Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,053, January 12, 2020

Try not to faint on the coffee table, Mrs. Grundy.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

Yet Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from L. Neil Smith

A Christmas Message

My dear readers and friends,

I was going to call this a Christmas card to you, but having seen it again, I'm now going to call it a Christmas gift. It is a pair of recordings made by my daughter, Rylla Cathryn Smith (stage name: Gio Martelli), and I'm extremely proud and happy to pass her music on to you.

“Please Come Home for Christmas”

“Via Dolorosa”

Merry Christmas,
Nappy Chanukah,
and a joyous Zagmuk!

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: “Toxic Femininity” by Sarah A. Hoyt (in issue 1052)

Sarah did an excellent job here; it made me think. Sounds like she's right on target. She might want to have a look at something I wrote a while back about bullying:

“Thoughts on Bullying and Respect”

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]

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Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

L. Neil Smith Interview

Dear Readers and Friends,

Here is an interview I just gave about writing the Star Wars Lando Calrissian trilogy. Please enjoy!


L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Yet Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

“Assassination" Politics”

Dear Ken,

I am entirely disgusted with United States Senators Mike Lee (R, TX) and Rand Paul (R, KY)—although neither of them knows who I am and wouldn't give a pile of elephant dung if they did—who are objecting hysterically to President Donald Trump’s tidy extermination of a notorious serial killer and mass-murderer whose pattern of evildoing, established over twenty-years, and whose continued existence inarguably promised the annihilation of thousands or even millions of more individuals.

In Libertarian terms, the man was an habitual initiator of force.

Perhaps if Senators Lee and Paul knew who I am (as you know, I have been called a widely-respected authority on the ethics of self-defense), had read any of my thirty-some books, or gave that pile of elephant dung, they would not now be running around sounding like whiny little Democrats.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Another book plug

Seems this holiday I've done a lot of history reading. This is kind of amusing as I'm retired from teaching history. Read a book on Teddy Roosevelt's trip down the River of Doubt (renamed the Roosevelt River) I finished impressed by Roosevelt's stamina and courage. As I've said before thank God the current bunch of progressives don't match him, as these virtues translate into a charisma that make the holder extremely effective.

My latest serious read was Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger. This tome reviews the successful defense of New Orleans, which included defending Mobile and neutralizing Pensacola as a base of attack for the British. The author makes clear that Jackson helped create an American people by uniting the disparate groups he did into an effective force that defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans. The author also makes it clear that he subscribes to the theory that the British meant to hold New Orleans and to discuss how this would have affected both the geographic growth of the US and, more importantly, our national character.

Mentioned but not explored was the role this victory played in launching Andrew Jackson into national politics and becoming President. On the one hand this ended a certain elitism that guided American politics, on the other hand it opened the door to King Mob.

The Battle of New Orleans profoundly determined the fate of America and our nations character. Andrew Jackson's skills as as a strategist and tactician, not to mention his abilities as a leader who could get pirates, Free men of Colour, Tennessee militia, regular soldiers, Native Americans, regular Navy, and New Orleans society types to fight side by side, won this vital battle for the US.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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