important than ever. I am talking common decency, J.Neil. Google it, if you must.

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman The blocking happened a short while ago. This book must have been in the works for quite some time. Moreover, Steve was not blocked. You still post on my Facebook. There are many ways you could have informed me. Don't play the victim when you have been the asshole, here.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy What kind of courtesy is it to block someone's email—even email from someone else where my name is in it—then complain in public that I never sought your permission for using an article which was released under a Creative Commons License that doesn't require notification or further permission? You state, this is not a legal matter but a matter of courtesy, and your mendacious accusation that you were owed prior notification from someone whom you were blocking and could not give you such notification is the sheerest sophistry.
Furthermore, the book from first concept to final publication was a total of THREE DAYS. Steve Heller and I first discussed doing this book on June 12th and it was finished and uploaded to Amazon on June 15th.
Timely discussion with you was impossible given that you had totally blocked me—and I therefore relied on the fact that publication of your content needed no prior notification or permission since it was released under a Creative Commons License.

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman AS I said, the book must have been in works for quite a while, and Brad's decision to finally eliminate you from our lives was recent. You still post on my FB page; Steve is able to contact me freely; Stephan is a friend of mine, and you could have contacted me through him. It was easy enough for you to let me know. AGAIN, AGAIN, this is not about permission, to which you wish to reduce everything. It is about your using me in the book and on the cover, without the common decency of informing an author that you intend to make a profit off her. As I said, you are incapable of admitting you did anything remotely objectionable. So let's leave it here, and take it up with Amazon.

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy Are you denying the authenticity of the Creative Commons License:
Wendy McElroy, “Contra Copyright, Again,” Libertarian Papers 3, 12 (2011). Online at:

This article is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (

). Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute.
If you interfere with the publication of the book on Amazon on the claim that Steve Heller and I used your content without your consent, I will bring in Stephan Kinsella as my witness that we did indeed have your publication permission via the Creative Commons License.
And if you register an objection to the book with Amazon that does move the discussion from courtesy to legality, and I will treat it as such.

Libertarian Papers - A Journal of Philosophy, Politics, and…

Wendy McElroy You are still posting on my FB account; Steve is able to contact me freely; others involved in the book could have done so. The fact that Brad found it necessary for our well-being to block your emails and for me to ask you to never phone our home again does not change the fact that you could have easily contacted me in several other ways. And, yes, I was "owed" notification—not legally, but ethically. But, enough, this clearly cannot be resolved between the three of us. I will move on, and consider my options. Without the government-enforced IP that you advocate, free-market forces are the "court" of appeal. Sorry it comes to this, but there is no reasoning or appeal to decency that works with you.

Wendy McElroy I have assured you repeatedly that nothing I am talking about has to do with legality. Are you truly incapable of reading sentences in plain English?

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy This, in fact, is the first forum where I was able to communicate with you without being blocked. And in it you have disrespected me, lied about me, and threatened to go to Amazon , as you write above, "So let's leave it here, and take it up with Amazon."
What did you mean by that other than taking the legal step of a take-down of the book?

J Neil Schulman Stephan Kinsella: Relying on the Creative Commons License, did or not Steve Heller and I have the moral sanction to publish Wendy McElroy's content used in Origitent, and use it for a commercially sold ebook without her prior notification or consent? Given that she has written above in this discussion that she had blocked me for any attempt to reach her or her husband by email or phone, was I justified in complying with her stated desire that I not attempt to communicate with her?

Steve Heller J Neil Schulman Stephan Kinsella

J Neil Schulman Steve Heller wrote J Neil Schulman Stephan Kinsella

J Neil Schulman Wendy McElroy As I said above:
Furthermore, the book from first concept to final publication was a total of THREE DAYS. Steve Heller and I first discussed doing this book on June 12th and it was finished and uploaded to Amazon on June 15th.
Timely discussion with you was impossible given that you had totally blocked me—and I therefore relied on the fact that publication of your content needed no prior notification or permission since it was released under a Creative Commons License.

Wendy McElroy J Neil Schulman Legality is not what this is about, J.Neil. And you could have contacted me any time through alternate paths, like FB. It is not about rights; it is about morality. And, if you had the slightest sense of self-interest, you would drop this now.

Russell Jackson II No offense to Wendy, but her offense to her work being used without notification or consent shows that it is a deep-seated natural human desire for people to not want their work used against their will or in a way they don't authorize, and to view doing so as immoral. Even anti-IP people can't escape the feeling. Hence, the origin of intellectual property. That is the origin of ALL property rights: simply enforcement of the inalienable human intuition that a person owns what he produces.

Stephan Kinsella Little does everyone know that Neil has finally persuaded me of his case for IP, and I plan to "come out" in my Foreword. I mean introduction.

Jon Streeter I liked your post about how a buyer could be given any book since a book is merely an idea. That was the missing piece of the what’s wrong with this picture for me. You may have worded it a bit better

J Neil Schulman On 1/23/2018 6:50 PM, Wendy McElroy emailed me:
"Leave us alone. Leave us alone. Just leave us alone."
So I did. Now she complains that I complied with her request.

Wendy McElroy And, yet, you post on my FB, clearly, you feel free to connect with me. And where is Steve in all this? He couldn't tell me how you were using my name and reputation to make a profit for yourselves? The two of you could not extend that courtesy? You are not letting this die down, are you J.Neil.

J Neil Schulman Stephan Kinsella just told me he can't read Wendy McElroy's comments in this thread. That only happens if Wendy has blocked him on Facebook.

Wendy McElroy Stephan is a good friend. I have not blocked him. I haven't even blocked you. Don't be more ridiculous than you have to be, J.Neil. This is going to be messy enough.

Stephan Kinsella Wendy McElroy Hey sweetie. I think you replied to someone who has me blocked, that's why I can't see it. No worries.

Wendy McElroy Stephan Kinsella Thanks, Stephan. I'm sorry J.Neil brought you into this. Let me invite you to return to the peace and quiet of your family and, well, your life. Because you have one! ☺️

J Neil Schulman

"CITE THIS ARTICLE AS: Wendy McElroy, “Contra Copyright, Again,” Libertarian
Papers 3, 12 (2011). ONLINE AT:

THIS ARTICLE IS subject to a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (

). Published by
the Ludwig von Mises Institute

J Neil Schulman Subject: I just put you on an Amazon Best-Sellers List!
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2018 19:54:17 -0700
From: J. Neil Schulman <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: Wendy McElroy <[email protected]>
You cut off from me for the stated reason that I didn't reciprocate your efforts to promote me.
I just put you on an Amazon Best-Sellers List.
I used an article you'd authorized for use under a Creative Commons attribution:
Wendy McElroy, “Contra Copyright, Again,” Libertarian Papers 3, 12 (2011). Online at:

This article is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (

). Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute.
You're second in the Acknowledgements:
The author wishes to express gratitude to publisher Steve Heller for inspiring this book; to Wendy McElroy for the original debate; to Brad Linaweaver for always requiring intellectual precision; to L. Neil Smith for being a comrade in arms; to J. Kent Hastings for being a moderate anarchist; to Stephan Kinsella and transcriber Rosemary Denshaw for the transcript of Kinsella on Liberty; to Samuel Edward Konkin III and Robert LeFevre for being intellectually alive despite their passing; to Ayn Rand for arguing with me; to Paul Levinson for finding an academic journal to publish my original Logorights monograph; and in general for libertarians willing to take my ideas seriously even when they’re convinced I’m batshit crazy.
--J. Neil Schulman, June 15, 2018
Stephan Kinsella wrote the book's Introduction and we include a transcript of my appearance on his podcast.
SEK3's "Copywrongs" from The Voluntaryist is also included.
Problem fixed.
I sent you your Amazon Kindle author's copy last night. You just need to accept the gift sent to [email protected] from Amazon.
PDF is attached herewith.


Libertarian Papers - A Journal of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

J Neil Schulman Guess who the publisher of Libertarian Papers is? Stephan Kinsella.

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