Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 995, October 21, 2018

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

The Party Of Man-Haters (AKA Witches, Bitches & Crazy Ladies)

"Beware! Dem witches are preparing to mount their brooms and swoop down on Deplorable America".

Just in time for Halloween!: [Link]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Climate change could green the Sahara and unleash monster hurricanes on the U.S. | NCPR News

Since the recent rash of hurricanes that belted the US mainland this fall—the scaremongers are at it again trying to fix blame on human activity and terrorize the populace into believing they have the solution that will save the world.

[read the article]

I researched some links from this article and found that apparently the climate alarmists are terrified we might turn the clock back to Roman times when the Sahara Desert was more like the Serengeti and Lake Chad was an inland sea possibly rivaling the Caspian! I doubt the Romans would have bothered exploring that far south if the Sahara was like it is now in modern times. That was about two thousand years ago—just an eye blink in geologic time. When you consider that the climate has changed that much since the time of Ancient Rome—let alone since the end of the last Ice Age—it becomes obvious that climate is always in a state of flux and you have to indulge the thoughtcrime questioning the utility of making enormous sacrifices that probably won't make any difference in a vain attempt to mitigate something that we may or may not be contributing to; that has happened before by natural causes and will inevitably happen again anyway—even if we did not exist?

Of course the politically correct answer is that it is immoral for us to meddle with nature—not because we are doing harm but because there are vested interests who want to use the so called crisis of climate change as a plea of necessity to create an artificial scarcity economy and force redistribution of wealth and societal changes that would otherwise be impossible to sell to the general population—except in time of a do or die war. In their own words ; climate alarmists often admit that even if they are wrong—it will bring about the redistribution of wealth necessary for the kind of world they are trying to create. Another way to analyze their moralistic argument is to compare it to the one on the health care system of the United States vs Cuba. The latter they say is better because it is accessible to all—even though it's terrible. In reality it is a matter of the right people being in charge—namely the cultural Marxists. Much of leftist argument is about social injustice—but the root of the injustice is that that they—the left wing intelligencia who are are wise and benevolent and deserve to be in charge of everything are not in charge—be it health care , wealth redistribution or climate mitigation and reparations. The biblical proclamation that the sin of the world is unbelief obviously applies to climate skeptics—as well as those who would dare question any left wing orthodoxy.

Climate deniers deny the "rightful owners of the world" access to the levers of power necessary to remake the world according to the mandate of their unquestionable authority and wisdom.

To indulge yet another thoughtcrime ; I say there is an obvious silver lining in a world with a Wet Sahara. It's way better than another Ice Age and it could very well be the solution to world hunger. Plus another one that really drives them crazy; CO2 is plant food!

Think about it; we might have to give up subsidizing people who want beach front property—but it would pretty much break the cycles of famine in the Sahel region and Africa goes from starving children with swollen bellies to becoming the new bread basket of the world. Meanwhile we in the USA just have to use our Yankee ingenuity to adapt. And we can if we have the sense to blow off defeatist arguments to the contrary. Sounds like a decent trade off for the greater good that those on the Left are always harping about.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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