Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,006, February 3, 2019

Socialism: The logical conclusion of the
tyranny of the least and the dumbest.

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Monsters and Empty Heads
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

The foundation that our republic stands on—the Bill of Rights—has been under assault by the Democratic party for at least as long as I can remember. In my own lifetime, there’s been the attempts of Waco Willy and Saint Barry, which have left a bad taste in more than one mouth. A cursory look at American history will show that they are just more of the same. Carter, Johnson, Roosevelt, and on the other side of the isle Lincoln and others have gone out of their way to attempt to remove those God-given rights that make us citizens, and not just more subjects. The political elite are that most vile of things: creatures that want power for its own sake. The bitter things that inhabit the capital presently are no exception. If anything, they may actually be worse.

See, however socialist their aims may have been, those that came before at least had the good sense to not call themselves that. More than the political suicide that would have occurred had Barry or Willy come out and proudly proclaimed that they were doing their best to push America in the direction of the sadly fallen USSR (which failed not because of Communism, remember, but because it wasn’t pure Communism), would have been the physical upheaval of the blessedly armed masses at seeing their beautiful country under the grip of beasts and Red monsters. There used to be a stigma attached to being a Red American (“Better dead than red,” and more accurate words have hardly been spoken). At this point in time it no longer exists. In fact, in many corners it’s actually a selling point. I’m looking at you New York, who as a majority seemed to think that it was a fine idea to elect into office a blathering idiot who proudly declares herself to be a Democratic Socialist, when to be such is little better than declaring yourself to be a child molester. Likewise you Vermont for that insane old Commie Bernie Sanders. After more than a decade of his stinking up the place, I have to ask: what is wrong with you?

These monsters—and I do not use the term loosely; those who would stand on the flag and remove the incredible things that it stands for, the freedoms inherent in it, are monsters, in every Marry Shelly sense of the word—are the new media darlings. Those talking empty heads that so many citizens look to for news are so enamored by these creatures that they dote on their every action, and present it like it was the Second Coming, all the while continuing their vile efforts to demonize the likes of Washington and Jefferson, whose shoes they are not worthy of holding. It has been said until I’m sick of saying it that there is ZERO integrity in contemporary media, whether it be left-leaning to right, yet seems to not have been said enough. Because it is a simple fact that seems to have escaped the notice of the vast majority of people. There are those who still turn on CNN or Fox News to see the events of the day, and expect to see fair, unbiased news coverage. Uninformed or self-deluded, you tell me?

Because I have no doubt that once these socialist critters stop blathering on about stealing from the rich, and how we should have our guns taken away (for the greater good, as always) they will do their best to put their words into action, as the Red monsters always do. And once that happens, there won’t be a need for State-sponsored media, with its sanitized views of events. There won’t be need because the media has already set themselves the task of being the State-sponsored propaganda machine for the America that the hope is coming. They are preparing themselves for that glorious day when the Bill of Rights, and the things guaranteed therein, are a thing of the past.

Not only will the Democratic Socialists and their revolting puppet heads be overjoyed at the passing of the great experiment, they will be pushed to religious frenzy at the idea of a return to national Communism—like that of lamented Russia, but done right this time. A pure Communism, each person a cog in the great social machine, its moving parts lubricated by the blood of those of us who stood our ground and said, “No!”

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