Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,006, February 3, 2019

Socialism: The logical conclusion of the
tyranny of the least and the dumbest.

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Sad Understanding
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

As much as it pains me to be writing this, I can no longer deny that things are looking toward a Civil War more each day. Understand that I do not welcome this, but neither will I shy from the responsibility that each of us share, as freedom-loving Americans, to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the inalienable rights guaranteed therein. Only a madman looks forward to spilling the blood of his fellow citizens, and I am no madman. But neither am I a pushover that will stand idly by while the Communists that have been elected by an ever-increasingly, intentionally dumbed-down populace jackboot their way into our Lives, while going out of their way to remove our Liberties and Pursuits of Happiness.

I wrote a few months back that only an idiot wants a Civil War, with the inevitable heartache and bloodshed, and it does look like those idiots are pushing for it every day. In two years’ time, I fear, we will be at the turning point of our lives, a time that will live in infamy for those generations to follow. Because, you see, I fully expect The Donald to win the 2020 election. Not by a landslide, but as fairly as he won the 2016 election, with the numbers on his side no matter how much the coast-hopping Liberals cry foul. And as soon as that happens I fully expect all hell to break loose.

I fully expect successions—some of which are already being called for—and many attempts on the life of the president. While I hope that none of them are successful, if one were, I can see in out future, without the slightest suspension of disbelief, a cry not of mourning but rather one of joyous celebration. Because they hate him, fanatically, unconscionably, like they’ve hated no one singe Reagan.

Though it must be acknowledged that it’s not only his blood that they want. First and foremost, they want—demand—our total submission to their ideals and whims, like fascists always do. Though there will inevitably be those who will bend knee to tyranny in an attempt to be safe, to not fight the good fight, I have no doubt that the greater majority of those that they would fit with a collar will hunker down, loaded for bear, and get ready for the fight coming their way.

And when the fight comes, it will be terrible. The brainwashed will take up arms against their brothers and sisters, feeling that they must do right in the eyes of Big Brother, just like go-along-to-get-along’s always have. They will do their willing part to obliterate those that they love most, for what they see as the greater good. They will lose little, or no, sleep over this. They never do. They lose more than their freedom that day, they lose their humanity, and that essential something that makes us American. The immortal, perfect words of Franklin come immediately to mind: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” They will have neither, as if the villains win—and make no mistake, they are villains—what happens will be what has always happened. Midnight arrests, black hood abductions, and the removal of anyone and everyone that is dangerous to the public good, as defined by those who own the public.

I hope that this melancholy meditation will amount to nothing, and that the country will regain its sanity, and move away from the same kinds of Red evil that we fought (and defeated) for the better part of the last century. I pray that all of this will turn out to be just a bump in the road of our brilliant Republic, though I’m no longer holding out much hope.

So for anyone who cares, think good thoughts with me. Do what you can to keep things together until cooler heads prevail.

I’ve made no secret of my feelings toward the Donald. But whatever else may be said about the man, I feel that he’s nowhere near as truly Evil as those who have lined up against him. Monsters like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, or that putrid media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They want you leashed or put down, make no mistake, do not lie to yourself, or convince yourself otherwise.

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