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Number 1,038, September 15, 2019

The criminals themselves have been in charge
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On the Lighter Side of SJWs
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

For once I decided to write an article about the more amusing aspects of Social Justice Warriors. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that these people are becoming a greater threat to individual liberty and possibly the sanctity of the English language every day. Though there are times when their antics do make for a good laugh. First you have the SJW’s that have become popular internet memes, such as Triggerly Puff Girl (who could get enough of a college student at a conservative speaking event waving her arms around like a toddler throwing a tantrum at a Wal-Mart?) Then there was a college student who threw a trash can against the wall of her campus to show her frustration at not being able to prevent anybody from attending one of Milo Yiannopoulos’ speaking engagements. What I find the most amusing about these particular SJW’s is that it seems as if they have all become parodies of themselves, which means that It is getting harder to tell the difference between actual SJW’s and those parodying them.

A great example of this is a pudgy red-headed male feminist on YouTube who goes by the name of Coppercab. Though many have called his feminism into question, since some of his actions seem more like someone mocking the behavior of a feminist. He seems prone to fits of anger and rage, like many real-life feminists on YouTube have shown on several occasions. I started to suspect that this man may actually be a troll posing as a feminist, but once he came out as a transgendered female on a few recent videos, I became ninety five percent certain that he wasn’t The Real McCoy.

Though the alleged feminist that had me in stitches, was this woman who complained about being accosted by a man in a “Hairy Suit” who was passing out fliers for a convention based on a geek franchise. She then went on to express her hatred for the geek franchise that includes some green guy and some blond guy that screams “No!” In case you guys haven’t figured it out, she was referring to the Star Wars saga. She then went on to incorrectly describe the Star Wars saga centering around the two characters Luke and Lea who have a kid together named Anakin. This alone made me actually suspect that she was troll, since she could have easily spent five minutes looking up the details on Wikipedia if she didn’t want to sit through the entire saga. Then again, SJW’s have been renowned for their intellectual laziness. The part that made me laugh the hardest is when the feminist described Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader as a representation of a man’s transition into a woman. It gets better. She actually said that Darth Vader’s foul temperament is parody of PMS and his red lightsaber represents the color of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Never have I laughed so hard at an alleged SJW.

Just when you think that the SJW’s couldn’t go any further down the path of insanity you have people who actually believe that trees are racist. The SJW’s in Palm Springs, California have lobbied local officials to remove the trees between a golf course and a housing project because they see it as a painful reminder of segregation. Then you have this reporter who walked around The University of Virginia campus with a fake petition that called for the ban of the classic song “White Christmas” because it discriminated against the other colors of snow. The sad part was that you actually had students who couldn’t tell that the reporter was actually mocking political correctness, so they were more than willing to sign the petition without question.

If that’s not amusing enough the owners of an online journal called Medusa Magazine, which parodied the talking points of many feminist journals, announced that they were going to shut down their site. Why? Because they realized that SJW’s have indeed become their own parodies. The owner discovered this after he posted an article titled “Why We Should Believe Women Who Accuse Right-Wingers of Rape more than Those Who Accuse Liberals.” Not too long after this article was posted, The Washington Post published an article that mirrored the exact same nonsense as the parody article, but unlike the one published on Medusa, the tone of the Washington Post article was dead serious. Yes, it is safe to say that feminists have become parodies of themselves.

The fact that it is getting to where it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a parody and an actual depiction of an SJW is good news for us. This shows that SJW’s can’t be taken seriously. It shows that when it comes to the Market Place of Ideas, they are definitely on the side that is going bankrupt.

Update: Once again, I am publishing an article that I had written over a year ago, but ended up getting pushed to the back when more pressing subjects came about. Since then, the SJW’s antics have ranged from the absurd to the downright insane. We have had a Southern Rock band banned from a county fair because their name was Confederate Railroad. Never mind that the word confederate isn’t necessarily synonymous with the Confederacy of the Civil War.

Also, the hand gesture known as the Okay sign is now considered as racist as the “Hail Hitler” salute. Why? Supposedly it has become a new symbol of white supremacy, even though the concept of the racist Okay sign was created by internet trolls who wanted to create a fake hate symbol to see if anybody was gullible enough to believe it. Apparently the SJW crowd really is that gullible, which is ironic to me because one of the earliest memories I have of seeing anyone use the Okay sign was Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop. Of course, the racism doesn’t just stop with harmless hand gestures. Now, everything about America’s history is now racist, especially the Betsy Ross flag, at least according to Colin Kaepernick and the idiots at Nike who chose to listen to him when they decided to recall a line of sneakers that featured that “Racist Flag.” Let us not forgot the Gadsden flag, which is now a symbol of hate. At least it is according to the historically illiterate blowholes who gave Chis Pratt of Guardians of the Galaxy fame flack for wearing that very shirt. You would think that everything that I just mentioned was one big parody, but you really can’t make this stuff up.

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