Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,059, February 23, 2020

Being free means you get to enjoy
something because it’s beautiful..

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Editor,

For the last 12 months, a new holding company called Kaneh LLC has been founded, its business planned, and its first products developed. Inventor and branding expert Mimi Johnson founded our company last year at this time, and has built a great team for developing products and getting them to market. I've had the role of writing the business plan, developing contacts in industry, and as chief financial officer, engaging with investor prospects.

Kaneh plans to licence Mimi's patented technology, develop products, build a healing centre in Colorado, and surround that place with a freedom community. For many reasons, we've chosen the Paradox valley of Colorado for our work. If you're interested in the place, or the community, or our company, please be in touch with me for more information.

If you'd like to try some of our products and support our work, please visit our IndieGoGo campaign. Thanks!

Your friend,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

This and That

Voted early in Democratic primary as there are some offices for which only Democrats are running, for example, sheriff. Basically whoever gets the Donkey’s blessing gets the job. Actual primary election is on the 3rd of March in Texas, remember to vote.

Noticed that there were all sorts propositions, all very vaguely written where you can’t come out against something you think is wrong without coming out in favor of something evil. Reminded me of the polls in the ’80’s that proved 2/3 of the American people were for gun control and 2/3 were against it. The trick was to ask if people wanted to keep guns out of criminal hands in one poll and if they supported laws that allowed honest people to arm themselves for self defense in the other.

Speaking of self defense, last week I mentioned that Bloomie claims we only need guns with three shots because that’s all you should need to get a deer. I thought the laws usually are 3 rounds for ducks, 5 for deer, unlimited for varmints. The point is Bloomie is of the opinion we only need guns for hunting or other sports, and does not believe we need guns to defend ourselves. As a friend one time asked, “What color is the sky in your (Bloomie’s) world?”

Of course, while weapons are nice for self defense (Understatement), the Second Amendment was never mainly about self defense, but more about the people having the necessary tools to resist a tyrannical government (which is a special case of self defense if you think about it.).

I go to the range 2 time a week now that I have the time. While I was somewhat less horrible than most when I did not have time to practice I’m definitely getting better with regular practice. Wonder if regular practice makes me a member of the “well regulated militia?”

Vote this year to make sure the wrong people don’t get elected. Practice your shooting in case things go south.

Watch minute 32 through 36 of the premiere of “Zoe’s Extraordinary Playlist.” It’s a quite beautiful scene. Being free means you get to enjoy something because it’s beautiful.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Be Careful What You Ask For

I guess if the socialist tyrant gets elected President he’s probably going to try to ban private space travel along with fracking. You know it’s bad when the unions are telling their people to sit it out or vote for Trump!

Be Careful What You Ask For
by David Levin

Right now, socialism is all the rage in America. Bernie Sanders is surging in the polls and packing in throngs of young fanatics at his rallies like they were going to a free Beyonce concert. Throw in a few million baby boomers still dreaming of 1969, stir vigorously, and cook over a politically high heat until boiling, and they’re certain they have the antidote to eradicate the evil orange plague from the White House and save the world from a near certain apocalypse.
[Read More]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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