Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,029, July 14, 2019

My favorite part is Hagbard Celine
and the self-destructing Mynah birds

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Science of Society Foundation
by Jim Davidson and Chris Boehr
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

"In meditating on the nature of the moral sciences, one cannot help seeing that, as they are based like the physical sciences on observation of fact, they must follow the same method, acquire a language equally exact and precise, attaining the same degree of certainty."
— Antoine de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet, 1782

Science of Society Foundation is building a better tomorrow. Our goal is to bring free market principles, open source strategies, and the very best ideas to the design, development, implementation, and operation of freedom communities. We begin now.


The goals of the Foundation are the maximum possible freedom, security and prosperity for all individuals around the world and simultaneously to eliminate war, crime, poverty, slavery, genocide and the threat to civilization posed by weapons of mass destruction.


The mission of the Foundation is to promulgate and advance the work of its original founder Spencer Heath (1876 – 1963), one of the most influential yet little-known innovators of the twentieth century. Specifically, the Foundation seeks to further the science of social interaction as envisioned by Heath, to disseminate this science through publications and electronic media, to apply the science to the design of an optimal structure of society, and finally to implement that design by establishing contractual communities that are able to thrive in peace and security without a traditional form of government.


The Foundation advocates total freedom of the individual based on the sanctity of private property, that is, every human being has a natural right to own, use, exchange and give away the fruits of his labor without being coerced by anyone as long as he doesn’t coerce others.;


The Foundation was originally created by Spencer Heath in the 1950’s to publicize his many discoveries and inventions. Its major achievement was the publication in 1957 of Heath’s masterpiece Citadel, Market and Altar. After Heath’s death in 1963, his grandson Spencer Heath MacCallum continued Heath’s work by publishing a number of papers and his own book The Art of Community in 1970.

In 2018, Heath’s friend Alvin Lowi suggested re-establishing the Science of Society Foundation and creating a website to fulfill Heath’s original goal of publicizing, expanding, and implementing his discoveries and inventions.


Chris Boehr is a software engineer, team leader and algorithm scientist with extensive experience creating complex software for a variety of microprocessor-based devices and personal computers. Recent focus on stereo video image capture, face recognition, vapor detection and identification, signal processing, data communications, and intuitive user interfaces. As a volitional scientist, Chris is active in identifying ways to solve problems with human investments.

Jim Davidson is an author, actor, storyteller, entrepreneur, and traveller. He is currently playing the part of Tartuffe in the play by Moliere for Shakespeare in South Park, Dayton. Jim works with the Houston Space Society, Dayton Friends Meeting, and other charities.

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