Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,027, June 30, 2019

I’m somewhat surprised that nobody
seems to have thought of it before.

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from GAB

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Interview with L. Neil Smith


L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

"'tis a Gift to Be Free"

[Link to YouTube]

The attached link to You Tube is to Aaron Copeland's “Simple Gifts” which is essentially variations on a theme of the original Shaker hymn of the same name. It is part of his “Appalachian Springs” orchestral suite which was originally commissioned as a ballet by Martha Graham using Copeland's Music.

Later on “Simple Gifts”, the original Shaker hymn, would provide the melody for Sydney Carter's hymn “Lord of the Dance” which led to Michael Flatley's show “Lord of the Dance.”

All this beauty was made possible by freedom. Without freedom of religion there would have been no Shakers to write the song. Without freedom of religion in the UK “Lord of the Dance” would not have been written. Without freedom of expression no “Appalachian Springs” suite or ballet, no “Lord of the Dance” musical show.

Without Capitalism's freedom to invest and earn an honest living only the two hymns would exist. Without copyright protection, again, only the hymns would exist, as without copyright the suite and two shows would have not generated an adequate profit to be worth doing, And without the time limit on copyrights before music goes into public domain only one hymn would exist.

Three beautiful pieces of music and two incredible dance shows of different styles made possible by religious and economic freedom.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

It's Nice To Be Right!

How many years have I been predicting this? I pointed out in Pallas over 25 years ago that there is enough gold (and other precious metal) in the asteroids to destroy the economies of every nation in the world. The following is a link to a story about it in the Sun Enjoy.

[Link to the Interview]

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from GAB

New Free Speech Web Browser By Gab


Gab Community,

Hello! As we launch our Series A funding round I wanted to write with an update as to what we've been up to and our exciting plans for the coming year.

Gab Social

As of this morning, our main offering has nearly 1 million users - 986,000, to be precise.

We are planning to migrate the entire codebase (including all of your followers and posts) to the open-source Mastodon/ActivityPub framework next week, on July 4th. The new software - which we call Gab Social - allows anyone, whether they have a Gab account or not, to set up their own social networking server. All Gab Social servers will be interconnected. Users from one can follow users from another, and receive their content in feeds on their own servers. will be our company's Gab Social server and hopefully the center of gravity for the Gab Social universe. Users from our server can follow users from other Gab Social servers, or create their own if they wish. In other words: the Gab Social platform will become unstoppable and spread across thousands of servers around the world one day soon.

Gab Social servers can also interconnect with other projects and apps in what is known the Fediverse, a collection of platforms that are all built on top of the same open source social networking protocols.

Long story short, Gab users will, in short order, be able to connect and interact with millions of new people, and vice-versa. Developers can now build apps for the Fediverse that will allow people to circumvent censorship in the closed, monopolistic App Store ecosystems to access Gab Social servers around the world. And the Free Speech Web will become that much more resilient and antifragile as a result.

Dissenter Web Browser

Gab has a new web browser that blocks Big Tech trackers and ads. It is lightning fast and also includes our Comment Extension that allows anyone to comment on any URL on the internet. Dissenter Browser is an open-source web browser that maximizes privacy, speed, and freedom. You can get it for Mac, Windows, and Linux here. Hundreds of thousands of people participated in our beta test and we are excited to now launch the browser to all of you.

Gab's Series A Funding Round

We are pleased to announce that we are opening up our Series A funding round to you, The People. Gab is and always has been funded by our users, not special interests. We welcome those who are interested in joining us on this journey to defend freedom, digital sovereignty, and privacy on the internet to learn more about investing in Gab here.

Yours very truly
Andrew and the Team

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