Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,025, June 16, 2019

The left always claims that the only way
to deal with a crime is to severely
punish everyone who didn’t commit it.

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The New Racism
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Yesterday I was physically sickened reading the words of Kristen Gillibrand, who compared being pro-life to being racist.  Besides the overwhelming idiocy of this sub-human would-be baby-killer, I think what shocked me more was the lack of shock that I felt.  This kind of anti-life monstrousness is nothing new, but has become over the last few months the rallying cry for the political Left in America.

I wrote a few months back that one of the primary differences between the Left and the Right is who they are willing to kill or let die.  I’d argues that the Right was willing to send those folks between 18 and 65—y’know: adults—off to meet their maker, while the Left would much rather aim their genocidal lunacies at children and the elderly.  I have always assumed that they aim at these two specific groups because they were (generally) less able to fight back than the 18 to 65 year olds.  Damn it all, I hate being proven right.

I’m going to get in trouble for this, but I’ll let it out and screw the consequences: I am opposed to abortion.  It is not because I am, as the creature called Gillibrand would attest, a racist.  Nor an I posed to abortion because I feel that women are some kind of property, with no right to regulate their own bodies.  If being pro-life is akin to being anti-woman then there are millions of intelligent, strong, educated women that are anti-woman as well, and I call crap on that.   I am anti-abortion, pro-life, whatever you want to call it, because I see it as the sole responsibility of human adults to see to the safe upbringing, education, and protection of children.  Regardless of age or whether or not they’re outside the body of their mothers or not.  I was ruined at an early age by Dr. Seuss.  I firmly believe that a person is a person, no matter how small.

I admit that I find it sadly amusing that these same pro-choice politicians and celebrities (whose opinions are about as worthwhile as the refuse that I threw in the trash after breakfast this morning) are the political successors—if not the original offenders, like a certain less-than-human recent Presidential candidate—who would spit in the faces of returning troopers in the 60’s and 70’s, calling them baby-killers, and assaulting them with signs all in the name of peace.  The irony of this, that they themselves would become the ones to stand on the platform of pro-choice, is not lost on me.  The animalistic aspects of these selfsame non-humans as they promote the action of exposing a child to allow it do die, or allowing late-term abortion is not lost on me either.

Quite a number of years ago, Dr. Johnson wrote that the person who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.   He may as well have been writing about the frontrunners and soulless figureheads of the modern Democratic and Democratic Socialist parties.  Because these cretins are not humans anymore.  They’ve gotten rid of that pain.  They’ve embraced all things bad and anti-human, and a warm seat in waiting for them in hell.

So, by contemporary standards, my being anti-abortion, anti-socialist, pro-gun, pro-constitution, pro-personal responsibility, makes me sexist, racist, whatever other kind of -ist that you can name, and if that’s what they call being moral these days then so be it.  So are most of my family and friends, regardless of race, gender, or anything else that doesn’t matter in the long run.  But let it be known that I’ve never judged someone by how they look, but on how they feel.  All people may be created equal, but some people aren’t people anymore.  They’re the animals that are more equal than others, and we as a country have never looked kindly at those who positioned themselves higher than us.   If it’s not earned, then it’s worthless.  And they’re worthless.

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