Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,022, May 26, 2019

What does the new civilisation look like?

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Letter from Donald Beeler

Letter from Dr. Duck

Letter from Harding McFadden

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Donald Beeler

Bookshlf Full?


I gave the teenage boy across the street L. Neil Smith’s first book [The Probability Broach] and two days later he came out saying, “Mr BEELER, I read your book!”

Something snapped in my head.

I boxed up all the L. Neil Smith books—I had all—and gave the books to his father with my instruction to trickle the books out to his son. His father wanted to know what to do with the books. “Hand the books to his one year younger sister and then to the city library,” I said.

This act gave me a great deal of pleasure.

Best wishes,

Donald Beeler
[email protected]

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Letter from Dr. Duck

Donna Trump

When one tries to “reason” with an Extreme Left Democrat, remember you are dealing with a person who sincerely believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted. Thus, our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms, athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun” controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner of laws, rules, regulation, and more needless government control.

Like it or not, that's how it is. How to fit into this belief system?

Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality.

President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to (1) admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or (2) accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their “female firsts”.

Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania he will also be the first gay president, and the first lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the democrats to celebrate!

Gosh, I love it when a plan comes together!!!!!!

Dr. Duck
[email protected]

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Letter from Harding McFadden

I listen to Rep. Underwood accusing the current administration of willfully killing children, and shake my head in disbelief and disgust. If memory serves, it's not the Right who makes murdering children official policy.

Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez


Towards the end of Game of Thrones the character of Daenerys goes from being a liberator to a tyrant. Years of fighting tyrants and monsters have convinced her that anyone who did not bend the knee to her was evil.

Many liberals have spent a lot of time fighting evil, very often forgetting that their good is not the only good. Their righteousness degenerates into self righteousness. Sadly, the self righteous too often subscribe to the theory that the ends justify the means. They believe they can do no wrong, that if they're doing it it's right.

They become the modern Democratic Party.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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