Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 988, September 2, 2018

Like all good novels, this one tries also to
be about life and death, love and hate, beauty
and ugliness, intelligence and stupidity,
and, most importantly, good and evil.

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Deep State—The Significance of 1992
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

1992 is arguably the most significant year in the last half of the 20th Century.

But until now you did not really know what happened then or understand the next 36 years which have sent America’s economy into a tail spin, enmeshed us in constant war, made millions homeless, and taken the world to the brink of disaster.

If Deep State had not acted:

  • Bill Clinton would never have been elected president.
  • Bush W. would never have been elected president.
  • War on Iraq would not have happened.
  • The economy, world-wide would be stable today.
  • Millions would not have lost their homes.
  • We would all have affordable health care through the free-market


In mid-March 1992, the Clintons were ready to wind down their campaign and return to Arkansas. Bill and Hillary had been talking about the presidency for years, looking for the right time but the money had not appeared, even after their win in Southern Super Tuesday on March 11th. Opposition was down to was Paul Tsongas and Jerry Brown.

This made a presidential win possible if Bill could stay ahead of the scandals he and Hillary knew loomed. Bill Clinton was, and remains, a sexual predator. He could never have been elected today, now that the MeToo! consciousness has awakened. But Bill was also a student of John F. Kennedy, as are many of us. Kennedy decided for reasons of his deteriorating health he could not wait to try for the presidency, instead running for the office in 1959. Bill and Hillary knew they had a limited window of opportunity determined not by ill-health but by Bill’s sexual habits.

But money was no issue for JFK, for Bill Clinton, it was.

In Mid-March 1992 the Clinton had only $50,000 left and a HQ bus. On March 12 Bill and Hillary spent time at Hillary’s High School Alma Mater, Maine South High School near Chicago despite their win in the Southern Super Primary the day before.

Decision-time was coming up fast. The Clintons had reached out to the Democratic Labor establishment. Now, they had to find the means to sell Bill and his carefully manufactured agenda to American voters.

Frank Greer had come onboard as Clinton’s Media Consultant. Despite the title, Greer knew nothing about satellite technology as a distribution system. He needed to know so the Clinton Campaign could determine if satellite was an option.

Also, on the agenda, the rush of scandals.

On January 26th Bill and Hillary Clinton appeared on 60 Minutes to deny Bill had carried on a long affair with Gennifer Flowers. Now, we know this was a carefully orchestrated lie.

Two days later, during George H. W. Bush’s State of the Union Address, only 1M of 29-Million phone calls to CBS via touch-tone phone buttons for #1 AGREE or #2 DISAGREE had gotten through. Millions of calls crashed to deadtone in 14 phone regions of the Bell System.

The Clintons and Greer likely spent January to mid-March looking for solutions to the problem of rapidly increasing their media presence while staving off scandals.

How could they sell Clinton to the mass-audience with the money they had available and do so as a stream of propaganda avoiding the problems caused when Bill was confronted with facts about his behavior? This is when Billary received a fax copy of the PhoneVoter TV Network Proposal.

The answer, they realized, was Satellite. Now they needed to know how to get it.

January 1992

Brock d’Avignon, founder of PhoneVoter TV Networks, picked satellite TV to avoid the overload problem for PhoneVoter, started on January 21st. Brock had persuaded Keystone Satellite Communications to provide free satellite time, valued at $130,000 per candidate, to presidential hopefuls if they used PhoneVoter TV to show audience response tallies. This was a loss-leader to build up satellite use in new markets.

Brock d’Avignon and a team of volitional, non-political libertarians, began working from borrowed space in a small office in Costa Mesa, CA to give American voters a voice in their electoral system using mass-audience TV which allowed the audience to AGREE/DISAGREE with candidates. With satellite, this would work.

Unknown Libertarian History

If you are a libertarian, active in the Libertarian Party or not, you probably know some of the names of below. They all agreed on the need for people to have greater control of governance, eliminating government if possible. They agreed the economy could be transferred into the free-market, achieving stability, using the loan tool, Percentage-As-You-Earn (PAYE) Finance and Finansurance , d’Avignon had researched over the previous twenty years.

PhoneVoter offered services to all 64 presidential candidates. The four who responded were Ross Perot, Jerry Brown, Pat Buchanan and Bill Clinton.

The reactions of each candidate proved to be revealing.

The Perot Campaign

Of the four candidates, Perot was first, starting in January. Perot’s rise in popularity was linked to Telepoll 700-800-900#, owned and programmed by Gary Tomlinson for Owners of America, Inc. Telepoll offering AGREE—DISAGREE votes. From January until March PhoneVoting took place entirely by telephone. Results went to the congresspersons of the pollvoters and to the media each week from early February 1992 on. d'Avignon wrote and faxed the PhoneVoter questions to Owners of America, Inc. who had Capitol Calling Cards printed and sold.

Finally, someone was listening. Congresspersons and the media received weekly releases. In June, Perot led a Gallup poll with 39% of the vote thanks to the combined efforts of PhoneVoter and TelePoll, paid for entirely by Owners of America, Inc.

The CNN appearance on Larry King aired on February 20, 1992. This was a reaction to Perot’s rising popularity, originating from voters’ ability to respond to the statements they heard through their phone calls using their Capitol Calling Cards . Perot advocated electronic direct democracy via electronic town halls as well. The tallies were a step in that direction, powering the campaign and the wish of Americans to have a part in decisions being made.

In May, Perot hired Ed Rollins, a former consultant for Ronald Reagan, and everyone in the campaign expected Perot to begin buying satellite time through PhoneVoter and making use of the Presidential Candidates’ Unedited Speech program and to participate in the Presidential Candidates’ Debate Tournament.

Instead, on July 16th Rollins resigned and two days later so did Perot, coming back to stop the threat of Bo Gritz taking his place with Owners of America, Inc.

Perot depended on appearances made on other people’s TV shows. Bill Clinton refused to participate in programming which allowed voters to AGREE/DISAGREE with his ideas but used satellite from April 1 through the election in November.

If Perot had not been too cheap to pay for Satellite time, he would likely have been the next president. Satellite for the whole year would have cost him only $2M.

Clinton Ethics in Operation

At the time of Super Tuesday Clinton was in Illinois confronting his lack of financing and need to beat former Governor of California, Jerry Brown. Former Massachusetts Senator Paul E. Tsongas left the race March 17 th , leaving only Brown as a problem. Bill knew he was no match for Brown in a face-to-face debate. The Clinton charm fell flat with Jerry Brown who was quirky but honestly looking for solutions to problems.

Brown’s campaign included the use of an 800 number to encourage small donors, focusing on term limits, a flat tax, and the abolition of the Department of Education. Jerry would not begin his participation in PhoneVoter’s Unedited Presidential Candidate Speeches until late April but the 1040 Flat Tax event in front of the New York Public Library, Main Branch, had taken place. The NY primary would take place April 7 th.

It was now, or never, for Bill and Hillary’s presidential ambitions. It is likely they had calculated the power of the presidency for quashing investigations before the election took place.

Two men, who identified themselves as “ Charles Marcus and Frank Greer’ began calling PhoneVoter HQ to ask detailed questions about satellite technology and about costs in Mid-March. Marcus said nothing except to state, when the subject of cost was raised, there was not have enough to pay for anything. So how could they get satellite? The dialog continued over the phone and by fax.

Brock prepared a proposal specifically for the Clinton Campaign dated May 22, 1992, yet unaware Greer and Clinton had used the information he provided to circumvent the need to debate. [link] Marcus and Greer evaded discussing the Interactive shows which would have put Bill into debates with other candidates such as Jerry Brown who called him a “scandal-a-day-candidate.” They said, “We’ll get back to you on that.”

The record of some of the advice provided to “Marcus’ is handwritten at the bottom. The consultations continued, evidently, while Bill and Greer were arranging to rip PhoneVoter off, never paying them.

Always trusting and helpful, Brock had told the Clintons there was only one Satellite Uplink truck still available in the entire country. Brock sent them the Keystone Quote Page, having already told them even though they did not have enough to pay the first and last month for satellite they could, with the truck, send their content up themselves. The Uplink Truck’s cost for one month was $35,000. Brock then advised them the remaining $15,000 must to be spent letting Network and local TV News Directors know where to aim their satellite received dish by notifications phone, telex, fax and TWIX so they could obtain the warm words and sweet smiles of Bill Clinton which would be raining down from the sky. Money would not be a problem, Brock promised them, and they quickly discovered the truth of this consultation.

Brock took notes [link]

Frank Greer was then the Clinton Media Consultant—but no one named “Charlie Marcus” ever worked for the Clinton Campaign. Brock realized the deference Greer showed to Marcus made it obvious, in retrospect, the second voice was Bill Clinton. Unfolding events proved Greer and the Clintons could learn fast about the technologies which today drive media.

Buchanan and Brown had nothing to hide. Perot might have—but Clinton did.

Elsewhere in Campaign World

Libertarians, those who might have been assumed to be the most well-informed technologically, remained inert in 1992.

Lee Wright, one Libertarian candidate running for the LP nomination in 1991, immediately understood the power of Interactive technologies. But Lee could not get past the assumption the Main Stream Media made TV impossible. Brock was having this same problem with both Libertarians and all other candidates except the four mentioned.

Today, 2018, the National LP, to date, has never answered the phone or responded to phone messages, snail mail, faxes or emails sent offering them free or volume discount coast-to-coast airtime for shows and debates in 1992, 1995-6, 2000, 2016. Neither have the other minor parties.

The Bottom Line—1992

The four campaigns who used the PhoneVoter suggestions or programs produced results with stunning speed.

Perot, the frugal, never used satellite but starting in February he rose into high enough polling numbers to be a serious contender for the presidency.

Clinton understood the PhoneVoter services would require him to debate issues and answer questions, not just glad-hand voters and, “Feel their pain.” Bill refused to participate in programming which allowed voters to AGREE/DISAGREE with his ideas but used satellite from April 1 through the election in November. His donations and supporters increased rapidly.

Pat Buchanan and Jerry Brown both began exploring the potential of PhoneVoter TV in late February. Brown dallied around, not getting his Unedited Speech to PhoneVoter for several weeks. Buchanan’s Campaign Chairman, his sister Bay Buchanan, had one to PhoneVoter within a week.

Jerry Brown and Pat Buchanan were each committed to change. Their goals differed, but each believed their own ideas would be good for America. If there was any doubt at the time these questions have been laid to rest by how they have spent the 36 years since the 1992 election. Each was willing to debate openly.

When these began to air 16-hours per day from the last week of April through the California Primary on June 6 th Brown and Buchanan’s polling numbers began to rise dramatically.

Brock faxed Brown a visual stunt. Having the Federal Tax Code Books (70 volumes) of loopholes, receding behind Brown in a trash truck. Unfortunately, the Clinton’s Union Allies in NY got wind of this exciting event and ensured no trash truck was available. Undeterred, Brown threw the volumes one-by-one slowly into a trash can as he held up his postcard 1040 flat-tax IRS Form in front of mobile crews from 13 TV Networks. The replay of the stunt coast-to-coast caused a 2% rise in Brown’s popularity every day. d’Avignon calculated Brown had missed beating Clinton in the NY and California Primaries by three days to be the Democrat nominee.

Buchanan went into the Republican Convention having campaigned for the same values he stands for today. These are essentially paleoconservative. He and Bay run The American Cause.

Jerry Brown again ran for the office of Governor in California and was elected again to the position in 2011. He maintains a website, Jerry Brown, which bemoans the level of the prison population in California. Brock has sent Brown a solution which includes releasing all convicts in prison for victimless crimes immediately and allowing those who had victims to pay restitution in the form of a percentage of income to their victim. D’Avignon refers to convicts who qualify to pay restitution as Outvicts. 69% of employers will employ an Outvict if the crime was non-violence and prisoners agree to pay restitution of 17% of their monthly earnings to their victims.

How Dangerous is PhoneVoter to Deep State?

The best measure of the power of interaction is the steps both major parties took to ensure it would not be available to candidates they did not want elected. Add to this the purchase of Keystone Satellite Communications at ten times its value and you see that the elites well understood the problem they faced.

Almost immediately after the 1992 primary elections, Keystone Satellite Communications cancelled the offer for free satellite time for PhoneVoter. This likely came through Clinton, who still faced the general election against Bush and Perot.

Keystone was bought for ten times its value by France Telecom. The sum paid was $100M. The order for the purchase came from Bilderberger leader Etienne d’Avignon. The purchase happened after Bush Senior went down to screaming defeat in November of 1992.

Brock learned this the next year from Keystone’s former General Manager, David Hansford, who told Brock the new owners expressed consternation when they learned Keystone had no contract with Brock for PhoneVoter. Keystone’s former owner was restricted from being in the satellite business for 17 years.

NOTE: Any connection between Brock and Etienne d’Avignon would have to date back at least 300 years at the time Brock’s family moved to the New World; both are named “of Avignon” a 2,000 year-old city in France.

Clinton became titular head of the Democratic Party with his election to the presidency understanding the power of satellite was responsible for his election. He also understood the danger of Interactive communication with America’s electorate, as did Bush Senior and the group which was growing around his son, W.

In 1993 Haley Barbour became the Chairman of the Republican National Committee. This could only have happened with the approval of Bush Senior. Barbour told GOP presidential candidates he had cut a deal with the DNC agreeing neither party would use either satellite or PhoneVoter for the 1996 election. This happened along with the start of the Commission for Presidential Debates by the two parties.

In 1995, Haley Barbour, forbade GOP presidential candidates the use of either satellite or Campaigns On Satellite (COS), citing this agreement. But Barbour knew this was untrue. The Democratic Party had bought satellite time for all of 1996.

Brock learned about this through one of his contacts in the satellite industry in October 1995 and immediately informed Haley Barbour, and all declared candidates, including Republicans. [link]

One of these was the Media Consultant for the Dole-Kemp Campaign, Mike Murphy, (scroll down to see the Contact Notes Brock made ) who had worked as a media consultant on the campaign for George H. W. Bush in 1988 and 1992. Murphy popped up as the Media Consultant for Lamar Alexander in 1996 and blocked the campaigns use of PhoneVoter, despite their having received multiple proposals. This is reflected in the contact records from PhoneVoter.

In 2000, Mike Murphy pulled the same con on John McCain, blocking the PhoneVoter proposals 13 times. McCain learned of this as he stood waiting to concede the California primary to George W. Bush in front of his Straight Talk bus waiting to drive between a dozen satellite uplink trucks from others’ networks. Brock handed him another copy of the proposal. McCain and his wife, Cindy read it together. Cindy exclaimed, “John, we could have won with this!”

McCain stormed over to Murphy, raging. Murphy, shouting over McCain, shrugged saying, “You got a conventional campaign.”

Mike Murphy is apparently a BushCo agent in place, working as a political consultant where their needs indicate first in campaigns and now in media. Murphy and John Fund both worked on ensuring McCain lost. Fund planted the false story before Southern Super Tuesday on a black McCain love-child. Murphy worked more directly. Both continue to be agents in place. Assume there are others from both the Right and Left. They are still out there, working.

What you have learned are unpalatable facts about political figures in both major parties the story is not about politics. It is about how ordinary people can change everything rapidly.

The Solutions

Percentage-As-You-Earn Health Portal AvertAlert

The solution to the problem of empowering people is mass-audience, interactive communications. Participants today will be able to connect to solve local problems from ideas they see work from shows or work with solutions on the shows. No filters, no censorship. Don’t worry about attempts at censoring or about child porn or kitten killing. We have this covered. We love kittens, too.

Americans want to be heard. They want solutions. Are you ready to provide these, let ordinary people decide for themselves? IPTV is what you expect from the Internet on steroids while seeing your own comments, Phonevotes, solutions, donations, purchases, and uploads too. Links to chatrooms which are local will help local people organize as well. We can change Congress, ensure the people who have real solutions are funded, clean-up the Amazon’s rainforest, come together to welcome refugees, and move to a sustainable world.

An Open Letter to Libertarians

Today, time is probably too short for most Libertarians or other minor party candidates to win in November. Two months ago, this was possible when we sent information to minor party candidates for office and independents. By July 2018’s Freedomfest, Bill Weld still had not bothered to read the proposal he requested from Freedom Interactive TV Networks at the California Libertarian Convention in April 2018. The reasons for his failure do not matter now. He declared a $50M—$60M fundraising goal for the Libertarian Party.

In 2016, 2012 and 2008 Gary Johnson was offered a bare-bones $3M Live Free TV Network with mobile uplink teams and did not acknowledge, nor did he inform either running mate Gray or Weld he had such offers numerous times. Yet in a very un-libertarian way, he is raising money to force his way by force onto a private debate stage of the demopublicans’ lame soundbite-athon. He bought ads, not shows, on other people’s networks when he had $12M, and could today have a legacy TV network. Like other events of neglect, these will play a part in determining the outcome of future elections. All candidates received the same offer.

If the LP is too locked in failure to act individuals can still, make different choices.

The Message from the 1992 Flash Back

The point of the short history of 1992 is to provide a meaningful measure of the impact that even a small increment of interaction plus satellite could have on a political campaign’s outcome. In 1992, even Andre Marrou could have been a serious contender with satellite and the programs PhoneVoter provided. It did not happen and has failed to happen for 36 years.

The proposed Presidential Candidate Debate Tournament in 1992 may have ended with two candidates facing off in a debate who were not from the major parties.

Libertarians and activists from other minor parties have been more than willing to donate money to campaigns which, provably, have moved us not one iota closer to a free-market and individual liberty. Buying ads on a TV show is a legitimate expense, tax deductible. Placing ads on shows which allow a mass-audience to see tallies, ask questions, make comments and suggestions, can achieve the same popularity as American Idol with 750,000,000 PhoneVotes or other song & dance interactive TV shows like “So You Think You Can Dance?” with 94-million PhoneVotes in one show, the record; which is more people than vote for president of the US. It is the best possible way for freedom-minded people to advertise or produce entire interactive shows for the same cost as the ads. By doing so, they reach their most likely customers, those who share their values and principles, who will donate to panelist “C” or “None of the Above” because the other choices are all clowns.

Libertarians are so used to viewing the idea of a free-market as some kind of icon, receding in the distance, that they ignore the reality. While the most popular shows, those having the highest number or viewers, can cost several times what is usual, a typical live PrimeTime One-Hour show, including production costs and all forms of available distribution, Satellite (volume discounted time), Cable, and IPTV Streaming, costs approximately ~$8,400. This is the amount which needs to be covered by advertisers. Ten advertisers, each buying a one-minute ad, breaks down to $840 each.

Since both the shows and advertising are interactive on Freedom Interactive TV, this provides free-market business people with a means for direct contact with their best possible customers, those whose business and values were supported by the ideas of freedom.

And if you want a real debate with the ideas of freedom presented, this is the way to give Americans a real debate tournament for all candidates, not propaganda preaching to the choir.

Interactive ads draw in customers in far greater numbers than do the passive ads we change channels to avoid.

On Freedom Interactive TV people will watch the advertising, realizing this is the best place to find what they most want.

Lawsuits filed to force Libertarian candidates on to exclusive TV shows which are paid for by other political parties are not a move toward the free-market. The prime example of this today is “Our America Initiative Foundation”. We can move beyond lame sound-bite-a-thons with no substance. Interactive TV, which allows voters to express their approval, disapproval, assert opinions, make suggestions, donate, upload videos and other content, buy products and more is exactly what people are looking for online and why passive TV is dying.

Slowly but surely, Americans have lost their power to choose and become trapped in a world bound by fear. Together, we will reverse this. 1992 was not an accident. Rather, it demonstrated the already growing hunger of Americans to be heard.

In the intervening years the potential has grown with technology for unknown ideas and candidates to be seen and heard. Did you know there were at least 1,338 candidates for president running besides Hillary and Trump? How did judgement by soundbites work out for you?

This is not an expose of the problems and misallocations of funds which have occurred in the past 36 or more years the Libertarian Party has existed. All you need do is read the dispassionate and detailed analyses of the LP Presidential campaign spending provided by Dr. George Phillies on this subject to see the recurring patterns and find the names of those responsible. Funding Liberty

If you agree with our goal help us bring up Freedom Interactive TV Networks so everyone can be heard and together we can solve the problems we face today get in touch.

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