Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,036, September 1, 2019

Free Speech used to be the very right
that people on college campuses would
start riots to defend. Now they start
riots to prevent it from being exercised.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Terence James Mason

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Harding McFadden

Letter from A.X. Perez

Small Items

Just a Reminder that Sunday 1 September it will be legal to carry brass knuckles and clubs in public in Texas. You will still need a license to carry a pistol concealed or openly on your person in public. Makes no sense, but it makes certain people controlling PD’s happy.

Some Democratic Senators had the guts to submit a brief to the Supreme Court that was basically a threat to pack the court if they ruled the wrong way on New York City’s restriction on transporting guns to ranges out of the City (New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York). It’s nice when your opponents come out in the open. It’s also scary when you realize that the left drank its own Kool-aid.

Somebody needs to brief Mr. Trump on the realities of why and in what industries people are crossing over illegally in which to work. The policy he announced is one written to guarantee coyotes work.

In my last three pistol shooting sessions my first shot goes almost exactly on the X and then things fall apart. All the rest of the clip goes someplace useful, but I still get too many flyers as I reload and go through a 100 round session. I need to work on double taps and failure to stop drills.

However, the moral lesson is that first bulls eye and then having things open up. We are fighting for our freedom by peaceful means. Scoring a big success with our first action is nice, How we follow up counts for a lot, in fact it may count for everything.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Terence James Mason

Thought for the Day

The unarmed man is at best a serf, forever dependent on the benevolence of others for his right to life and liberty. 10 times more likely to be victimized in the best of societies, always fearful in the worst, and unable to make it better.

Terence James Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

This Writer’s Plan To “Disarm America” Has One Major Flaw

“but in the U.S. we will have to deal with the firmly entrenched mindset that freedom only comes from the power to kill.”

The progrssive pundit quoted in this article is actually onto something. A historically infamous genocidal tyrant said much the same thing :

[See what Mao Sez]

Governments have horrific track records for tyranny and atrocities when they get a monopoly on the power to kill. Which is the main reason sane people cling to their guns.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Harding McFadden

For anyone who's interested, here's a new collection of my short stories, available on Amazon for a whole three bucks. If you're interested, enjoy!:
Buy at

Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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