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Number 1,038, September 15, 2019

The criminals themselves have been in charge
of the law, and for a long, long time

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Another Letter from T.J. Mason

One More Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Stephanie Osborn

Letter from T.J. Mason

Thoughts For The Day

Somewhere, an escaped hamster is savoring its freedom, while the wheel between Biden’s ears spins loose.

Please accept my apologies for mocking the infirm. Though perhaps he’s fair game while running for president pretending otherwise.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Another Letter from T.J. Mason

Seen on Twitter

The whole of the Bill [of Rights] is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals… It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.
— Albert Gallatin

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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One More Letter from T.J. Mason

Thought for the Day

That's Beto in a nutshell.

Where he belongs.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

From the Border

Two of the survivors of the El Paso massacre are suing Walmart for not providing adequate security at its store at the Cielo vista Mall. This should serve as a warning to all anti-gun businesses that they may get stuck having to provide sufficient security to prevent large casualties in a mass shooting or even just a simple robbery gone wrong. Of course, businesses can claim that by allowing people to carry concealed they are making a reasonable effort to provide for their customers’ safety, which may be one reason why Walmart and others are only banning open carry and not concealed carry.

How this protects people where carrying guns is not part of their culture, where it is all but impossible to get a license, where licenses from bordering states are not recognized, or basically where people aren’t going to show up armed is a good question.

Beto O’Rourke has made it sincerely, emphatically, and passionately clear that “Hell yes,” he’s coming for our AR’s and AK’s. Whether or not it is simply the Progressive/liberal hatred of guns he is a true believer in gun control. He is not going to call on Saint Gabriel Possenti on even an irregular basis. He has also articulated the position that the Democratic Party will be taking into every election until it is undeniably and irrevocably rejected by the overwhelming majority of the American people. They are coming for our guns, he’s just honest about it. Any more honest and he’d admit they intend to come for our AK’s and AR’s first.

The City of San Francisco has declared me and 5 million other Americans freedom fighters (one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter). So, apparently besides not liking the 2nd Amendment the Bay City does not believe in the First Amendment rights of gun owners to speak their minds, print their idea, or peacefully assemble to to petition for redress of grievances. Throw this in with disrespect for gun owners 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment rights and it is clear that progressives do not believe in the Bill of Rights, period. They are convinced of the righteousness of their cause and that nothing else matters. This has been true from the time of Woodrow Wilson, if not Teddy Roosevelt.

Lenin most likely never have said “It is true, liberty is precious; it is so precious it must be rationed.” However, listening to the Democrats talk about taxes, health care, guns, and most importantly, about silencing their opponents, it is obvious that this is what they believe.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Stephanie Osborn

Interstellar comet?

Breaking news, still not 100%, still being worked on. I've been following this on the Comets list and the Minor Planet Mailing List for the last several days, and I thought y'all would want to see. It looks like we may have an interstellar-originating comet. As more observations come in, we should be able to refine the orbit well enough to confirm 100% that it has a hyperbolic orbit—and if that's the case, it is indeed coming in from outside our solar system.

Using 3 different sets of orbit modeling software at the IAU's Minor Planet Center (Harvard/Smithsonian Ctr for Astrophysics), JPL, and UoH, independently, some couple hundred observations were modeled and found to have an eccentricity >3, namely, a hyperbolic orbit. This essentially requires its origins to be outside our solar system. Based on this orbit, it will swing around the Sun, speed back out of our solar system, and back into interstellar space.

This is still early days, so the orbit should be refined a bit more with additional observations over a longer span of time to get a solid orbital arc; still, the data are good enough to put out a Minor Planet Electronic Circular on it.

I've already seen the circular on it, but due to copyright restrictions, can't pass it on.

...And here's the Sky & Telescope article on same.

Stephanie Osborn, "The Interstellar Woman of Mystery"
[email protected]
Award-winning author of the Division One, Gentleman Aegis, and Displaced Detective series

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