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What traitor, with nothing but manufactured “evidence” she’d paid for, called the President of the United States a Russian agent?
by Vin Suprynowicz
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Now that the most ruthless, despicable, roust-them-out-of-bed-in-the-middle-of-the-night, threaten-to-indict-their-wives-and-kids prosecutors that the scum at the DOJ and FBI could come up with have thrown up their hands and admitted it was all a scam, let’s not forget who launched the “Trump is a Russian agent” hoax.

Yes, yes, some late-night guy named “Colbert,” apparently trying to elevate the level of political analysis on CBS, famously said President Trump’s mouth is “Putin’s cock-holster.” If saying the word “pussy” years ago when he didn’t know he was being recorded makes Donald Trump a “sexual predator,” I presume that means any CBS employees working around this “Colbert” character now know enough to wash their hands really, really often, not share their water bottles, and DEFINITELY not bend down to pick up the soap in the shower. But the question was who STARTED it.

Journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes detail in their Clinton campaign book “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign” how Clinton blamed her election loss not on her own fantastic arrogance and scorn for the American peasant class but on the (rigged to clear her) FBI investigation into her private e-mail server and deletion of emails under subpoena, along with … wait for it … “Russian interference.”

“She wants to make sure all these narratives get spun the right way,” a longtime Clinton confidant told Allen and Parnes. The pair detailed how Hillary Clinton’s Russia-blame-game was spurred by her senior campaign staffers John Podesta and Robby Mook (what a curious pair. Are either of those guys NORMAL?), less than 24 hours after she conceded to Trump.

“That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”


How could the Russians have done that? Did they have deep undercover “mole” agents in place in each of America’s 3,071 counties and parishes, with the expertise to rig tens of thousands of voting machines?

No. Of course not. Instead, we’re supposed to believe it was all done by a few Internet trolls in Leningrad, sending out a few thousand late-night emails or Facebook communications of the “Hi, I contact you in confidence from a Nigerian bank …” variety.

Why did the press buy such transparent crap—especially after they knew the Hillary campaign, through their Perkins-Coie law firm, funded FROM START TO FINISH the entire “peeing Russian prostitutes” dossier, which was cribbed together by Nellie Ohr out of old, recycled GPS Fusion “intelligence” reports and a few salacious rumors and jokes PROVIDED BY SOME HIGHLY DUBIOUS RUSSIANS, then shopped around by the dim-witted traitor John Brennan and Teresa May’s hand-picked errand boy, Christopher Steele?

(No, the conservative Washington Free Beacon did not “initially fund the Steele Dossier.” Repeating that lie still does not make it true; See … Besides which, the logistics of how such a “party” could have been organized by the teetotaling, germophopbic American businessman—on a night when Trump’s bodyguard saw him to his room alone at midnight, and Trump rose the next morning by 6 a.m., as usual—would have had to look like one of those speeded-up Benny Hill comedy routines. See

There’s only one explanation, and it’s called “confirmation bias.” These far-left, collectivist partisans gleefully pretending to be “objective journalists” WANTED to believe. Isolated in their Little Blue Islands of oh-so-smug anti-American Political Correctness in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Berkeley, they were so heavily invested in the “inevitability” of the Hillary presidency (“after all, it’s HER TURN!”) that they simply couldn’t imagine how she lost—especially to a blue-collar construction-industry billionaire (how gauche!) and Reality TV loudmouth whom she had virtually HAND-PICKED as the “easiest Republican to beat.”

Heck, they had the “Access Hollywood” tape all cued up and ready to go. Americans would hear Trump (unaware he was being recorded) brag about how, if you were a star, some women would even “let you grab their pussies.” Plus, the Clintons (those models of Victorian sexual propriety) had a half-a-dozen graying bull-dykes ready to come forward as a follow-up, reporting—not under oath, you understand, no police reports, no court filings, no sworn affidavits, no corroboration, no evidence—that they thought maybe Trump had once “touched them” or “bumped them” … like, you know, 15 or 20 years ago.

(Chris Wallace brought up “your boss’s accusers” with Kellyanne Conway again on Fox News on March 31, as he sought to cover for “Gropin” Joe Biden.” You’ve had two-and-a-half years, Chris—and Pew Research reports that as of 2012 Fox News had a budget of $820 million and growing. Name those accusers, please. Off the top of your head, come on. Surely, if they’re still relevant, you and your $820 million staff have had plenty of time to go back and interview them repeatedly, right? Demanded to see signed and sworn affidavits, police reports, court documents, asked whether they can provide corroborating witnesses or physical evidence? Bill Clinton’s accusers were made to provide hard evidence—remember how Monica Lewinsky was mocked and ridiculed with “knee-pad” jokes until it turned out she’d saved a certain semen-stained blue dress? As Mrs. Conway replied Sunday, we’ve got Gropin” Joe on VIDEOTAPE. Have you done your job, Chris? Have you subjected Donald Trump’s accusers—all Hillary supporters who waited to come forward till two weeks before the election, just by coincidence—to a skeptical, videotaped cross-examination? Why not?)


Anyway, did Hillary Clinton find that kind of “grab their pussies” language and behavior shocking? Oh, dear, I hope when you read that you didn’t just exhale some of your favorite beverage through your nose. This woman is a serious drunk who has been known to swear like a sailor at the top of her lungs while throwing heavy objects at her serial rape-and-molest husband—who finally got into a little trouble for diddling one of the college-age White House interns (who believed he’d marry her) with a cigar. But she thought the rubes out in TV-LAND would find it shocking.

See the problem? The whole strategy was based on the assumption that the voters out there in Flyover Country are really, really stupid and naive.

Surely no voter would be thoughtful enough to say, “You know, it’s a little rough, a little unfortunate, but I wouldn’t want to see my father or brother or husband or son condemned—have his career or his chance at public office ruined—because someone secretly recorded him saying the word “pussy.” Is that really all she’s got?”

The press couldn’t believe she actually lost. That would make them look like blindly partisan stooges! So they were happy to clutch at any conspiracy theory, no matter how ridiculous, any pre-packaged explanation that the election was stolen away from the forces of Righteous Collectivism by gray aliens from the Planet Munimula. No, wait, I mean by Argentine gauchos throwing those bolo things…. No, no, that’s not it. I mean by … Russian hackers. Yeah, that’s the ticket.


Only here’s the thing: It was Hillary’s DEFEAT that was almost inevitable, given an opponent who would work hard, advance an agenda that could actually improve things for the American working man, and most of all stand tall, refuse to grovel and cry and apologize the first time he was accused of doing or saying something “Politically Incorrect.”

We don’t even have to resort to “20/20 hindsight.” How else could I have predicted a Trump win in October, 2016? Here are the five things anyone could have—and should have—seen.

1) Hillary Clinton has never been popular.

Other than her body servant, the Muslim Brotherhood agent Huma “Mrs. Anthony Weiner” Abedin, who are her FRIENDS? Anyone who’s met more than handful of politicians can tell you that a lot of them have a certain quality. From your local County Commission to the U.S. Senate, many of these guys (and a few gals) are just the life of the party. It’s a gift. They seem to fill up the room. People gravitate to them. You can disagree with one of these characters on a whole bunch of issues, but when you’re in their presence it doesn’t matter; you still know if they’ll come to your back-yard beer-and-burger party they’ll make it a success, everyone will talk about how HE was there.

But Hillary doesn’t go to evening barbecues. She’s drunk.


Where is Hillary Clinton FROM, anyway? Didn’t she grow up in Illinois, go to school in New England, and then become First Lady of Arkansas? Yet when she ran for the Senate did she go home to make use of her “support group” of “friends of many years” in either Illinois or Arkansas? No, she went to New York, where no one really KNEW her.

When Bill was elected attorney general in Little Rock, his friends used to plead with people to invite Hillary out. “The poor thing, no one LIKES her.” Why? She was a prissy, nose-in-the-air northern “Yale intellectual” who was better than any of those yokels of Dogpatch. (Except for Webb Hubbell and Vince Foster, of course, both of whom eventually became … inconvenient.)

She certainly wasn’t going to put on some demure Southern Belle outfit and bake cookies and serve barbecued finger foods at a tailgate party at some kind of FOOTBALL game where you cheer for a team that’s named for some kind of PIG.

Tammy Wynette and Loretta Lynn? The pathetic music of barefoot hayseed losers. She actually said so, in the “60 Minutes” interview that would define her forever: “I’m not sitting here some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette.” Though in fact that’s exactly what she was doing—standing by her meal ticket.

Following the revelations that he’d been forcing state employees to give him blowjobs and keeping Gennifer Flowers as a mistress for, like, forever, it was ONLY HER WILLINGNESS to “stand by her (fantastically unfaithful) man”—as the two of them sang their little duet, denying that their marriage was merely “some arrangement” of mutual political convenience—WHICH IS PRECISELY WHAT IT WAS—that saved his political career … AND HERS.

See, … and; … and the lengthiest analysis, at

And isn’t that the final contradiction of Everything Hillary? She wants to be the feminist heroine who proved a woman can “do it all on her own” … by permanently hitching her wagon, permanently debasing herself to this charming oaf, this pig who ruts in everyone else’s cornfield.

And every time she tries to take the reins and ignores him, as he warns “What about the blue-collar workers in places like Wisconsin?” … she proves her own political instincts SUCK; she loses first in 2008 to that totally unqualified but slick-talking crypto-Muslim Chicago fraud, “Barry the Stoner” (about whose college years many mysteries remain—see ) and then, on her last shot, to some ORANGE-HAIRED BUFFOON OF A CONSTRUCTION WORKER!


2) Hillary is a crook, and a greedy one.

Sure, most people in politics manage to accrue a nice bank balance, these days. People want to do them favors—in hopes of a favor in turn, down the road—and offer anything from stock (back-dated cattle futures?) tips to silent partnerships in lucrative land deals. But not many people have whole BOOKS written about how greedy and corrupt they are (hubby accepting a half-million-dollar “speaking” fee from a Russian bank while the wife was deciding whether to OK a deal that would turn over 20 percent of our uranium to, um … THE RUSSIANS), including how she took millions from FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS while selling us out … pardon me, while “serving” as SECRETARY OF STATE.

See: , which cites the following from

“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich”:

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Foundation Hid a $2.35 Million Foreign Donation from the Head of the Russian Govt’s Uranium Company that Had Business Before Hillary Clinton’s State Dept.—a Clear Violation of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Administration.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton Bagged $500,000 for a Speech in Moscow Paid for by a Kremlin-linked Bank.

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Foundation Hid a Foreign Donation of 2 Million Shares of Stock by a Mining Executive with Business Before Hillary’s State Dept.—a Clear Violation of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Administration

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Approval of the Russian Takeover of Uranium One Transferred 20 percent of All U.S. Uranium to the Russian Govt.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton was Paid by a For-Profit Education Company Laureate While the Company Benefitted from an Increase in Funding from Hillary’s State Dept.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton Delivered Numerous Speeches Paid for By Individuals and Corporations with Pending Business Before Hillary’s State Dept.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton Lied about Hosting a Meeting with Frank Giustra and Kazakh Nuclear Officials at Clinton’s Home in Chappaqua, New York.

3) Hillary Clinton would likely have died (or become dangerously mentally unstable) on the job. To say she was a “weak” candidate has at least a double meaning.

How comatose was she, the night they waited in vain for her to OK a rescue mission for our guys in Benghazi? (The planes were on the runway, ready to go.) She thought we missed her being picked up and thrown bodily into her “Scooby van” when she froze up because her morning dose of Leva-Dopa had worn off at the Sept. 11 memorial services in New York in the fall of 2016?

Then, when she left her daughter’s apartment to walk around, smile, wave at and reassure the public a few hours later, she gave the lie to her own doctor’s story that she had “pneumonia.” People don’t recover from “pneumonia” serious enough to cause a collapse, to full, ebullient health, in an hour or two. But Parkinson’s patients who get a fresh dose of L-Dopa do.

Yes, it feels unkind to focus on someone’s physical frailties. If Miss Hillary were to come clean about her health, she MIGHT merit some sympathy. But the American presidency may just be the most stressful job in the world. Seriously habituated drinkers and those with diseases or drug regimens which can cause major mood swings or compromise the judgment need to come clean. A physical exam by a NEUTRAL team of at least three independent physicians should really be required at least four months before the election, while there’s time to bring forth replacement candidates, if necessary.

4) Trump worked his ass off. He held 137 rallies (averaging two a day, every day) between Sept. 1 and Nov. 7. Hillary? 67, as best I can determine.

Attendance? The now thoroughly discredited “Mainstream Media” worked so hard to scoff at Trump’s crowds—going so far as to publicize photos of mostly empty halls taken hours before his crowds were admitted, while tightly framing photos of a hundred high-school girls at a pathetic Hillary “rally” in a college gym in Philadelphia to hide the echoing emptiness around them—that the Left probably fell into the old trap of “believing their own propaganda.”

They were so busy scoffing at Trump’s crowds of (to their minds) toothless hayseeds that they never bothered to ask what Trump’s unprecedented crowds—especially in crucial battleground states like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania—MEANT.

In fact, he blew her out of the water by a factor of 10, drawing 700,000 ecstatic, cheering Americans between Sept. 1 and Nov. 7 to her estimated 60,000. (And between the two numbers, it’s the 60,000 I’d question. Does that include the 10,000 who actually showed up to see Beyonce and Jay-Z in Cleveland Nov 5—standing up and showing Hillary their asses as they headed for the exits when it was her turn to speak? How many of those 10,000 do you suppose actually voted for ANYONE?)

Why did this man with “no path to 270” ( ) draw those kinds of crowds? Because he was articulating an agenda designed to help the American working man:


5) Trade reform that would get rid of the advantage Wall Street had found in closing U.S. factories and moving those jobs and machine tools overseas—instead bringing the factories and the well-paying jobs (MILLIONS of them) back home.

Ending the War on Coal and the War on Oil, slashing excessive and economically crippling “green” regulations to turn America back into an energy self-sufficient—heck, a coal and oil and natural-gas-exporting—nation (in competition with Russia’s most lucrative export, which just happens to be … natural gas. We’re expected to believe Vladimir Putin would have tried to intervene to help THAT guy, instead of Hillary, who would have had us all freezing in the dark when the windmills broke down?)

Cutting taxes. Sealing the porous southern border and deporting millions of illegal aliens who consume tax-funded services while driving down wages—including sneering Muslim terrorists like “Rashida Tlaib.”

Trump promised jobs, security, prosperity, and an unapologetic new wave of American patriotism and greatness.

The answer from Miss Hillary and the Leftist media? They scoffed. They ridiculed. Couldn’t be done. “Those jobs of the past are just not comin” back…. What magic wand do you have?” asked the smug and fatuous economic moron, Barack Hussein Obama. (

They were wrong.

And what, in turn, was Miss Hillary’s platform? Um … “Stay the Course,” or “Stay Ahead Together” or “Keep Your Heads Together” … or something. Damned if I could figure it out. Basically, keep raising taxes, keep marching towards total government-run Collectivism (thanks, Comrade Stalin!), keep shutting down coal mines, oil fields, pipelines, steel mills, factories. But don’t worry: All those displaced workers can now put on wigs and dresses and take part in “Drag Queen Story Hour” down at the library … or else be “retrained” to work as bus boys at IHOP.

One of her most prominent TV/Online ads showed people (of all races and sexual persuasions, I presume) walking down a street holding luminaria—little candles in paper bags. “Let’s keep what we’ve gained,” was the message (or was it “Let’s not go back”?) implying Fascist Trump was going to put black folk back in chains and ban Civil Rights marches, or … something.

Damned if I know what it meant. But it certainly wasn’t a rallying cry to seal our borders, throw out the illegal aliens, enforce our laws, defeat the ISIS “caliphate,” end radical social engineering from the bench, seize back Washington from the globalist Wall Street bribe-masters, bring back jobs and pride in America and its families. (Look how the leftists and their captive media have RIDICULED the patriotism of Trump and his supporters, ever since.)

In fact, Miss Hillary—who probably never spent five minutes thinking about “trade,” since she assumed Mr. Donohue and his globalist “campaign donors” at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce would continue “taking care of all that,” as they’ve been doing for decades—declared NAFTA and the “Trans Pacific Partnership” (which would continue to suck more than $500 billion a year out of the United States economy) were “just Grrrreat!”

(How perceptive of you, Miss Hillary. Like you needed their help to carry Manhattan and Westport, Connecticut?)

The Democrats—from the 1920s through the 1960s the supposed “party of the American working man”—had nothing to say to America’s workers, whatsoever. If you didn’t go to an Ivy League school and you lived somewhere between Philadelphia and Sacramento you were some kind of “Deplorable Global-Warming deny-er,” and you could just go fuck yourself.

Or possibly, as it turned out …. just go vote for Donald Trump.

“Trump beat Clinton among white voters without a college education by an astonishing 39 percentage points—a margin larger than Ronald Reagan’s against Walter Mondale in his 1984 landslide,” wrote Ronald Brownstein in The Atlantic. “Trump not only beat her by nearly 50 points among blue-collar white men, but by almost 30 points among non-college-educated white women. (Trump is president largely because white working-class women gave him double-digit margins in key states—a development that may occupy gender studies scholars for years,)” adds Mr. Brownstein, who apparently can’t imagine a world in which parents stop spending $100,000 to send their kids off to useless “universities” to be awarded worthless degrees in “gender studies.”

Similarly, Trump captured more than three-fifths of rural voters nationwide, including in the decisive Rustbelt states—Pennsylvania, Michigan, and … Wisconsin.

No Russian convinced Hillary not to go to Wisconsin

Donald Trump won because he was the best, boldest, straightest-talking presidential candidate at least since Ronald Reagan … if not since Andrew Jackson. He won because he alone credibly promised to “drain the swamp.”

(Watch the five-minute video that “won Trump the presidency” at: . “This is a struggle for the survival of our nation, and this will be our last chance to save it…. Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning….” and turned a corner which the shrieking mental patients of the dead industry that was once “the press” in this country still refuse to accept.

Who else would have had the strength to patiently stand up to the “Russian collusion” scam, as the crooked Andrew Weissman gang (Mueller having been brought in as a mere corrupt figurehead for the pre-existing pack of attack dogs) staged outrageous pre-dawn raids on his associates with tanks and SWAT teams, even threatened to go after his CHILDREN, for heaven’s sake, in an attempt to goad him into doing something, anything, that they could brand “obstruction”?

(For a good, fresh analysis of these desperation tactics, see: …

Hillary lost because she was exactly what the screeching globalist hyenas accuse TRUMP of being—a greedy, arrogant egotist who couldn’t be bothered to even PRETEND to connect with the long-suffering peasant class out there if Flyover Land—and because the American people, in their wisdom, got that.

And by the way, Donald Trump running against a party with a suicidal platform of Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, millions of new criminal illegal aliens, massive intentional vote fraud, legalized pedophilia and infanticide, and a speeded-up march down to the hell of Globalist Socialism? Providing they don’t kill him—and they’ll probably try—look for a 41-state sweep: Trump 380 to about 158 for any bumbling Democrat whore (and I use the term advisedly: if you were paid off with your first $80,000-a-year part-time government jobs for spreading your legs for a married man …)

… assuming they can hold the three key states of California, New York and Illinois, that is. And THAT will be interesting to see. Do I hear a proposal to ban cars, trucks, aircraft, and cow farts, anyone?


Reprinted from Vin’s blog at>


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