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Number 1,043, October 20, 2019

Freedom is scary, but lack
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Glorious Open Source Healing (GOSH)
by Mimi Johnson
[email protected]
by Jim Davidson
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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
— R. Buckminster Fuller

In order to heal our world, we humans need to find ways to heal ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Part of that work is being willing to heal one another in various ways. Several of the great spiritual leaders of our world have said that loving one another is key to spiritual healing.

Healing has been confused and hidden by the trappings of a sort of religious fervour. Scientism is a belief that scientific principles have religious significance, and that persons wearing white lab coats have special knowledge, priestly powers, and must be paid deference. Persons of a libertarian or voluntaryist outlook, such as ourselves, are immediately sceptical about the authority of anyone claiming special knowledge and privileged status.

Worse, there are two significant cartels which control access to information about healing and access to some chemicals useful for healing. These cartels are the medical profession, especially the licensed and degreed medical doctors with their medical association; and the pharmaceutical industry with its governmental partner, the Food and Drug Administration.

About a hundred years ago, the doctors were upset by what they saw as a healthcare crisis of low cost medical services widely available, especially to working people through lodges and mutual aid societies. The medical associations at state and national level worked diligently to get state governments to outlaw "lodge practice" and were successful in preventing people from creating a mutual aid association for the purpose of providing clinical care.

The high cost of medical care now is a direct result of this determined effort to limit the number of doctors by restricting entry to medical schools, limit who can hire doctors through the banning of lodge practice, and also through the cartel of the pharmaceutical industry. About a century ago, Teddy Roosevelt asked congress to create the Food and Drug Administration, and over half a century ago it was imbued with great power by Harris and Kefauver after the pharmaceutical industry caused the Thalidomide crisis. Recently, it cost an average of $2.2 billion to bring a new pharmaceutical to market, including inventing, patenting, testing, licensing, approvals, and marketing.

Open Source

So, what is open source? Open source is the idea that information in the public domain should be accessible and easily applied. It is a term that arose after the activity it describes was already well developed. The term was coined by Christine Peterson in a meeting with her associates when the Netscape software for web browsing and other functions was being developed cooperatively by a large group of software experts.

The origins of the concepts involved in open source began with cryptography. During World War Two, many of the greatest mathematicians in the world worked on breaking codes. The Enigma code from Germany and the Japanese naval codes were broken using advanced computing machinery which gave rise, shortly after the war, to the development of digital computers. The word computer used to refer to a person who performed computation, but today we think only of machines in that role because they have been developed to perform computation very very rapidly. Among the kinds of computations computer systems do really well is taking the available data about a cipher and applying different rules to break the code. Over time, mathematicians were able to prove that secrecy wasn’t really very good at protecting codes.

Codes are broken mathematically, so publishing the code and getting other mathematicians to try various ways to break the code proved, in the 1950s and 1960s, to be far more effective at developing difficult codes than keeping the code itself secret. So, many of the most advanced codes developed during the 1970s were published and critically examined by mathematicians. We use some of these coding algorithms today in public key cryptography and in keeping web site connections secure.

At the same time, some people became unhappy with the prices charged for software and operating systems to run the advanced computer systems that were coming out in the 1960s and 1970s. This led to the development of a "free software" movement whereby software developers published the source code of their software. Other people were then free to examine it for errors, make improvements, and publish those changes. And in the early 1990s, the Netscape team came up with the term "open source" to describe this published source code concept. New licences for open source software were created and placed in the public domain.

Open source has lately been applied to hardware , as well. There are now entire libraries of open source machines. You can get the source code for making all the farm equipment you would ever want, and the same goes for quite a bit of other Earth moving equipment. Much of the 3D printing of structures and of devices uses published source code so that people are able to print to an existing design or modify the design and print something close to their heart’s desire.

Applying the Model

The model is easily applied to any human activity. The results should be nothing short of glorious, thus the title of this essay.

For example, did you know that Montmorency cherries have phytonutrients that help people who have or are susceptible to adult-onset diabetes? You can have some control over your blood sugar level by eating some of these cherries, which are widely available in grocery stores in the dried fruit section.

Did you know that there is such a thing as a placebo effect? The placebo effect can be identified when a double-blind study is conducted whereby neither the doctor nor the patient knows who is getting the tested medicine and who is getting a simple sugar pill. The doctor describes the benefits of the medicine, the patient believes those benefits are going to manifest, and in about 33% of cases the sugar pill is effective at bringing about healing. The belief that you are going to heal helps you heal.

Likewise, the belief that you are going to suffer or deserve to suffer, can create a set of conditions that leave you open to diseases. You can become sick by having negative thoughts. Again, there has been extensive documentation on this topic. You can find corroborating information.

The study of epigenetics and the study of quantum physics offer some handles on what is happening. There is considerable information in your genetic code that is not expressed. Some decades back, those parts of your genome were thought of as "junk DNA" because it wasn’t clear what purpose it served. Lately, though, we’ve established that different environmental factors can activate the expression of those genes, so you start having new characteristics. The research done by Charles Darwin is illustrative in this regard, because some of the species of Galapagos finches that he thought were different species were, in fact, one species that would shed its beak and grow a differently shaped beak in the presence of different foods at different times of year. The term we use to describe this alteration in the expressed genome is "epigenetics".

Quantum physics gives us another handle on such matters. We live in a universe in which the presence of an observer impacts reality. Heisenberg and Schrodinger wrote extensively on this topic. Heisenberg pointed out that if quantum events are invisible and unseen, they happen in certain ways, and if they are visible that requires that photons are bouncing off the particles involved, and, necessarily changing their paths. The work of Schrodinger illustrated that a quantum event happening, or not happening, could create a situation where you don’t know the condition of what’s inside a box until you open it - which is a capsule summary of Schrodinger’s cat, a thought experiment. That thought experiment led to the work of John Wheeler who pointed out that if we posit another dimension of time, then every time a quantum event can take place, it could happen each way and split the narrative thread of events into two paths. Since trillions of quantum events happen all over Earth every minute of every day, that’s a lot of timelines.

These are some ways of grasping what has been understood by mystics and spiritually enlightened persons for thousands of years. Your consciousness affects you, your choices and your mood affect your health.

A great many nutrients in your environment have healing properties. For example, many forms of cancer seem to depend on an acidic pH level in the bloodstream. A slightly alkaline pH level can cause some cancer cells to spontaneously die.

Persons suffering from enlarged prostate may benefit from drinking pomegranate juice, and this juice seems to be associated with much lower levels of prostate cancer. The healing properties of aloe vera gel for skin irritations, itches, scratches, and burns are fairly widely known, but drinking aloe vera juice and gel can bring healing to the urinary tract as well. Garlic is widely associated with better heart health. Exercise can also contribute a great deal not only to heart health but also to positive mood, through the release of endorphins d uring strenuous exercise.


Our goal with is to help people heal themselves and one another. Part of that work involves making new materials available through the processes our founder and inventor Mimi Johnson has discovered. Part of that work involves making information about known properties of healing nutrients (cannabis, Omega-3, myrrh, aloe and many others) available online and in publications, so that people can identify ways to help their own bodies heal.

We have been living in a fundamentally sick society, according to many wise people in recent years. Healing our world involves not only healing ourselves and one another, but healing the ways in which we interact. War, violence, and imprisonment, while clearly very profitable for some people, are wasteful, painful, and deadly for many.

Healing our world won’t be easy. It is worth doing. And open source healing can be a part of that work.


Mimi Johnson, chief executive officer of Kaneh LLC, has over fourteen years of brand management and marketing experience with globally known brands such as Anheuser Busch, Aetna, Coca-Cola, and many others. She is the inventor of a series of products based on hemp seed and suited to the edibles and cosmetics markets. Her education focused on psychology and marketing. Originally from St. Louis she is currently in Bedrock, Colorado working directly with hemp producers. Mimi founded Kaneh in 2018.

Jim Davidson, chief financial officer of Kaneh LLC, has over forty years experience as an entrepreneur beginning in metals recycling at age eight. He has started businesses, written business plans, planned and executed turn-around strategies, developed investment portfolios and wealth management plans, and worked with other businesses in a wide range of industries including real estate, aerospace, crypto-currencies, healthcare, management consulting, and publishing. Since 1992 he has been involved in cryptography and since 1998 he’s worked with digital currencies. Jim travels extensively and currently lives and works in Dayton, Ohio.

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