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Number 1,026, June 23, 2019

It should come as no surprise that the
left is not at all interested in the truth.

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Charlottesville: Enough Already
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

You know that it is a sad day for your party when your only hope is Joe Biden. A man so stupid that he makes former Vice President under George H.W. Bush, Dan Quayle, look like a Rhodes Scholar. Despite some of the idiotic things that came out of the mouth of Dan Quayle, I’m pretty sure he never actually told anybody to fire a shotgun in the air as an alternative to using an AR-15 for self-defense. Yet, Biden seems to be the only shot the Democratic Party has in regaining The White House, since all the other presidential candidates have pretty much ended up as the old Ozzie Osbourne song goes “going off the rails on a crazy train” with all the nonsense about The Green New Deal, free college, free healthcare, gun confiscation, slave reparations and pretty much everything else that they won’t be able to deliver to the American people. Next to those nutjobs, Biden actually looks like a centralist from the Clinton era. Though the one piece of insanity Biden hasn’t been able to distance himself from is identity politics.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Creepy Uncle Joe, the same man that once said the Republicans were going to put black people back into chains, would start off his announcement for his presidential run by bringing up the fiasco in Charlottesville. Of course, he couldn’t attack Trump on his economic policies, which ironically have benefited the black communities. Not to mention that the entire Russian collusion investigation was proven to be a total bust. So, what do the Democrats have left? What else? Scream racism as loudly as they can. What did Biden use to support this claim? I suppose that the twisting of Donald Trump’s words to make it seem as if he was referring to all Mexicans as rapists was starting to become passé, so they went with another instance where the president’s words were taken out of context. Whenever somebody challenges the left’s assertion about Trump being a racist, they always point to when he said that there were good people on both sides of the fight in Charlottesville. Never mind that in that same press conference he specifically pointed out that the good people he was referring to weren’t white supremacists, but to the people who didn’t want to see a historic statue taken down. Of course, the quote miners on the left always leave this little detail out of the narrative.

It should come as no surprise that the left is not at all interested in the truth, since they always double-down on their original assertions even after they are proven false. On a recent episode of “The Ingraham Angle,” a black conservative who goes by the name of Candace Owens called out a Democratic representative for repeating the same false narrative about Charlottesville. The Democratic rep. responded by pointing out there were many Republicans who criticized Trump for not denouncing white supremacists. This is what many would refer to as the “Appeal to Authority” fallacy. What the left doesn’t understand is that just because somebody on the Republican or Conservative side says something, it doesn’t mean everybody on that same side is necessarily going to agree with it. Personally, I wasn’t too impressed with any of the congressmen who took it upon themselves to denounce a group of people who were no longer relevant in 2017. I thought of it as nothing more than a pathetic attempt at virtue signaling to try and score brownie points with the left. By the way, Trump did at one point cave in to political pressure and denounce white supremacy, but once he realized that he would never score any concessions with the left, he decided to double-down on his original point.

In many ways I think Trump was actually being a little too generous with his “Good People on Both Sides” speech, though not for the reasons the left believes. I think one side acted far worse and it wasn’t the idiots walking around with Tiki torches. People have a right to say things that are hateful and idiotic, just as long as they do it peacefully. Antifa on the other hand showed up with baseball bats and homemade shields, turning a peaceful protest into a full-scale riot. I find it telling that Joe Biden referred to those people as courageous protestors, while placing the death of that young protestor at the feet of the Alt-Right. Never mind that the man who hit the protestor with his car, did so after one of those “courageous protestors” pulled a gun on him. The reason why he even jumped into his car in the first place was to escape the violence caused by Antifa. While I am certainly no fan of the White Nationalist Movement, the death of that protestor belongs at the feet of Antifa.

I personally think Trump could actually use this to his advantage. Instead of constantly playing defense whenever Charlottesville comes up, Trump should turn around and attack Biden for referring to Antifa punks as “Brave Protestors.” Then he should show footage of these masked thugs beating up on women and disabled veterans with the captions “Brave Protestors.” After that Trump should demand that Biden and all members of The Democratic Party denounce Antifa and their acts of terrorism. I thought the Republicans should have done that during the Midterms. They probably would still have control of the House if they had used this strategy. Though I have feeling Trump will show much more backbone than the timid Republicans who occupy congress.

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