Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 982, July 22, 2018

Socialism is a bit like asking somebody to breathe
carbon monoxide. In fact, it’s exactly like
asking somebody to breathe carbon monoxide.

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My Predictions for the Mid-Term Elections
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Maybe I am being a little premature by making predictions about the Mid-Term Elections that will be held this November, but I personally believe that it will not go the way the democrats expect it to go. The democrats are hoping that they can take back the house in November in the same way that the republicans did in 2010, after Obama had been elected two years earlier. Since the Mid-Term Elections have historically had such low turnouts, it gives momentum to the party that received losses during the presidential election. Though I think that they are going to run into a little obstacle that is going to put their assured victory in jeopardy. What obstacle? Themselves.

It’s amazing how the democrats have learned nothing from the fiasco that occurred in the last election. They and their allies in the media were almost sure that Donald Trump didn’t stand a chance against Hillary Clinton, who had a double-digit lead during the 2016 Elections. I can tell you that this was one of the rare times that I actually enjoyed watching the election results or at least the look on the faces of the media pundits who couldn’t believe that Trump was winning states that should have gone to their queen. What is really funny is that neither the left or their media cronies have been able to fully comprehend how Trump won the election. First, they tried to blame the racists of the so-called Alt-Right, despite the fact that there aren’t enough of them, as Rush Limbaugh once said, to elect a dogcatcher. Then they tried to concoct this ridiculous conspiracy theory about how the Russians supposedly hacked the election, despite after two years of investigations, we still don’t have a shred of evidence that Russia had anything to do with Trump’s success. It’s so much easier to come up with half-cocked conspiracy theories than it is to admit the truth about the democrats being out of touch with the needs of the American people. That is why they would rather spend more time pointing out how much of a big meanie Trump is, then give us actual solutions to America’s ills. The only problem with this strategy is that it is a proven failure. Just take a look at how well it worked for Hillary Clinton. No of course that wasn’t the reason for her failures. It was Russian spies and boogeymen from the Alt-Right.

They don’t realize that the American people don’t really care about Trump’s lack of presidential etiquette as much as they do about keeping food on the table or having a roof over their heads. While many of them may not be fond of the fact that our president doesn’t have much of a filter when it comes to some of the rhetoric that spews out of his mouth, they probably have greater concerns about where their next paycheck is coming from. The one thing that I can say about Trump is that the economy has grown more in the first two years of his presidency than it had during the entire eight years of Obama’s reign. Even the mainstream media outlets are starting to recognize this inconvenient fact. What the democrats don’t realize is that people are more inclined to vote with their wallets, so people will likely vote for a party that is more likely to give them prosperity than one that will give them another eight years of stagnation. Also, with the exception of headcases such as Maxine Waters, most of the democrats in congress are trying to keep their impeachment plans for Trump on the downlow until they can retake the House of Representatives. Now despite her nuttiness, I do give Waters credit for being honest about her intentions. The problem is that the American people aren’t really going to be onboard with this whole impeachment nonsense. Aside from having no grounds for impeaching Trump, people will once again vote with their wallets to keep their meal tickets from being taken away.

Another issue that the left can’t seem to wrap their heads around is why so many people are willing to fight tooth and nail to preserve their Second Amendment rights. Many on the left actually do believe in the comical image of the NRA sending down lobbyists with wads of cash in their pockets to bribe congressmen, which is easier to believe than the simple truth that the anti-gun laws that they champion just aren’t popular among the American people. Yes, the American people love their guns and they will vote to keep them. That is why victim disarmament or “gun control” as they call it is a losing position.

What amazes me is the people on the left who like to refer to themselves as progressives, yet they seem to be incapable of evolving in the name of progress. Back in the day when you still had centralist democrats, you would see politicians such as Bill Clinton promoting himself as a law and order type that wanted harsh sentences for criminals (lol). He even made it seem as if he had fiscal conservative views when he worked with the republicans to give America a balanced budget and reform welfare. The centralist wing of the Democratic Party is now gone and just about every member has gone far left. Not only have they completely abandoned the idea of fiscal responsibility, but they don’t seem to care about having a prosperous economy. In that aspect they seem to have moved to the left of Obama who at least pretended like he cared about the state of the economy. At one point they acted like they were the only party that cared about the plight of the common man, but now it seems like they have completely abandoned that voting base. If the democrats truly had brains, then they would assure the American people that do care about prosperity and that they will make sure that we have an economy that’s just as prosperous, if not better than Trump’s.

Okay lefties. If you are serious about winning the next two elections, you need to listen up. You probably thought that attacking the Trump administration for the detainment of the migrant children was a wise move because no one likes to see kids separated from their parents and thrown into cages. Even when you put aside the hypocrisy of the left not showing the same outrage when this was a standard practice during the Obama administration, this is another example of how a blow that was aiming below the belt hit nothing but air. It’s true that nobody wants to see kids ripped from the arms of their parents, however there are better ways to convey this message without forming mobs to harass members of the Trump administration while they are trying have dinner with their families or sleep soundly in their own beds. I don’t care what Maxine Waters has told you, these tactics are not helping your cause. You had an opportunity for a knock-out, but instead your fist missed your opponent completely. Despite what you were hoping to gain from this fiasco, Trump’s approval rating has actually risen.

Here is another thought. I remember a time when your side demanded that right-wingers denounce David Duke, neo-Nazis, the KKK and pretty much anyone else who is no longer relevant in 2018. Well, I think it’s time that we demand the same from your side in regards to Antifa, Black Lives Matters, Maxine Waters, extremists who demand the end of ICE, mobs who harass Trump officials during their off-time and the social justice element who can’t do anything but scream Nazi or racist at their opponents. At the very least you need to distance yourself from these fringe elements who are not helping your cause.

Who am I kidding? You guys are going to go back to screaming Nazi or racist at your opponents because we all know how well that worked in keeping Trump out of office. Then your going to keep demonizing law-biding gun owners, even though this tactic has failed you time and time again. Then of course you are going to treat the fringe element as if they now represent the mainstream wing of your party. It’s the inability to learn from your mistakes that is going to be your undoing this November.

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