Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,038, September 15, 2019

The criminals themselves have been in charge
of the law, and for a long, long time

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Speaking Up
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

I have to wonder some times if the frontrunners on the Left are actively pushing for a bloodbath. There can be no other explanation for their constant attacks on Bill of Rights advocates. I can see no other sane reason why they would constantly be calling for what the esteemed El Neil calls Victim Disarmament in the wake of shootings carried out by lunatics who wouldn’t abide by any law they pass in the first place. Do they want us dead? Is that what they’re really up to?

I saw in passing on Glen Beck’s The Blaze Facebook page a commentator asking if liberals were actually, all joking aside, Evil (notice the capital ‘E’). I’ve wondered the same thing myself, more than once. There is ample evidence of it, after all. They’re willing to let us die to achieve their Red scheme. We’ve seen that time and again. They’re willing to grind us under their jackboot to make the world over in the image of their god (here see Stalin, Lenin, and of the plethora of vile monsters whose passing and failure the Left mourn and lament daily). As has been seen I don’t know how many times, they’re willing to fight to sustain the life potentially contained within an egg (as long as it’s an animal egg), but will fight just as viciously to make sure an unborn human child dies, should the parents see fit to murder it. So, yes, speaking objectively, and as someone who does believe in the existence of Evil, in its purest form, not as an abstraction or theological might-be, I can see no other more appropriately descriptive word to sum them up other than Evil.

With their constant calls of racist or sexist or transphobic or whatever other hatchet word they blurt out like so much hot air at anyone and everyone who calls them on their hypocrisy, we’ve finally gotten to a point where there’s not even a shred of sanity left in them. They’ve joined the agenda of blood, and nothing short of the total obliteration of their opponents will ever do. For years, at least as far back as that honestly over rated anti-human H.G. Wells, there have been calls to cull the human race into a more manageable number. Manageable in what way I leave to the reader’s imagination. Recently we have that pinko beast Sanders calling for the use of American currency to aid in abortion in foreign countries, to help the world and push back the fictional ravages of global warming. Love the world, kill your baby. And people cheer.


There was a time when I’d argued that while the Liberal talking heads were inhumane garbage, nevertheless the average, walkin’ around town Lefty was basically a decent, if politically wrong minded, person. Yet after seeing those self same average, walkin’ around town Liberals shout their heads off enthusiastically when their preferred candidates are actively pushing for the murder of God only knows how many unborn children, I concede that I must change that opinion. They’re not good folks who are misguided. They’re just as bad as their goose stepping overlords and masters.

My lovely and understanding (and admittedly smarter then I) wife has asked me on many occasions of late why I interact with folks fairly often in regards to politics. It makes me unhappy, makes me say things in a more harsh way than I otherwise would, and frankly makes me cuss up a storm, a bad habit that I’d gotten largely out of for years. So, why? Why jump into something that makes me miserable? It all comes down to something I read years ago.

I’m sure most of you’ve heard this already. Though this is only paraphrasing, it went something like, First they came for the Jews, but I was no Jew so I said nothing. It goes on from there, ending pointedly with, Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me. So that’s why. That’s why I just can’t keep my mouth shut. Why so many of those whose opinions hold so much weight with me can’t keep their mouths shut. Because there will inevitably come a time, if we don’t speak up now, that they will come for us, and no one will be left to seek for us.

We push back so that we might avoid shooting back. So, if applicable or not, repeat after me:

They came for the gun owners, and whether or not I was one I spoke up;

They came for the unborn children, and whether or not I had one I spoke up;

They came for our property, and whether or not I owned any I spoke up;

They came for our lives, and whether or not I liked mine I spoke up;

They came for our freedoms, and whether or not we use them, we spoke up.

Amen, and God bless.

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