Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,026, June 23, 2019

It should come as no surprise that the
left is not at all interested in the truth.

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Leaving the House
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

It’s funny to me to see how the media are losing their minds—to say nothing of blowing something out of proportion (they’ve never done that before)—over a couple of Trump supporters declaring that The Donald should have more than two terms in office.  Another fascist, right-wing grab for totalitarian power, I suppose.  Inevitably the comparisons to the Nazis, but never to the equally blood thirsty Soviets, whom they idolize.  (I’d like to hear them describe what they see as “Right Wing,” and tell me how the Nazis were right wing.  Just more lefty statist monsters.)

A few years back, when clearly half the country told the powers that be that they were sick and tires of political business as usual and the parasitic socialists that grab onto it, there were countless calls of sexism and stolen elections.  Fifty percent of all those who voted were branded white supremacists and chauvinists.  Calls for impeachment were thrown out instantly, along with charges of treason and collusion.  Many states suggested a change to the electoral college because it didn’t serve them as they felt it should.  There was a great weeping and gnashing of teeth.  We were shown proof positive that it was not the system that was broken, but rather the cretins that festered in it.

Though I may well be proven wrong, I think that President Trump has the next election in the bag.  His victory will be by a significant margin, and that will make what little grip the Never-Trumpers have on reality completely disappear.  They will call for blood, all in the name of what they see as equality and the failed American dream, and the progressives and socialists and communists will foam at their filthy little mouths.  Damnfools in California and New York and other likeminded places will look to a coming revolution, reveling in the prospect of ending the lives of Americans they disagree with.  They will set the bonfires upon which they would cremate  all of our hard won freedoms.

They won’t win, whether it comes to a shooting war or not.   They can’t.  Simply because they stand for nothing more than ripping down what better men have built.  Because the rest of us, the sane ones who know that there are problems but that those same problems can’t be defeated by destroying the human will, are better people, in every regard.  We don’t look for the fight, but once it’s brought, we fight it, with our blood, sweat, and tears.  And we win.  Because that’s what we do.

In less than six years, after his second term in office, Donald Trump will leave the White House.  Some will hear his leaving, others will mourn it.  After he’s gone off to whatever he opts to do next, there will still be those who will do their best to bring him down and make his presidency impotent in the eyes of history.  It is to history that they should look.  In the end they’ll be footnotes, if that.  Schumer and Booker and Pelosi and the ever despicable, drooling moron AOC and all the rest of the also-rans will be forgotten.  They should be.   Their whole claim to fame (or infamy) is their ability to breed discontent.  To the ash pile with them.

I worry about the world that I leave to my children.  I think all parents do to some extent.  It’s a survival mechanism.  For our lines to continue, our kids have to have a world to thrive in.  What they have to look forward to I don’t know, though I suspect it’ll be more of the same, with the liberty-minded and the fascists (democrats, in case you were wondering who I was talking about) flip-flopping on each other, those in power being those least worthy, and headaches agogo.  What I don’t see them having to worry about is some phantom right-wing dictator, a president for life.  Generally speaking, we’re just not built that way.  We leave that for the other side. 

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