Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,010, March 3, 2019

No matter what conservatives may think,
traditions had a beginning that was not traditional.

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Those who can’t defend themselves
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

There are many things that separate Liberals and Conservatives, but for the sake of this little essay, I’d like to dwell on just one: who they’re willing to kill.

You can tell a lot about a person based on who they are willing to let go, for whatever reason. Who they are willing to let die is something that defines their morality, or shows their immorality. That’s really what this all comes down to.

You see, generally speaking, Conservatives are willing to let adults die. That’s those members of society, 18 to 65 years of age, who are ready, willing, and able to serve in some kind of capacity in either the armed forces, or as police officers. Adults, in other words, who have at least an inkling of what they’re getting themselves into, and can make a more or less conscious decision that what they might be dying for is worth dying for.

There used to by lots of words for this kind of mind. Patriotic comes to mind. As does the word integrity. While not all Conservatives have these as parts of their being, many do, so much so that they have become almost synonymous with the political Right.

This leads us to those others. The OTHER human (and I use the term loosely). This is the Liberals. Who are they willing to let die?

I can argue the point that Liberals are willing to let children and the elderly die. Those who can’t defend themselves. Because they’re monsters. Because they’re cowards. Because they look at an unborn child and see not promise as yet unfulfilled, but rather a cluster of cells, an invader, forcing its way into the tissues of a woman. Want to kill them? Sure, go ahead, they’re not alive until they’ve been born anyway, right? And sometimes not even then.

Likewise, the elderly, who see their medical benefits threatened or outright taken away more every day, because they’ve got the audacity to live long enough to need them. How many times have I seen west coast Liberal college beasts promoting the idea that any medical help at all should have an age cutoff? I look at these critters and know that in time they’ll win, in some places if not all of them, and a horrible part of myself hopes that they live just long enough to need the kind of help that they’re going out of their way to make illegal, for no other reason than to see the broken, “Oh, God what did I do?” look on their wretched faces.

I find that the older I get, and the less rational these bastards get, that I have to deal increasingly with anger issues. Don’t misunderstand: I’m not a violent person, not in any way. Heck, I’ve been in exactly one fight in my life, and that was in the seventh grade, a few decades behind me. Yet when I watch what passes for news, and see the talking heads praising the beasts that speak for the brainless and the easily led, I see red. I get so angry that I can’t think straight, which is fairly counter productive for someone who wants to make a living with his mind. But how else can I react?

I’m not a big fan of kids. Other than my own, that is, but they walk on water, so what’s not to love? On the other hand I find the elderly to be a fount of worthwhile information, and personal reminiscences of the country when it was still worth a damn. Those of us in the middle of these two I’m neither here nor there about (sorry, world). So when I see those in charge promoting things that would make my kids and the elderly become threatened, I cringe.

It had always been my opinion that our single purpose in life is to see to the protection and care of those that can’t, or aren’t as able, to see to their own. We push back the darkness for one more day, until those that follow can push it back for themselves. To do otherwise is to fail at being human. As such, and I’ll be blunt here: Liberals (Socialists, Communists, whatever they call themselves nowadays) are failures at being human beings. At best they are animals. You can quote me on that.

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