Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 998, November 11, 2018

If these measures appear crazy or extreme
to you, then you‘re part of the problem.

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Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Brian Wilson

Jeff Fullerton

They say is isn’t fall yet—not on a warming globe

If that is so; then what the hell do you call this?

fall colors

The view from my bedroom window where I was making an unsuccessful attempt to clear my gutter this morning. That red thing is Grandma’s burning bush that needs cut way back.

As for the climate issue the social justice warriors have pretty much hitched their wagon to that star which is a definite recipe for disaster if they win the fight. Instead of raising the baseline for human existence and creating a more livable world for all it will guarantee future of shortages and sacrifices for the majority or the population—except for those who are in charge of the planet and will enjoy a privileged lifestyle like the elites who ran the former Soviet Union. By saying “Climate , Race, Justice; it’s all connected”—they are revealing their Marxist intent to use environmental issues to lock up resources and create a shortage economy based on artificial scarcity as justification for redistribution of wealth and establishing a totalitarian dictatorship over the whole globe forever. By connecting the climate issue with issues concerning racism and poverty they hope to shame anyone who argues against anthropogenic climate change or that the cure the same is worse than the disease.

But it’s not really about climate, race or justice. It’s about the cultural Marxists and their aspiration for power by winning the hearts of the people and that is really not much different than religious extremists who are just as likely to be offended by those who reject their doctrines and dogmas.

They must be exposed, ridiculed and defeated so that the worst that will happen will be for them to come unhinged and march off a cliff en mass like the lemming herd that they are.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Brian Wilson

Rewound Radio DJ HOF: Ross and Wilson From WJBO and WABC This Saturday 11/10/18

Subject: Mark You Colander!!!

Posted by John Troll on November 06, 2018 at 18:41:06:

It's Election Day 2018 here in the States and we are choose to feature long time music DJ turned talk show host Brian Wilson in the DJ HOF this Saturday.

Brian has just released a new book where he talks about his 50 years in radio titled "50 Years: 50 Stories".

Join us Saturday at Noon Eastern when we listen to Brian as part of the morning team of Ross and Wilson.

We'll focus on their early days together towards the end of the top 40 era.

We'll start out by listening to R&W on Baton Rouge, Louisiana's WJBO from February 2nd, 1978 also known as Ground Hog's Day (but we'll only play it once ;) ).

Then we'll move on to March 9th, 1981 for Ross and Wilson's debut show on New York's WABC which was still a music station for one more year.

R&W would remain after WABC's switch to talk in 1982.

Then Allan will be talking to Brian Wilson LIVE at 3pm on Rewound Radio about his new book, his 50 years in radio, those 50 stories and perhaps a few of the stories bubbling under the top 50.

Thanks go out this week to Charlie Menut and Gary Leibisch for providing these scoped airchecks!

DJ HOF Producer has restored all of the music.

Join the discussions here on and on Rewound Radio's Facebook Page (open for comments starting later this week under the Ross and Wilson thread).

DJ HOF #336 featuring Ross and Wilson this Saturday at Noon Eastern on Rewound Radio.

50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio
by Brian Wilson, Kindle and Paperback at

Brian Wilson
[email protected]

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