Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,010, March 3, 2019

No matter what conservatives may think,
traditions had a beginning that was not traditional.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Charles Curley

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Harding McFadden

Letter from Andrew Torba

Letters from L. Neil Smith and Sarah A. Hoyt

Letter from The Editor

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Will McLaughlin

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from L. Neil Smith


Dear Ken,

Here are the thirteen criminal swine—Republicans In Name Only—who voted to overturn the Donald's declaration of emergency:

Amash, Fitzpatrick, Gallagher, Herrera Beutler, Hurd, Johnson (SD), Massie, Rodgers (WA), Rooney (FL), Sensenbrenner, Stefanik, Upton, Walden.

Republicans who DID NOT VOTE: Katko, Wagner.

[email protected]
Patronize Me!

*[ SWINEOS? — Editor ]

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Letter from Charles Curley

Re: “Reparations For All!!” by L. Neil Smith [ in this issue ]

[You wrote:]

The English invaded Ireland in 1169, and the Irish never forgot they had once been free or forgave the hated bodach (look it up).

Actually, the English had been raiding, pillaging and enslaving in Ireland well before that. Bede (672/3 – 26 May 735) mentions it in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People. If I recall correctly, they were raiding as early as 500, i.e. shortly after the last legion left Britain. (Who knows, maybe one of the salutary effects of Rome was to stop British raids on Ireland for a while.…)

Did I tell you the story of how I shut Russell Means up one time? No mean feat, that, if I say so myself.

And congratulations on learning of your Irishness. You and Cathy and Rylla can watch The Quiet Man [At Prime Video, DVD, or Bluray] to celebrate.

Charles Curley
[email protected]

“When we talk of civilization, we are too apt to limit the meaning of the word to its mere embellishments, such as arts and sciences; but the true distinction between it and barbarism is, that the one presents a state of society under the protection of just and well-administered law, and the other is left to the chance government of brute force.”
- The Rev. James White, Eighteen Christian Centuries, 1889
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Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: “Reparations For All!!” by L. Neil Smith

So does the African American community owe the Mexican American community reparations? I mean the US stole the Southwest from Mexico to create slave states. If the slaves had risen up more often and maybe succeeded a little better this territory would still be Mexico.

Ri-dic-oo-lous racist pap right?

Seriously, the majority of modern Americans are descended from immigrants after the Civil War and people who fought to break the power of the slave owning planter class. we don’t owe shit.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Harding McFadden

From the Harding McFadden Dictionary:

Conservative (N): a political entity willing to allow adults (aged 18-65) to die, in service of their country, for higher ideals.

Liberal (N): a political entity willing to kill (murder, through intent or neglect) children (unborn and otherwise) and the elderly (65+) in service of Satan and the State; incapable of higher ideals.

Have a nice day.

Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Letter from Andrew Torba

GAB Dissenter

Earlier this week Gab launched our new sister product, Dissenter: the comment section of the internet. Dissenter is a browser extension and website that allows any Gab user to comment on any URL across the web. This includes Youtube videos, Wikipedia pages, Tweets, Amazon products, and CNN articles just to name a few examples. Tens of thousands of Gab users have already installed it and have begun leaving comments across the web.

Dissenter puts the power back in the hands of The People to shine a light on propaganda, lies, censorship, corruption, and sophistry across the web. Dissenter launches at a time when comment sections are no longer available on every mainstream news site and blog, YouTube is shutting down comment sections while also demonetizing channels over their comment sections, and social media censorship is the worst it has ever been.

Dissenter creates a new layer on top of the entire internet. One that is powered by The People, not Silicon Valley or the mainstream media.

You can sign into with your Gab account to get started. You can also install the browser extension from the Google Chrome Extension Store, the Firefox Add-on Store, and check out our download page for other browsers.

Thank you,
Andrew Torba
[email protected]

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L. Neil Smith and Sarah A. Hoyt

Re: “Malice or Stupidity, Now Scored for History” by Sarah A. Hoyt

With due respect to the esteemed Sarah Hoyt, roads and schools in America are more than merely collective undertakings. They are financed and built and operated by brute force, which makes them examples of socialism. It also explains why they are inevitably such fucking messes. The libertarian movement (me among them) has theorized for decades about how these two institutions would operate without coercion, but, of course, nobody ever listens or agrees for fear of being called right-wing nut-jobs by the politically-correct establishment, exactly as Sarah explained.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]
Patronize Me!

To which Sarah A. Hoyt replied:

Sure. But the kids think ALL ROADS and ALL schools, including the ones where a community gets together to start one are examples of socialism.

Our schools being examples of socialism… well, they teach it, don't they? I think everyone should home/online school and I have promised to teach the grandkids, should the kids need it.

I was objecting to their idea that any roads or schools were examples of socialism, though. Mind you, Roman roads could be said to be examples of tyranny and schools are often the vehicle of occupying nations to subvert/indoctrinate the youth. Royal roads would be more complex as building them was not really that expensive (as far as they could be said to be built) but policing them was. And sure, most kings, particularly absolute kings are despots. But even so to link them with Marxist despots is to do them a disservice.

But there are and have been roads where a neighborhood decided to build one by subscription (how my parents got their road paved) and I still know free-associating groups of homeschoolers. This is not socialism.

Sarah A. Hoyt

To which L. Neil Smith replied:

You are right without question, Sarah, and it was that kind of "voluntarist" roads (among others) that the movement preached in the beginning. Now, of course, the LP is preoccupied preaching intersectional mutation.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]
Patronize Me!

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Letter from The Editor


Shore, I stop reading when my eyes give out! But anyway, came across this:

No matter what conservatives may think, traditions had a beginning that was not traditional. They had a founder who was not a conservative or a traditionalist. The fundamental values informing that tradition were his creation. The tradition is the continuing half-life of the charmed moment when a happy few could live on the heights of inspiration with the creator.
Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind,(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987) p. 212


[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

For the Want of This Silly Little Thing

$53 for a cadmium sulfide flame detector. Plus $40 for the service call & $45 for labor. That’s what it took to get the oil furnace up and running. Hard at times to believe how such a tiny thing could cause problems and cost so much to replace.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Will McLaughlin

What does the US Government know about you?


I noticed on this page ( you shared the EFF NSA Spying page which touches on the topic of government surveillance but doesn’t provide the whole picture.

Perhaps you’d also consider adding a link to - this guide; it's a more thorough look at what data is being collected about citizens (and how it’s collected). Hopefully encouraging your visitors to be more privacy conscious.

Please let me know if I can help with anything.

Will McLaughlin

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Three Things:

1. Shades of Kitty Werthhimer's childhood account of life in Austria during the NAZI takeover and rule. One of the first things they did was state provided day care to get the women onto the workforce because National Socialism needs all hands on deck to support itself and it get the children away from the influence of family where they can be conditioned at an early age to have unquestioned loyalty to the state.

“Warrencare: A Brainwashing Babysitter” by Terry Jeffrey

Obviously the public schools don't do a good enough job at turning out little Obamas and Bernie Sanders acolytes like Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez.

2. “AOC Pushes Overpopulation Propaganda”

Yet they want open borders.

Could it have something to do with their propaganda being too effective in First World countries? Without government sponsored mass immigration most industrialized nations would be at or below replacement levels. And that would correct itself over time because fewer people would mean labor shortages and more affordable housing and that makes it easier for ambitious young people to get married and start families. But also less poverty and the accompanying social problems which means less need for government and less need for democrats who will scream bloody murder about racism and xenophobia - even though it is the welfare state they have created that pays people not to work and subsidizes poor and minority women to have children out of wedlock. Poor democrats. Torn once again between aborting these kids for the sake of saving the planet; or raising them as a future crop of reliable democratic voters.

3. “Planned Parenthood President Warns of the Harm of 'Forcibly Removing a Child From Their Parent'”

gets even more hypocritical. they might start talking about taking children away from "unfit" parents shades of fascist progressive era tactics yet are also worried about children of illegal aliens being separated briefly from parents during detention? which is it going to be? progressivist eugenics to weed out the unfit and save the planet from the population bomb—or—bleeding heart liberalism to coddle the poor and breed and recruit more democrat voters?

You do the fuzzy math.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

November 2020

The Democrats may self destruct by 3 November of 2020. The growing number of presidential candidates in that party give us a clue why. Each candidate feels he or she must express a more radical leftist vision on how to make America work. By the time the primary elections are done it is quite probable that the vision of their candidate for president and many of the seats in the House of Representatives and Senate will be too alien for the American people to support.

Trump, or whomever the Republicans run, may well win the 2020 election as a result. I would like to say that this candidate will be a friend of liberty, a person who can unite the American people. Someone who agrees with the jest “I believe in the right of gay married couples to own M4’s to protect their tax free marijuana farms.”

But right now I don’t feel real optimistic about that. I understand about 10,000 people read TLE. Maybe y’all can make a my pessimism a lie, and help a candidate get elected that isn’t some freedom hating extremist, a RINO, or, as the Democrats split between radicals and moderates, a DINO.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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