Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,040, September 29, 2019

The left does not control states;
the left controls cities;
everything else belongs to the people.

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Anon. Reader

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

In the USA Today:

Why do liberals lie so much? Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives find it hard to comprehend how and why liberals lie so easily. Many liberals seem to lie without the slightest guilt of compunction.
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Amazing they have the courage to print this.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Anon. Reader


American media shuts down the Epstein story

Despite many unanswered questions, virtually all reporting on the death of multi-millionaire sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein has halted following the verdict of suicide by the medical examiner.

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Anon. Reader

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Why Do You Need…

Allegedly I had an IQ of about 142 back in my 20's, several drunken episodes and fevers ago. Swear the most IQ I've ever used is maybe 135.

So I don't need an IQ of 142.

I never wore glasses until I was 62. I passed my driving vision test without them and can in fact read quite well without them. So my uncorrected vision is 20/40 in my left eye and 20/70 in my right, but in our modern world that's apparently good enough. That's my old prescription, it's changed since but I could see to read, drive, and shoot well enough without glasses. Okay, I need readers for fine print.

I don't need my glasses and that little bit better vision they give me.

I don't need a cat and a dog. I don't need a wrist watch. I don't need all the books and magazines I have, or all the pipes, especially since I smoke maybe once every three to five months.

I live a peaceful life in a peaceful town. Stuff happens, so I might need a firearm to defend myself. Ten in the mag and one in the spout is plenty for any situation I can reasonably expect to face and most unreasonable ones.

I probably don't need a 14 round mag for my preferred carry pistol.

But I don't think some gadgie off in Washington DC Has the right to tell me how smart I can be or whether or not to get glasses or how many books I can have. I don't think I should answer to a stranger for how many pets I keep as long as I keep things clean and my critters healthy.

And I will not let someone else bet my life on whether I need a ten round or a fourteen round magazine in my pistol. I want to point out that I carry a compact pistol and usually carry it 10 and 1, the 14 round magazine is for a reload. If I have to reload I am in a situation I could not reasonably expect and letting someone else playing the odds tell me what I need is suicide.

Strangers don't know what you or I need. We should not have to ask them for permission to take what we consider are responsible precautions secure our well being or happiness.

So we won't.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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