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Number 1,030, July 21, 2019

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Two Symptoms of a Greater Sickness
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

I’m not sure just how this is going to work out, so bear with me…

It seems to me that there is an ever-growing sickness in the United States today, one perfectly exemplified by two seemingly unrelated, ongoing incidents. I’m sure that there are countless others, but for me (at least lately) these are the ones that’ve grabbed my mind, and won’t let go, for various reasons.

First is the constant comparisons from the brainless political fanatics on the left that call themselves Democrats or Democratic Socialists, without ever having the grit to come out and really laying it on the line by saying what they are: Communists, between the refuge camps to the Holocaust. It would be all too easy to see this lapse in sanity as a condemnation of the public school system that must so downplay the horrors of the Holocaust that these hardly multi-celled proto-Cromags can look at what is happening to legally detained illegal immigrants and see anything near the sickening anti-humanity that was perpetrated by the Nazis before and during the second World War. Don’t misunderstand: nearly any death is a regrettable one, and the deaths of children are always apauling—irony of this being that the pieces of pinko shit calling “Foul!” at the border because of the deaths of kids are the same ones who say it is a woman’s right to abort an unwanted child, practically up to the point when it emerges from said mother naturally—but to say that 24 children dying in ICE custody is on the same scale as literally MILLIONS (I want those bastards in Congress who think this comparison is applicable to sound out that word and look it up, as obviously schooling in general, and counting in particular, was never their strong suit) of victims of Nazi Socialism is barbaric in the extreme, and such an affront to what passes for humanity in the rest of us that the best thing they can do for the world and themselves is to just end it all, and spare us their hateful, nonsensical, anti-human, idiocies.

Wow. That felt good to get that off my chest. Heavy stuff for me, as I usually blather on about non-issues, because for the most part I try not to let things get under my skin. But these sons of bitches get to me, in ways that I never understood as a kid. With adulthood comes a semblance of understanding, and with that understanding comes a fury directed toward Evil (notice the capital ‘E’) that tells us that nothing is wrong, that all things are subject. The kind of Evil that says to disagree with Socialism or to be racist, sexist, transphobic, and whatever other nonsense they can above together to make us shut up. Well, sorry to break it to you you knuckle-dragging garbage scows, but people are fed up with being shut up. We are all ready, willing, and Goddamned ABLE to stand up for ourselves, so, for what it’s worth: bring it, bub.

Onto the second track: the parent oncoming attack on Area 51. I’m sorry, what?

So, nearly a million people, as I write this, are actively preparing to attack Area 51, famous (supposed) warehouse of all things UFO and EBE related. Okay. Let me get this straight: a group of violent insurgents is not only going to attack a US military base, but has gone on to tell said base when they’re going to do it, and just how many of them are supposed to be there. Wow. Y’know what: go ahead. I’d love to watch on the news as this cluster of morons runs at the base (or drives, I guess, assuming they can remember how to do so); to see their cars and themselves get blown to bits on the land lines that I have little doubt are there; to see those that are left get cut to ribbons by the waiting armed forces stationed there, to say nothing of those flow in just for the occasion. Remember, they protect from enemies foreign and domestic, pal, and if you’re attacking the base make no mistake: that means you. In the back of my mind I see the sand turned red with the blood of nearly one million (undoubtedly) Democrat/Socialist/Communist invaders, the few left crawling their way out under a barrage of fire, while the ghost of R. Lee Ermey rides down on a chariot from Heaven to rip off their balls, so they cannot contaminate the rest of the world.

So: what do these two things have to do with each other? They’re symptoms of a growing sickness in America. A sickness of idiocy, where the loudest voice, no matter how moronic (AOC), is the call of the day. And it is figureheaded by those four sexist, racist, religionist congresswomen that seem to thing themselves untouchable. They call their own Speaker racist because she calls them out on being pieces of shit. Never thought I’d agree with Nancy Pelosi, but there it is. They call President Trump racist and sexist and anything else you can think of because he is a heterosexual white male. That they disagree with what he says and does is secondary. Pelosi is called racist because she is a white female who dares stand against them. God help them if they are ever called the garbage that they are by a non-binary, Muslim minority. Their revolving hate machine might go crazy like Robbie the Robot at the end of Forbidden Planet. Might be worth looking at, though. If things keep going in the direction they are, we all might just get to see.

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