Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,030, July 21, 2019

Politics is about fixing things before how
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Norseman’s Diaries: Forward into Spring Post Postscript
by Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Have come a long way in just a week since publication of the article: Norseman’s Diaries: The Year of Reinvention Part 2—Forward into Spring. (last week.

In that time I’ve converted the upper 40 B into the beginnings of a spectacular planted aquarium like it was before. Also brought in the stand with the two 20H tanks that are in the process of being planted and readied again for fish. Those were the winter refugium for the green swordtails that moved out of C’ville ahead of them to populate the tub that is part of the Turtle Table setup and the 300 Rubbermaid outside where the breeders are once again producing a new cohort offspring. 

Last Saturday I had a scare with the Superbright LED 400 Watt replacement bulb. It suddenly went out while I was chilling and watching the newts in the lower tank under the frog Vivarium. To make a long story short—after going through the trouble to take the whole thing down- hood and all I realized the  time it stopped working was the time I set for it to go off! Talk about false alarms! While I had the hood down I decided to troubleshoot the defunct fixture that went out the day I set it up. That did not work out and it looks like I’ll need to consult with someone more knowledgable in electrical systems.

The "Squares" are in the process of acclimating to their future setup.

They are getting out of the crate enclosure I’ve been raising them in to stretch their legs and swim if they want to. When they are a little bigger and I’m convinced they are safe enough to handle the setup they will get to reside there full time like the ones that lived there before. 

Plants and moss are establishing well in the vivarium. Looking forward to populating it with Marsupial Frogs in the next few months and the possibility of breeding success again.

And ditto for the newts in the tank below. I put the piece of driftwood back in that was in there before—after carving out underneath for a baby food jar that functions as a pedestal to support the top portion above water and create a space underneath for the newts to hang out.

Been quite a week as far as the reinvention goes. Meanwhile the outside world remains crazy as ever. Nice to have an escape from the craziness and the summer heat too. Going into the 90s next couple days and it probably hit that on Friday. Is it Gorebull Warming or just summer? Guess time will tell.

BTW—going underground with LEDs may be the wave of the future both on and off earth. At least Isaac Arthur seems to think so.

I have to confess that some of this recent videos where he talks about living underground or in an internally powered and lighted space colony was a big part of the inspiration that led me to bringing back the Florida Room!

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